viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

Waiting for a US-China explosion


This is part two of PIMCO's look at the growth prospects for the global economy. Part one can be found here.

The year ahead will likely be very challenging for the global economy. Growth faces several hurdles that PIMCO believes collectively will impose a sense of greater uncertainty and increased volatility on financial markets. These hurdles include the need for accelerated balance sheet deleveraging, slowly creeping but surely rising risks of financial and economic de-globalisation, and the constant drumbeat of re-regulation, particularly in developed country banking systems.

Continue reading

martes, 27 de diciembre de 2011

الجبهة الإسلامية للإنقاذ تطلق موقعا الكترونيا رغم الحظر القانوني على نشاطها

أطلقت قيادات من الجبهة الإسلامية للإنقاذ المحظورة، اليوم الاثنين 26ديسمبر، موقعا على شبكة الإنترنت باسم الحزب، وهو أول موقع يتم فتحه في إطار النشاطات التي يقوم بها قياديو الحزب المحل رغم الحضر القانوني على نشاطاتهم.

وجاء في كلمة الرقم الثاني في الحزب المحل علي بن حاج بمناسبة افتتاح الموقع قوله: إن الموقع "مفتوح على مصراعيه وكل من أراد أن يساهم في إثراء هذا الموقع بالمقالات الهادفة وعرض المظالم المتنوعة - صوتاً وصورة- التي يعاني منها مختلف أبناء الشعب الجزائري عبر جميع ولايات القطر".
وقد تضمن الموقع أول بيان أصدره مناصفة كل من عباسي مدني وعلي بن حاج، اليوم، جاء فيه أنهما قاما بـ" تكليف محامين دوليين لرفع شكوى لدى الهيئات الدولية الحقوقية والجهات القضائية ذات الاختصاص في هذا الشأن ضد النظام الجزائري، لإلغاء قانون العار وإرجاع الحقوق المسلوبة لأصحابها".
وأكد البيان أن هذه الخطوة هي رد على مصادقة المجلس الشعبي الوطني على المادة الرابعة من قانون الأحزاب الجديد والذي تمنع عودة الأعضاء السابقين في الفيس إلى النشاط السياسي

martes, 20 de diciembre de 2011

VP Biden Says that ‘The Taliban, Per Se, Is Not Our Enemy’

In interview with Newsweek/Daily Beast, Vice President Biden asserted that “the Taliban per se is not our enemy.”

The ongoing reconciliation process has long included bringing in forces who have taken up arms against the U.S. and against the Afghan government, but Biden might face criticism for stating that as an organization the Taliban is not the enemy of the U.S., when its leadership and members have devoted so much time, resources and energy towards killing American soldiers.

Republicans are already circulating the quote, noting that U.S. forces are still killing, and being killed by, Taliban fighters, trying to figure out how to use the quote given the reality that any peace in Afghanistan will by necessity likely need to include a brokered peace with Taliban forces.

The interview was conducted by Les Gelb, with whom Biden authored the so-called “soft partition” plan to divide Iraq into three semi-autonomous regions: Sunni, Shi’a and Kurd.

In the wide-ranging interview, Biden talks about how Pakistan was able to live with a Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, which the U.S. would have been able to do had the Taliban stopped harboring al Qaeda. He asserts that the U.S. could have lived with the Taliban too, if that government had turned over al-Qaeda members.

Then the VP then turned to the reconciliation process, saying, “We are in a position where if Afghanistan ceased and desisted from being a haven for people who do damage and have as a target the United States of America and their allies, that’s good enough. That’s good enough. We’re not there yet. Look, the Taliban per se is not our enemy. That’s critical. There is not a single statement that the president has ever made in any of our policy assertions that the Taliban is our enemy because it threatens U.S. interests. If, in fact, the Taliban is able to collapse the existing government, which is cooperating with us in keeping the bad guys from being able to do damage to us, then that becomes a problem for us.”

You can read the whole interview HERE.

-Jake Tapper

امير قطر يخبر القذافي عن مخطط لقلب النظام في السعودية

امير قطر يخبر القذافي عن مخطط لقلب النظام في السعودية بالاتفاق مع الاستخبارات الغربية في تسجيل مسرب من ارشيف الاستخبارات الليبية

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

The Truth About The War On Libya Government Lies Revealed A Goverment Conspiracy 2011

We have all seen in the news over the past year the terrible conflict in Libya, but we are not all aware of the true story.

