jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009
11 de septiembre: una provocación mundial
por Leonid Ivashov*
El General ruso retirado Leonid Ivashov, antiguo jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de Rusia, es una de las personas mejores informadas en el mundo, no sólo por el importante cargo que ocupó y que le permitió de gozar una serie de sofisticadas herramientas: satélites artificiales, inteligencia militar, equipo de analistas y otras redes de informaciones secretas o confidenciales, sino porque también hoy en día es vicepresidente de la Academia de Geopolítica en Moscú. Pero lo más destacado del General Ivashov es su transparencia y sinceridad al momento de hablar de problemas políticos de poder mundial que están afectando la Humanidad y que otras personas de su condición guardarían silencio por razones de Estado.
La experiencia de la humanidad demuestra que el terrorismo aparece donde quiera que se produce una agravación de las contradicciones en un momento determinado, donde las relaciones comienzan a degradarse en el seno de la sociedad y donde el orden social sufre cambios, allí donde surge la inestabilidad política, económica y social, donde se liberan potenciales de agresividad, donde decaen los valores morales, donde triunfan el cinismo y el nihilismo, donde se legalizan los vicios y donde la criminalidad se desarrolla aceleradamente.
Los procesos ligados a la globalización crean condiciones favorables para esos fenómenos, extremadamente peligrosos. Provocan una nueva división del mapa geopolítico del mundo, una redistribución de los recursos del planeta, violan la soberanía y borran las fronteras de los Estados, desmantelan el derecho internacional, acaban con la diversidad cultural, empobrecen la vida espiritual y moral.
Pienso que hoy en día podemos hablar de una crisis sistémica de la civilización humana. Esta se manifiesta de forma particularmente aguda en el plano de la interpretación filosófica de la vida. Sus manifestaciones más espectaculares tienen que ver con el sentido que se atribuye a la vida, a la economía y al campo de la seguridad internacional.
La ausencia de nuevas ideas filosóficas, la crisis moral y espiritual, la deformación de la percepción del mundo, la difusión de fenómenos amorales contrarios a la tradición, la competencia por el enriquecimiento ilimitado y el poder, la crueldad, llevan la humanidad a la decadencia y quizás a la catástrofe.
La inquietud, así como la falta de perspectivas de vida y de desarrollo en la que se ven sumidos muchos pueblos y Estados constituyen un importante factor de inestabilidad mundial.
La esencia de la crisis económica se manifiesta en la lucha implacable por los recursos naturales, en los esfuerzos que despliegan las grandes potencias mundiales, sobre todo los Estados Unidos de América, así como algunas empresas multinacionales para someter a sus intereses los sistemas económicos de otros Estados y tomar el control de los recursos del planeta, sobre todo el de las fuentes de aprovisionamiento en hidrocarburos.
La destrucción del modelo multipolar que garantizaba el equilibrio de fuerzas en el mundo provocó también la destrucción del sistema de seguridad internacional, de las normas y principios que regían las relaciones entre los Estados, y la del papel de la ONU y de su Consejo de Seguridad.
Hoy por hoy Estados Unidos se arroga el derecho de decidir el destino de otros Estados, de cometer actos de agresión, de someter los principios de la Carta de las Naciones Unidas a su propia legislación. Fueron precisamente los países occidentales quienes, mediante sus acciones y agresiones contra la República Federativa de Yugoslavia e Irak y al permitir de forma evidente la agresión israelí contra el Líbano, amenazando a Siria, Irán y otros países, liberaron un enorme energía de resistencia, de venganza y de extremismo, energía que reforzó el potencial del terror antes de volverse, como un bumerang, contra el propio Occidente.
El análisis de la esencia de los procesos de globalización, así como de las doctrinas políticas y militares de Estados Unidos, demuestra el terrorismo favorece la realización de los objetivos de dominación mundial y la sumisión de los Estados a los intereses de la oligarquía mundial. Eso significa que (el terrorismo) no constituye por sí mismo un actor de la política mundial sino un simple instrumento, el medio para instaurar un nuevo orden unipolar con un centro de mando mundial único, para borrar las fronteras nacionales y garantizar el dominio de una nueva élite mundial. Es precisamente esta última el principal actor del terrorismo internacional, su ideólogo y su “padrino”.
También es ella la que se esfuerza por dirigir el terrorismo contra otros Estados, incluyendo a Rusia.
El principal blanco de la nueva élite mundial es la realidad natural, tradicional, histórica y cultural que sentó las bases del sistema de relaciones entre los Estados, de la organización de la civilización humana en Estados nacionales, de la identidad nacional.
El actual terrorismo internacional es un fenómeno que consiste, para estructuras gubernamentales y no gubernamentales, en utilizar el terror como medio de alcanzar objetivos políticos aterrorizando, desestabilizando a la población en el plano socio-sicológico, desmotivando las estructuras del poder del Estado y creando condiciones que permitan manipular la política del Estado y el comportamiento de la ciudadanía. El terrorismo es un medio de hacer la guerra de manera diferente, no convencional. Simultáneamente, el terrorismo, conjugado con los medios [de difusión], se comporta como un sistema de control de los procesos mundiales.
Es precisamente la simbiosis entre los medios [de difusión] y el terror lo que crea las condiciones favorables a grandes trastornos en la política mundial y en la realidad existente.
Si se examinan en ese contexto los hechos ocurridos en Estados Unidos el 11 de septiembre de 2001, podemos llegar a las siguientes conclusiones:
El atentado terrorista contra las torres gemelas del World Trade Center modificó el curso de la historia mundial destruyendo definitivamente el orden mundial resultante de los acuerdos Yalta-Potsdam;
Desató las manos a Estados Unidos, Gran Bretaña e Israel, permitiéndoles realizar acciones contra otros países en abierta violación de las reglas de la ONU y de los acuerdos internacionales;
Estimuló el desarrollo del terrorismo internacional. Por otro lado, el terrorismo se presenta como un instrumento radical de resistencia a los procesos de globalización, como un medio de lucha de liberación nacional, de separatismo, como un medio para resolver los conflictos entre las naciones y las religiones y como un instrumento de lucha económica y política.
En Afganistán, en Kosovo, en Asia Central, en el Medio Oriente y en el Cáucaso, comprobamos que el terror sirve también para proteger a narcotraficantes, desestabilizando sus zonas de paso.
Está comprobado que en un contexto de crisis sistémica mundial el terror se ha convertido en una especie de cultura de la muerte, en la cultura de nuestra cotidianidad. Irrumpe en la próspera Europa, atormenta a Rusia, sacude el Medio Oriente y el este de Asia. Hace que la comunidad internacional se vuelva adicta a la injerencia violenta e ilegal en los asuntos internos de los Estados y a la destrucción del sistema de seguridad internacional. El terror engendra el culto de la fuerza y somete a esta la política, el comportamiento de los gobiernos y el de la población.
Lo más espantoso es que el terrorismo tiene mucho futuro debido a la nueva espiral de guerra que hoy se perfila por la redistribución de los recursos mundiales y por el control de las zonas claves del planeta. Dentro de la estrategia de seguridad nacional de Estados Unidos, aprobada este año por el congreso estadounidense, el objetivo abiertamente declarado de la política de Washington es «garantizar el acceso a las regiones claves del mundo, a las comunicaciones estratégicas y a los recursos mundiales», teniendo como medio para lograrlo la realización de golpes preventivos contra cualquier país. Desde el punto de vista del congreso, Estados Unidos puede entonces adoptar una doctrina de golpes nucleares preventivos, que tiene mucho de terrorismo nuclear. Ello implica la utilización a gran escala de sustancias nocivas y de armas de destrucción masiva. No habrá escrúpulos a la hora de determinar los medios a emplear para responder a un ataque. Sólo será cuestión de escoger los medios.
La provocación mediante un acto de terrorismo se convierte en un medio para alcanzar objetivos políticos a escala global, regional o local. Así fue como una provocación organizada en la localidad de Rachic (en Kosovo, Serbia) acabó dando lugar al cambio de régimen político en Serbia y al derrumbe de la República Federativa de Yugoslavia, mientras que servía de pretexto a la agresión de la OTAN y a la separación de Kosovo de Serbia. Se trata en ese caso de una provocación a escala regional. Lo mismo se puede decir de la reciente provocación que dio lugar a la agresión de Israel contra el Líbano, en julio de 2006.