We have heard a very one sided argument presented to us from our media.
We have heard many lies, which appear to be covering the truth from us so we cannot make a clear, fair judgment for ourselfs.

This film has been created to show the people of the world another side of the story. The side from the Libyan people them selves.

We have been led to believe the majority of Libyans wanted an over- throw of their govnment, but this is far from the truth.!

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

البنتاغون يقر بإلقاء رفات لجنوده بالقمامة

البنتاغون يقر بإلقاء رفات لجنوده بالقمامة

الأمة اليوم - وكالات:-
تعرضت القوات الجوية الأمريكية لانتقادات شديدة بعد الكشف عن إلقاء بقايا رفات ما لا يقل عن 274 جنديا أمريكيا في مقلب للقمامة بولاية فرجينيا

وأقرت القوات الجوية بالإجراء المثير للجدل الشهر الماضي وقالت: إنها أوقفته في عام 2008 .
لكنها لم تكشف عن عدد الجنود الذين ألقيت بقايا رفاتهم في القمامة إلا بعد تحقيق أجرته صحيفة واشنطن بوست.
والقوات الجوية الأمريكية مسئولة عن التعامل باحترام مع رفات الجنود في قاعدة دوفر الجوية، وهي نقطة الدخول الرئيسية لقتلى الحرب الأمريكيين في حربي العراق وأفغانستان.
وهاجم راش هولت وهو عضو ديمقراطي في الكونجرس إدارة القوات الجوية للأمر ووصف الإجراء بأنه 'تدنيس واضح.'
وجرى تطبيق هذا الإجراء في دفن أشلاء جنود أمريكيين قتلوا في انفجارات كبيرة وعثر على بقاياهم بعدما كانت أسر الجنود قد تسلمت جثثهم.
وقالت القوات الجوية:إن أسر 274 جنديا قتيلا أعطت الجيش الإذن بالتعامل مع أي بقايا لكنها أضافت أن الأسر لم تكن على علم بأن هذه الرفات ستنتهي بها الحال في مقلب للقمامة بعد حرقها.
ودافع رئيس أركان القوات الجوية الأمريكية نورتون شوارتز عن قرار عدم إقالة أي شخص على خلفية الإجراء، لكن وزير الدفاع الامريكي ليون بانيتا طلب من القوات الجوية إعادة النظر في العقاب الذي ستفرضه بسبب ما حدث.

وأمر بانيتا أيضا بمراجعة مستقلة لإجراءات الدفن الحالية في دوفر.

الصليب الأحمر الأمريكي: جثث قتلى طالبان الأفغانية في المعارك لا تتعفن

المختصر/ نشر موقع الصليب الأحمر الأمريكي ِAmerican Red Cross تقريرا حول جثث قتلى حركة طالبان الأفغانية في المعارك التي تدور بينهم وبين القوات الأجنبية، واستغرب الصليب الأحمر الذي كلف بتجميع الجثث ودفنها في (مزار شريف) عدم تعفن جثث مقاتلي طالبان. يقول التقرير: إن الخبراء أرجعوا السبب للجو البارد هناك، ولكن صدمهم ان جثث جنود تحالف الشمال تنتفخ، وتخرج منها رائحة كريهة. ويضيف أن الخبراء يحاولون البحث عن اللغز في الطعام الذي يأكله مقاتلو طالبان، وهل هناك علاقه بين الطعام والتركيبة الدموية، خصوصا وأن بعض المقاتلين تبقى دماؤهم حارة وهم ميتون

المصدر: المصريون

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

أولى الصور لأبناء الامام اسامة بن لادن

الصورة تجمع الخال زكريا بكلا من إبراهيم وحسين أنباء شقيقته زوجة أسامة بن لادن
عدن أونلاين/ خاص:

قال زكريا أحمد السادة شقيق زوجة أسامة بن لادن إن السلطات الباكستانية رفضت تسليمه شقيقته وأولادها الخمسة للعودة بهم إلى اليمن بعد أن كانت نفس السلطات قد وعدت في وقت سابق بترحيلها إلى اليمن وأوضح زكريا إن السلطات الباكستانية رفضت التجاوب مع طلبه وأنه لا يسمح له بزيارة شقيقته وأبنائها إلا كل سبعة أيام.