Las explosiones en el metro de Londres, los desórdenes de Paris en 2005-2006, son provocaciones locales que tuvieron repercusiones en la política y en la opinión pública en Gran Bretaña y en Francia.
Detrás de prácticamente cada acto de terrorismo se esconden fuerzas políticas poderosas, empresas transnacionales o estructuras criminales con objetivos precisos. Y casi todos los actos terroristas, con excepción de las actividades de liberación nacional, son en realidad provocaciones. Incluso en el caso de Irak, las explosiones en las mezquitas sunnitas y chiítas no son más provocaciones organizadas según el principio «divide y vencerás». Lo mismo sucede con la toma de rehenes y el asesinato de miembros de la misión diplomática rusa en Bagdad.
El acto terrorista cometido con fines provocativos es tan antiguo como la humanidad misma. Provocaciones terroristas sirvieron precisamente como pretexto para el desencadenamiento de las dos guerras mundiales. Los sucesos del 11 de septiembre de 2001 constituyen una provocación mundial. Se puede hablar incluso de una operación a escala mundial. Las operaciones de este tipo generalmente permiten resolver varios problemas mundiales a la vez. Se pueden definir de la siguiente manera:
1. La oligarquía financiera mundial y Estados Unidos obtuvieron el derecho no formal de recurrir a la fuerza contra cualquier Estado.
2. El papel del Consejo de Seguridad se devaluó. Actualmente desempeña cada vez más a menudo el papel de organización criminal cómplice del agresor y aliado de la nueva dictadura fascista mundial.
3. Gracias a la provocación del 11 de septiembre, Estados Unidos consolidó su monopolio mundial y obtuvo acceso a cualquier región del mundo así como a sus recursos.
El desarrollo de una operación-provocación cuenta siempre con la obligada presencia de 3 elementos: el que ordena que se realice, el organizador y el que la ejecuta.
En el caso de la provocación del 11 de septiembre, y contrariamente a la opinión dominante, «Al Qaeda» no podía ordenar su realización, ni organizarla ya que no disponía de los recursos financieros (enormes) que exigiría una acción de tanta envergadura.
Todas las operaciones que ha realizado esa organización son acciones de tipo local y bastante primitivas. No dispone de los recursos humanos, de una red de agentes lo suficientemente desarrollada en territorio estadounidense, que le permitirían penetrar las decenas de estructuras públicas y privadas que garantizan el funcionamiento de los transportes aéreos y que velan por su seguridad. Por consiguiente, Al Qaeda no podría haber sido el organizador de esa operación (si no ¿de qué sirven el FBI y la CIA?). En cambio, sí puede haber sido un simple ejecutante de este acto terrorista.
En mi opinión, puede haber sido la oligarquía financiera mundial la que ordenó la realización de esa provocación, para instaurar de una vez y por todas «la dictadura fascista mundial de los bancos» (expresión del conocido economista estadounidense Lyndon Larouche) y para garantizar el control de los limitados recursos mundiales en materia de hidrocarburos.
Se trataría además de garantizar para sí misma el predominio mundial por largo tiempo. La invasión de Afganistán, país rico en yacimientos de gas, la de Irak y quizás también la de Irán, países que cuentan con reservas de petróleo de nivel mundial, así como la instauración de un control militar sobre las estratégicas vías de transporte del petróleo y el radical aumento de precio de este último son todos consecuencias de los sucesos del 11 de septiembre de 2001.
El organizador de la operación puede haber sido un consorcio bien organizado y abundantemente financiado y compuesto de representantes (antiguos y actuales) de los servicios secretos, de organizaciones masónicas y de empleados de los transportes aéreos. La cobertura mediática y jurídica la garantizaron órganos de prensa, juristas y políticos a sueldo. Los ejecutores fueron escogidos en función de su origen étnico en la región que posee los recursos naturales de importancia mundial. La operación se realizó con éxito, los objetivos fueron alcanzados.
La expresión «terrorismo internacional», como principal amenaza para la humanidad, irrumpió en el diario quehacer político y social. Esa amenaza se identifica con la persona de un islamista, ciudadano de un país que dispone de enormes recursos en materia de hidrocarburos. Se ha destruido el sistema internacional construido en la época en que el mundo era bipolar y se han alterado las nociones de agresión, de terrorismo de Estado y de derecho a la defensa.
El derecho de los pueblos a la resistencia ante la agresión y frente a las actividades subversivas de los servicios secretos extranjeros así como el derecho a la defensa de sus intereses nacionales está siendo pisoteado. En cambio, se confieren todas las garantías a las fuerzas que tratan de instaurar una dictadura mundial y de dominar el mundo.
Pero la guerra mundial no ha terminado aún. La provocaron el 11 de septiembre de 2001 y no es más que el preludio de grandes sucesos que están por ocurrir.
Leonid Ivashov
El General Leonid Ivashov fue jefe de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Federación de Rusia. Hoy día es el vicepresidente de la Academia rusa de geopolítica y miembro de la conferencia Axis for Peace..
jueves, 5 de marzo de 2009
España transmite a Reino Unido su "indignación" por la visita de la princesa Ana a Gibraltar
El ministro de Exteriores, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, aprovecha la reunión de jefes diplomáticos en Bruselas para expresar el descontento a su homólogo David Miliband
AGENCIAS - Bruselas - 05/03/2009
La visita de la princesa Ana a Gibraltar ha despertado el "rechazo, consternación e indignación del Gobierno español". De esta forma ha transmitido el ministro de Exteriores, Miguel Ángel Moratinos a su homólogo británico, David Miliband, el descontento por el viaje de tres días que la hija de Isabel II ha comenzado ayer al peñón.
Moratinos ha aprovechado la reunión de jefes diplomáticos de la OTAN en Bruselas para expresar el malestar español a la visita, que se ha concretado a pesar de la protesta del Gobierno. "Le he explicado que esta visita hiere la sensibilidad de todos los españoles", ha dicho Moratinos a Miliband, quien mostró su preocupación por el rechazo que ha generado en la prensa española la presencia real en la colonia británica. El titular español de Exteriores le ha explicado que lo que se refleja en los medios españoles es "el sentimiento, diría que unánime, de la opinión pública española".
Según Moratinos, el ministro británico le respondió que "hay que seguir trabajando para avanzar y mejorar en las relaciones a través del Foro de Diálogo Tripartito para así evitar conflictos", en referencia al mecanismo en el que participan representantes de España, Reino Unido y el Gobierno gibraltareño.
Gibraltar, con una superficie de menos de 7 kilómetros cuadrado, es territorio de ultramar británico desde 1713, cuando se firmó el Tratado de Utrecht.
AGENCIAS - Bruselas - 05/03/2009
La visita de la princesa Ana a Gibraltar ha despertado el "rechazo, consternación e indignación del Gobierno español". De esta forma ha transmitido el ministro de Exteriores, Miguel Ángel Moratinos a su homólogo británico, David Miliband, el descontento por el viaje de tres días que la hija de Isabel II ha comenzado ayer al peñón.
Moratinos ha aprovechado la reunión de jefes diplomáticos de la OTAN en Bruselas para expresar el malestar español a la visita, que se ha concretado a pesar de la protesta del Gobierno. "Le he explicado que esta visita hiere la sensibilidad de todos los españoles", ha dicho Moratinos a Miliband, quien mostró su preocupación por el rechazo que ha generado en la prensa española la presencia real en la colonia británica. El titular español de Exteriores le ha explicado que lo que se refleja en los medios españoles es "el sentimiento, diría que unánime, de la opinión pública española".
Según Moratinos, el ministro británico le respondió que "hay que seguir trabajando para avanzar y mejorar en las relaciones a través del Foro de Diálogo Tripartito para así evitar conflictos", en referencia al mecanismo en el que participan representantes de España, Reino Unido y el Gobierno gibraltareño.