وأضاف أن شقيقته وكل زوجات بن لادن تحت الإقامة الجبرية وأنه لا يسمح لجميع أفراد العائلة بمغادرة المكان وأبدى قلقه من الحالة التي وصل إليها الأبناء الذي قال إنهم لم يروا ضوء الشمس منذ وقت طويل وأن ظروفهم الصحية قد تتدهور خاصة مع دخول فصل الشتاء وحول الظروف التي يعيشونها قال السادة إن جميع عائلة بن لادن تسكن في منزل واحد وتفرض عليهم السلطات حراسة مشدده وتمنع الجميع من زيارتهم قائلاً إنه وبصعوبة جداً أستطاع اللقاء بشقيقته وأولادها .

وحول انتقال كل عائلة بن لادن إلى قطر قال "السادة" أن السلطات الباكستانية لا تزال تتحفظ بالعائلة وأنها لم تستجب لأي جهود من قبل السفارة اليمنية هناك والتي تبذل جهوداً كبيرة لاستعادة شقيقته حسب وصفه وإعادتها إلى اليمن وناشد عبر إيلاف جميع المنظمات الحقوقية إلى مخاطبة الحكومة الباكستانية للإيفاء بما وعدت به في وقت سابق ودعا جميع الناشطين الحقوقيين في اليمن إلى مساندته في إستعاده شقيقته وأولادها حيث وقد مضت فترة كبيرة وهو لا يزال في باكستان في ظروف معيشية صعبة.

وقد نشر زكريا السادة في صفحته على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي "فيس بوك" صورة جمعته مع أبناء الشيخ أسامة بن لادن، إبراهيم وحسين واللذان يتحدثان اللغة العربية الفصحى هذا وتعتبر أول الصور لأبنا أسامة بن لادن من أرملته اليمنية.

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

Anonymous - Message to the American People

Dear brothers and sisters. Now is the time to open your eyes!

In a stunning move that has civil libertarians stuttering with disbelief, the U.S. Senate has just passed a bill that effectively ends the Bill of Rights in America.

The National Defense Authorization Act is being called the most traitorous act ever witnessed in the Senate, and the language of the bill is cleverly designed to make you think it doesn't apply to Americans, but toward the end of the bill, it essentially says it can apply to Americans "if we want it to.

Bill Summary & Status, 112th Congress (2011 -- 2012) | S.1867 | Latest Title: National Defense Authorization Act for.

This bill, passed late last night in a 93-7 vote, declares the entire USA to be a "battleground" upon which U.S. military forces can operate with impunity, overriding Posse Comitatus and granting the military the unchecked power to arrest, detain, interrogate and even assassinate U.S. citizens with impunity.

Even WIRED magazine was outraged at this bill, reporting:

Senate Wants the Military to Lock You Up Without Trial

...the detention mandate to use indefinite military detention in terrorism cases isn't limited to foreigners. It's confusing, because two different sections of the bill seem to contradict each other, but in the judgment of the University of Texas' Robert Chesney — a nonpartisan authority on military detention — "U.S. citizens are included in the grant of detention authority."

The passage of this law is nothing less than an outright declaration of WAR against the American People by the military-connected power elite. If this is signed into law, it will shred the remaining tenants of the Bill of Rights and unleash upon America a total military dictatorship, complete with secret arrests, secret prisons, unlawful interrogations, indefinite detainment without ever being charged with a crime, the torture of Americans and even the "legitimate assassination" of U.S. citizens right here on American soil!

If you have not yet woken up to the reality of the police state we've been warning you about, I hope you realize we are fast running out of time. Once this becomes law, you have no rights whatsoever in America. — no due process, no First Amendment speech rights, no right to remain silent, nothing.

The US senate does not want us to speak. I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
Cruelty and injustice...intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission. How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told...if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.

I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War. Terror. Disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you and in your panic, you turned to the now President in command Barack Obama. He promised you order. He promised you peace. And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

More than four hundred years ago, a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness. Justice, and freedom are more than words - they are perspectives. So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you, then I would suggest that you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked. But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek...then I ask you to stand beside one another, one year from November 5th, 2011, outside the gates of every court house of every city DEMANDING our rights!!

Together we stand against the injustice of our own Government.

We are anonymous.
We are Legion.
United as ONE.
Divided by zero.
We do not forgive Censorship.
We do not forget Oppression.
Expect us!!

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Russia Threatens to Kill NATO War in Afghanistan

Following the Pakistani government’s recent decision to shut down NATO supply lines into Afghanistan indefinitely, Russian officials upped the ante by subtly threatening to close off northern routes for the occupation if the U.S.-led military alliance refuses to back down on a proposed missile defense system in Europe. According to analysts, such a move by Russia at this point would either spark a new war or force a rapid withdrawal of supply-starved Western forces from the region.

Russian Ambassador to NATO Dmitri Rogozin was widely quoted last week as saying that if the military alliance refuses to offer a serious response to the Kremlin’s demands, "we have to address matters in relations in other areas." And the Russian government’s cooperation in the NATO occupation of Afghanistan could be one of those areas, he warned.

Supply routes through Pakistan for the Afghan war effort — which delivered about half of the alliance’s supplies — were completely sealed off late last month. The border closures came after NATO forces killed more than two dozen Pakistani military officers and soldiers in an attack inside Pakistan’s borders.

Western officials apologized for the killings. But it was not enough. Outraged Pakistanis poured into the streets as the regime ordered border crossings and U.S. airbases closed. NATO chiefs were left scrambling to route all of the necessary supplies through the "Northern Distribution Network" via Russia and former Soviet states bordering Afghanistan to the north.

The new geopolitical situation — NATO’s absolute reliance on Russian cooperation to keep the landlocked Afghan war going — has given the Kremlin a powerful bargaining tool. And while the Russian regime has supported the NATO occupation so far, that could change.

The U.S. government recently worked out agreements with its counterparts in Romania and Turkey to set up new missile defense systems — supposedly to protect Europe from a hypothetical attack by Iran. But the Russian regime is not happy about it, arguing that it would alter the nuclear balance of geopolitical power, and has become increasingly vocal in recent weeks.

Another contentious issue straining relations between Washington and Moscow is the Russian government’s controversial alliance with the regime of Syrian “President” Bashar Al-Assad. NATO governments have become increasingly aggressive, applying new waves of sanctions on Syria and even issuing veiled hints of a possible regime-change operation in the works.

Meanwhile, Russian authorities have steadfastly refused to cooperate with the Western belligerence toward Assad. The communist dictatorship ruling mainland China and the Russian government both recently vetoed a resolution in the United Nations Security Council condemning the Syrian regime. And Russia is expected to continue frustrating NATO efforts at the international level — especially after what happened in Libya.

But with Russia’s newfound leverage, the U.S. government and the military alliance are in a tough spot, analysts said. “Simply raising the possibility of cutting supply lines forces NATO and the United States to recalculate their position in Afghanistan,” noted George Friedman, founder of the Austin, Texas-based intelligence firm Stratfor. “No matter how small the probability, it places more than 100,000 U.S. and allied troops in a vulnerable position.”

Most observers agreed that Russia was probably unlikely to follow through with the threat, at least not as a first response. Blocking NATO’s supplies would, of course, create enormous problems for the Western occupation of Afghanistan. But it would also create more than a few headaches for the Russian government.

Still, it is not outside the realm of possibility.

"If the U.S. is not responsive, then a cutoff could be a reality at some point," said Ivan Safranchuk, deputy head of the Institute of Contemporary International Studies in Moscow. "Russia would like the U.S. to be more serious about Russian concerns."

Other Russian analysts defended the nation’s right to use such a threat as a bargaining tool to pressure the U.S. government. “There are processes which are critically important for Russia — which are about Russia’s national security,” explained Yury Krupnov of the Institute for Demography, Migration and Regulation Development.

Citing Washington’s proposed missile program in Europe and the expansion of NATO along Russia’s borders “without taking into consideration Russia’s concerns,” Krupnov told Russian TV network RT that the policies give Moscow the right “to use any leverage it has to be heard by its partner.”

If the supply routes were eventually cut off, analysts universally acknowledge that the consequences would be devastating for NATO and U.S. forces. The Western-backed regime of Afghan leader Hamid Karzai would almost certainly collapse quickly, too.

Strategy Professor Michael Vlahos at the U.S. Naval War College explained that Russia has even more leverage than Pakistan right now. “The U.S. has a very tenuous kind of placement in Afghanistan and it is highly vulnerable to the Pakistanis,” he told RT. “But it is more vulnerable to Russia. If Russia were to withdraw its permission for the U.S. to use its rail lines we would be in a very difficult position in Afghanistan.”