Gibraltar, con una superficie de menos de 7 kilómetros cuadrado, es territorio de ultramar británico desde 1713, cuando se firmó el Tratado de Utrecht.
martes, 3 de marzo de 2009
Exclusive: The Iraqi Resistance Responds to President Obama
The Political Committee
The Republic of Iraq
Statement in Response to President Obama’s Remarks made on the 27th or February 2009 regarding the proclaimed ending to the occupation of The Republic of Iraq.
Official English Transcript Release No: 57
March 02, 2009 "Information Clearing House" --
Good Evening,
In Respect to the remarks of President Barak Hussain Obama, The president of the United States of America. The Political Committee of a number of factions in the Iraqi Resistance, mainly the factions present in our front, respond with our point of view on the contents of his speech.
Over the last four months, as the battle of our people continues to free Iraq of all foreign occupation. We have been studying the movements on the ground as well as analyzing the intelligence in order to assess the next strategy that the US administration will take under the leadership of the new presidency.
We had formulated our own plan of action based on the above mentioned, but have chosen to give the new president enough time to gather his thoughts and have a suitable amount of reports & briefings that would give him also a good picture of the daily developments on the ground.
President Obama, After listening to your speech on the 27th of February 2009, in which you declared your general and public understanding of the ongoing war against our people, and gave your military and the honorable people of the United States brief points on your intentions in our country, we felt the spirit of the speech that your predecessor President JFK gave on the 20th of January 1961, on his inaugural address. In this speech, he offered a turbulent world, a way out of tensions and paid with his own blood for challenging the interests of those in your consecutive governments who hold the true keys to power. Those who would do anything to preserve their interests, wealth, & power to create wars & conflict.
We mention this with great honesty in hope to spread awareness and remembrance that a new Caesar may be betrayed, by his own, if he chooses to follow a different path. We do believe, on the other hand, that the spirit of the speech was well chosen.
We have listened well to your economic plans for your country released before this speech as well, and as ambitious as it may seem, we believe that if intentions are genuine within your congress, a considerable number of what you seek will eventually be fulfilled, but in case of failure, the republicans will be looking for a scapegoat to relate all their failures to. In this case it would be your administration. This will guarantee them a fast comeback.
You have inherited a nation at war, a failed economy, and a desperate people who are bearing the full brunt of an economic crisis that was not of their making. As well as thousands of young men dead and handicapped.
We have inherited a foreign occupation, endless counts of innocent dead, injured, and handicapped, millions of refugees, in essence, Mr. President, the complete and planned disintegration of our nation and people.
We believe that the funds wasted in this war would have been more useful if it were spent on research to develop alternative energy, which no doubt would have reduced energy conflicts, cures for cancer, agricultural solutions to prevent worldwide poverty, advancements to develop Africa, where people still die of starvation and intentional neglect. Endless causes, all in need of immediate attention.
By the will of God almighty, the resilience of our men, and the patience of our humble people, we have so far managed to halt and render useless all imperialist agendas set for Iraq and the region in whole. Simply by choosing to resist occupation, a right guaranteed by God first and then by international conventions to all men. A right your country’s policies continue to disrespect and dishonor, in clear example to state sponsored Terrorism.
You have spoken to our people in part of your speech, and we thank you for these words, you have displayed a far better understanding our nation, than your predecessor, who preferred to dive deep into the oceans of illiteracy and ignorance. Despite the fact that you did not mention the Iraqi resistance in your speech, and chose to label us as terrorists along with those who arrived with your troops, we will set that aside for now, and mention a few facts for the record.
1- The people of Iraq whom you addressed, in all their sects colors and religions, refuse your occupation, and those who accept it, are those who benefit from it.
2- The Iraqis you addressed, as we truly hope, are not the ones who bathe in the riches of treason, behind your walls of the green zone, nor are they the likes of Ahmed Al Chalabi, whom your previous government conspired with and his likes from the dark alleys of 5 star hotels in the US and Europe prior to your occupation.
3- The Iraqi people you talked to, are those who never invited your occupation, and were trying their best to survive on what was possible, under the criminal sanctions that went on for 13 years only to be crowned with a foreign occupation, unmatched in criminal acts, in today’s modern world.