Pakistani analysts, meanwhile, were even more blunt about the potential catastrophic scenario. Experts cited by Pakistan's The News International said the Russian threat, if acted upon, would deliver the “deathblow” to the NATO occupation, creating a “cold deathtrap” for Western forces that would cause massive casualties.

“Americans and NATO troops have been strangled in Afghanistan,” said retired Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul, the former chief of Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) agency. And if Russia follows through, which Gul believes is a very real possibility, the situation would become even more dire for Western powers.

“NATO troops will have to exit Vietnam-style,” Gul noted, calling for cooperation between the governments of Pakistan and Russia on the matter. “And that, too, by using Pakistan’s airspace, because Iran will never let U.S.A. use its airspace.”

Even if Russia is bluffing, however, massive damage has already been done. Analysts pointed out that the vulnerability of the Western alliance and its occupation has been unveiled for the world — and the Afghan fighters battling the coalition — to see.

“The United States and NATO have been exposed as waging a war that depended on the willingness of first Pakistan and now increasingly Russia to permit the movement of supplies through their respective territories,” wrote Stratfor’s Friedman. “Were they both to suspend that privilege, the United States would face the choice of going to war to seize supply lines — something well beyond U.S. conventional capacity at this time — or to concede the war.… Washington, of course, hopes the Pakistanis will reconsider and that the Russians are simply blowing off steam. Hope, however, is not a strategy.”

The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan tried to downplay concerns. "Whatever terms need to be negotiated they will be handled between diplomats and the states of the Northern Distribution Network,” a spokesman was quoted as saying in The Australian. “ISAF does not negotiate with the Russians on border crossing rights." All supplies through the NDN, however, currently pass through Russian territory before reaching the Afghan border.

Following the Russian statements, U.S. Ambassador to NATO Ivo Daalder proclaimed that President Obama planned to proceed with the missile defense system "whether Russia likes it or not." Russian leaders, meanwhile, have reportedly already ordered the military to develop plans for attacking and disabling the as-yet non-existent U.S. missile sites in Europe.

Some analysts expected an eventual triumph of diplomacy on the supply-lines and missile-shield issues. Others, however, warned that the escalating tensions might even be the beginning of an impending third world war.

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

عاجل : وفاة حسني مبارك

ترددت منذ دقائق أنباء عن وفاة الرئيس المخلوع حسني مبارك، إكلينيكيا حيث أكد شهود عيان من العاملين داخل المستشفى عن وجود هياج كبير داخل المركز الطبي العالمي حول الجناح الذي يقيم فيه مبارك. وأضاف شهود العيان أن جسد الرئيس السابق في حالة خمود كامل وتوقف نهائي لجميع وظائف المخ متضمنا وظائف جذع المخ. وأكد الشهود أن الأطباء شخصوا الحالة مبدئيا وأوضحوا عدم قدرة مبارك على الاستجابة لجميع المؤثرات الطبية المختلفة واختفت حركة حدقة العين. كانت بعض المواقع قد نشرت خبر بكاء وعويل وتدهور صحة مبارك بعد مشاهدته مقتل القذافي علي يد الثوار حيث انتابت مبارك حالة من الهيستريا كادت أن توقف قلبه لمجرد سماعه الخبر لولا تدخل الأطباء وإعطائه جرعة مهدئة. وسيطرت حالة الخوف على مبارك حينما شاهد مقتل القذافي ودخل في نوبة بكاء خوفاً من أن يلاقي مصير معمر القذافي , وقد كثفت القوات المسلحة تواجدها الأمني أمام المركز الطبي خوفاً من 'بطش الثوار' لا سيما وهو يحاكم بتهمة قتل الثوار أثناء اندلاع ثورة الخامس والعشرين من يناير

miércoles, 30 de noviembre de 2011

'US sends terrorists to fight Syria govt.'

The US has reportedly released hundreds of terrorists from its prisons in Iraq on condition that they leave the country for Syria and fight against the government of President Bashar al-Assad.

More than 400 terrorist have been freed from US prisons in Iraq to help fuel unrest in Syria, Islam Times quoted Lebanese political analyst Anis al-Naqqash as saying. He added that they have entered Syria illegally via Turkey.

Naqqash also criticized Arab media for leading a propaganda campaign against the Syrian government and trying to implicate the Syrian army for the killing of hundreds of civilians and unarmed demonstrators.

He added that the Arab media refuse to report the atrocities committed by armed groups in Syria which has left nearly 2,000 security personnel dead.