President Obama, The suffering, that our people had to go through is beyond comprehension. And the endless crimes of your troops as well as that of neighboring countries, cannot simply be undone or dismissed, nor can they be brushed under the carpet. Your troops still occupy the land and kill the innocent, that is why we can only address you as the president of an occupying nation.
The Iraqi People are disappointed in your plan. They expect your troops to leave our country in full and not in part. Our people, seek a complete end of occupation and not the fulfillment of a strategic treaty that was rushed against the will of our people, in the last few days of your predecessor.
Our people, as well as the majority of people around the world, and in your country, want to see the last president be presented to an international war crime tribunal for all the crimes he has committed in the name of your country, only to benefit those who brought him to power in the first place.
We have never invited your occupation, nor have we asked your country to steal our country’s resources to benefit your corporations and to those neighboring states which historically fall under your influence. We have never asked you for your precious blood or ours, to us, all blood is precious even that of the your soldiers sent by your government to die not knowing what they were truly fighting for. This has to be addressed to the man who started this war, and is hiding now in Texas, while you try to undo his damage.
We the Iraqi People and their resistance demand the following:
1- The fulfillment of all the conditions presented to your government through the mediators you
Sent in 2006.
2- The hand over of all the traitors & Collaborators in the green zone to the Iraqi people where
They will be dealt with as any nation would do with in cases of high treason.
3- The full & just compensation for our people for the losses they have suffered.
4- The halting of all compensations paid to those who fall under your umbrella in the region from the resources of our people.
5- The return of all land stolen from our country.
6- The departure of all foreign corporations mainly in the sectors of energy, communication, & infrastructure rebuilding, specifically those linked to Neocon interests. Our people are more than qualified to rebuild and operate our institutions.
7- The hand over of all mercenaries accused of killing innocent civilians mainly security contractors in Black Water and their CEO to be tried for murder.
8- All foreign advisors are to leave Iraq with your troops.
9- The dismantling of all militias equipped by your country and Iran together to shift the nature of battle towards the sectarian nature in order to allow your troops to concentrate on the major resistance activities in the central region of Iraq.
10- The halting of all support to the sectarian government elected in the orchestrated elections in the green zone.
11- The reduction of the influence of your Persian allies in Iraq which your previous government worked with in close conjunction and who continue to fund Al Qaeda on behalf of your intelligence agency’s behalf.
12- The return to the old constitution of a unified Iraq. And the Upholding of new elections
Within 6 months of the resistance taking power of the nation, this will be supervised,
By must be conducted in the presence of a number of credible international monitors. Not the ones
Sponsored by the CIA.
13- Cities and provinces are to be handed over one by one starting with the four main cities and airports of Baghdad, Basra, then Mosul and Kirkuk in the same order. The rest will fall immediately in our hands. The borders will have other arrangements.
The list goes on, but the intention is to give you an idea of what we pledged our people to achieve. In return for our people’s demands, we will cease to attack all occupation forces withdrawing to the south and beyond the border post of Safwan.
Without these straightforward moves on your part, we regret to inform you that the resistance of the people of Iraq will continue until that last boot of US/British/Persian occupation is thrown across the borders of our country.
If you choose change as you claim, then you must have reached the conclusion that to continue dealing with the same people your predecessor appointed to fulfill his dirty work, will fail to deliver positive results for both our people. It is not the thieves of the green zone who brought the defeat of your military.
You must search further for the honest Iraqis and from the ranks of our people and not those of your collaborators to achieve a just solution. You can also recognize the right for the Iraqi people to resist and publicly ask for our advice and representation. The Iraqi people intend to be masters of their own house as they always have, and by following the plan you have declared, you have not yet fully understood Iraq well.
There are those who will claim, that a quick withdrawal from Iraq will cause civil war, and that is a possibility, but we would also like to clarify that the forces of the puppet government which has been equipped to defeat the resistance will not stand ground, nor will they block our efforts to liberate our cities one by one if we had to, and all the efforts of your collaborators to move to the north and south of the country and create their own federal states have been studied well for their weaknesses and will be crushed within a short period. This is a more realistic scenario. True there will be still the Persian occupation which will offer it’s militias support, but we know that the US cannot leave the oil rich south to be occupied by Iran, and they would rather see it fall in our hands instead. As it would be giving too much to a close yet not so trust worthy ally, and would deprive your military necessary funds that would support long-term military presence necessary in Iraq and throughout the region. Funds that some in your government think they can still rely on. Funds that your economy can no longer bear in the midst of the turmoil in the globalized economy of your nation, to control the world.
The Iraqi resistance understands well that the US could not continue to sell oil at a high price
of 120 USD/Barrel to cover the costs of it’s war, as this strengthens old adversaries. And it would be only a matter of time before this tactic backfires on the US foreign policy. But it also understands that the US cannot fund foreign occupation any more without depending on local resources and revenues to cover the expenses. This is the true cause of the change of “Strategy” as you named it President Obama.
With oil prices falling to their true realistic market values, & the winter ending in the consuming economies, the oil prices should fall to 30 USD plus mark, which is also effecting the local economies of your allies in the region, as anything below 55 USD per barrel, is already becoming a burden on these economies, which in turn can no longer assist to their full potential in funding and supporting the costs of US aggression in the Region.
The Declining of oil revenues, which we truly thank you for mentioning in your speech, will make it more difficult to fund your military’s operations in Iraq, and that is why the numbers of your troops is to be reduced. To match the income predicted from the oil projects sponsored by your corporations in the south and the oil theft operations run by your agent, Hamid Jaffar in the north of Iraq in collaboration with NGO oil of Norway, is what your strategists think is possible.
Yes President Obama, we do agree with you, that the US needs a smarter, more sustainable & comprehensive approach, but rest assured, that what your predecessor has failed to achieve with all the military might at his disposal, we will make sure that you will fail to achieve the same goals through the soft hand of the Democratic party.
In fact, it is more logical and practical to follow the alternative energy programs that you have set wisely, to ensure the non reliance of your economy on oil as well as the utilization of advancements and added fruits of R&D to employ the unemployed, and support a new and young market for the shift in energy dependence, and in turn end the monopolization of energy, practiced by the corporations that control it and control world political and social stability, than to merely dream of expecting the Iraqi People to hand you over their resources.
We on the other hand intend to nationalize and use our resources to build an alternative energy base our selves and offer our people a life of prosperity, & stability, as well as supporting the energy transition of other nations that are oil dependant, a task we truly believe is noble and worthwhile.
The Iraqi Resistance will not accept any short term or long term energy contracts with the US until we ensure that the rights of our people are properly addressed. And within the parameters of relations based on mutual respect first and mutual interests second.
President Obama, It is time that people in Washington understand that there are no shared interest between an occupying tyrant and an oppressed victim of occupation.
Your government would have stayed forever in Iraq if the traitors who conspired with your consecutive administrations had their way in starving the Iraqi people into submission and force them to welcome your occupying troops with flowers as Chalabi promised you. But after three wars and over a decade of sanctions, there were enough honest men to defeat the world’s most powerful army & play a major role in destroying the most imperialistic Globalized economy ever developed by expansionary capitalism.
These are the type of people you are speaking to Mr. Obama. And if you were not presented with this reality throughout the briefings that occurred, and understood the true scale of the economic disaster with all the social and geopolitical implications of your military defeat in Iraq, then please allow us to mention a few of the major achievements that the Iraqi Resistance have promised it’s people and the free people of the world and has delivered:
1- We promised to pin down your troops in Iraq and drain your economy until you admit defeat and withdraw your troops. And this we fulfilled.
2- We promised to halt the US plan for Middle East in full, and prevent the loss of other innocent lives in other neighboring countries, and that we fulfilled.
3- We embraced the war and continue the fight on behalf of all the oppressed world, which not only stood still and watched the massacre of our people and the illegal occupation of our nation, but many of it’s leaders participated and continue in harming our people inside and outside Iraq and assist in the theft of our resources. This, apart from the support of honest people all around the world,
4- including citizens of your country, who marched day and night to support the cause of Iraq’s right to resist, marches that defied the weather, and weathered criminal defiance and ignorance of world politicians. Marches that we will ever be indebt to, and in gratitude & in appreciation for. May god bless those people wherever they are. And this we fulfilled and continue to do so.
5- We have understood the nature of international balances of power and most importantly predicted the primitive mind of the occupation and played a major role in forcing the US to increase oil prices in clear desperation for cash. And use that to allow other powers to recover. And the numbers never lied, this we also fulfilled.
6- The Iraqi People wrote a new chapter in Urban warfare, and invented the art of remote combat, and in turn gave the world lessons and set a new standard in how to defeat the world’s most powerful army. In this, the most dangerous achievement that threatens US global influence is that all the oppressed people who suffer from negative US influence, can use this experience to free themselves as well. This also has been delivered.
7- The Resistance has already drafted its 2, 5 and 10 year plan to engage Iraq in rebuilding programs that will set a new standard for development in the Region and restore Iraq to it’s rightfully earned place in world politics and positive human development. This while maintaining Iraq’s isolation from harmful neighboring countries at the same time, these plans was prepared and drafted in the early months of 2007 and are ready to implement once we see the end of your occupation.
8- The resistance created a new battle field and utilized every tool available to break free of the corporate media and tell, inform, and educate the world of the true nature of the struggle, and present every curious man and woman daily reports and videos of your military’s defeat and in every language possible. People from all over the world, chose out of their own free will and time, people of different religions and backgrounds chose to be soldiers of the cyber wars and translated all what we had to tell, asking nothing in return but the truth. The true casualties of your war are yet to be declared. (We refer to the green card soldiers)
9- The resistance has sparked not only the collapse of the US economy, but also caused the domino effect and the destruction of your fine tuned and delicate Globalized economy, and forced the return to national economic protection, and the rights of local and regional economies to grow and ensure a decent life and practice their right to develop as well. All your efforts to restore the globalized economy will deliver nothing of value, and puppet governments that maintain your oversight of world resources will eventually fall, one after the other, as their faults will be more evident to their average citizens, and that is why you are now receiving daily reports, from the CIA about the world economy.
TRULY IRONIC !! Nevertheless represents the true state of shock you policy makers have reached. But all can be reversed if you truly believe in Change Mr. President.
The resistance along with the votes of the peace loving people in your country and choice of the world
Who brought you to power, are more than capable to pull you down and defeat your new strategy, if you choose to lie to them and follow the plans of your predecessor.
You must understand that the time when your foreign policy bullied and bribed people into submission is over and for a considerable time. And your politicians and strategists have to understand that to be accepted as a superpower you must first learn to speak to the world with modesty and respect that others in this planet, also have the right to provide for their families a decent life, the right to food and water, the right to education and knowledge, the right to industry and employment, and free from your corporate despotism.
We in the Iraqi resistance, renew our pledge to our people and to our brothers and sisters in the global family, to continue the fight and struggle to free Iraq and give our allies the chance to follow suite.
While you were preparing your new strategy in leaving the streets and highways of Iraq to your collaborators, and hiding your troops behind the walls of the castles and green zones you have prepared for your minimized long term presence, we have been preparing to address your new tactics and will deal with them in the proper manner.
Remember, that hiding behind and holding castles is no longer sustainable in modern warfare!
Your finest fighting force as you name it, is up against the most witty, resilient & innovative self-propelled resistance honorable humanity has ever presented. Rest assured that we are not impressed with your plan and will follow your movements on the ground and cross examine them to your declared intentions and daily economic reports. There is no such thing as friendly occupation, and we advise you to revise your plans to vacate Iraq at a time suitable for our people and not suitable for your agents in the green zone.
And if you need to talk to honest Iraqis, then you know very well, where to find them. John F Kennedy also said “Let us never negotiate out of fear, but never fear to negotiate”
You choose to negotiate with all the parties that worked for your predecessor and have caused all this harm, yet you choose to ignore the only true party that can offer you a decent outcome.
Good Luck President Obama!
The Political Committee - Baghdad – The Republic of Iraq
The 3rd of Rabi' Awwal 1430 H
The 28th of February 2009 M
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