Meanwhile, Turkish lawmaker Birgul Ayman Guler, the deputy chairperson of Turkey's main opposition party, the Republican People's Party (CHP), said that Western media outlets are not reflecting the reality in Syria.

Guler, who visited Syria about one month ago as part of a Turkish delegation comprised of 38 women, told Press TV on Tuesday that the reality in Syria is different from what the Western media outlets are reporting.

''What we understood during the visit was that the Western media were lying about the situation in Syria,'' she said, adding that foreign elements, such as the United States and the European Union, are trying to carry out a plot in Syria.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March, with demonstrations being held both against and in favor of President Bashar al-Assad. Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been killed in the turmoil.

The opposition and Western countries accuse Syrian security forces of being behind the killings in the country, but Damascus blames what it describes as outlaws, saboteurs and armed terrorist groups for the deadly violence, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad.

President Assad has warned against any foreign attack against Syria, saying the military action will cause instability in the whole Middle East.


lunes, 28 de noviembre de 2011

Pakistan PM: No more "business as usual" with U.S

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Pakistan's Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani ruled out "business as usual" with the United States on Monday after a NATO attack killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, and the army threatened to curtail cooperation with Washington onAfghanistan drastically.

Saturday's incident on Pakistan's border with Afghanistan has complicated U.S. attempts to ease a crisis in relations withIslamabad and stabilize the region before foreign combat troops leave Afghanistan.

"Business as usual will not be there," Gilani told CNN when asked if the relationship with the United States would continue. "We have to have something bigger so as to satisfy my nation."

Gilani's comments reflect the fury of the Pakistani government and military, and the pressure they are under from their own people. "You cannot win any war without the support of the masses," he said. "We need the people with us."

The relationship, he said, would continue only if based on "mutual respect and mutual interest." Asked if Pakistan was receiving that respect, Gilani replied: "At the moment, not."

Gilani's comments cap a day of growing pressure from the Pakistani military, which threatened to reduce cooperation on peace efforts in Afghanistan.

"This could have serious consequences in the level and extent of our cooperation," military spokesman Major General Athar Abbas told Reuters.

Pakistan has a long history of ties to militant groups in Afghanistan so it is uniquely positioned to help bring about a peace settlement, a top foreign policy and security goal for the Obama administration.

Washington believes Islamabad can play a critical role in efforts to pacify Afghanistan before all NATO combat troops pull out in 2014, and cannot afford to alienate its ally.

Pakistan shut down NATO supply routes into Afghanistan in retaliation for the weekend shooting incident, the worst of its kind since Islamabad allied itself with Washington in 2001.

"We have been here before. But this time it's much more serious," said Farzana Sheikh, associate fellow of the Asia program at Chatham House in London.

"The government has taken a very stern view. It's not quite clear at this stage what more Pakistani authorities can do, apart from suspending supplies to NATO forces in Afghanistan."

Adding a new element to tensions, and a diplomatic boost for Islamabad, Pakistan's ally China said it was "deeply shocked" by the incident and expressed "strong concern for the victims and profound condolences for Pakistan.

Russia, which has been seeking warmer relations with Pakistan as worry grows over the NATO troop pullout in Afghanistan, said it was "unacceptable" to violate the sovereignty of states even when hunting "terrorists."

On Saturday, NATO helicopters and fighter jets attacked two military outposts in northwest Pakistan, killing the 24 soldiers and wounding 13 others, the army said.


NATO described the killings as a "tragic, unintended incident" and said an investigation was underway. A Western official and an Afghan security official who requested anonymity said NATO troops were responding to fire from across the border.

Pakistan's military denied NATO forces had come under fire before launching the attack, saying the strike was unprovoked and reserving the right to retaliate.

Abbas said the attack lasted two hours despite warnings from Pakistani border posts. "They were contacted through the local hotline and also there had been contacts through the director-general of military operations. But despite that, this continued," he said.

After a string of deadly incidents in the largely lawless and confusing border region, NATO and Pakistan set up the hotline that should allow them to communicate in case of confusion over targets and avoid "friendly fire."

Both the Western and Pakistani explanations are possibly correct: that a retaliatory attack by NATO troops took a tragic, mistaken turn in harsh terrain where differentiating friend from foe can be difficult.

An Afghan Taliban commander, Mullah Samiullah Rahmani, said the group had not been engaged in any fighting with NATO or Afghan forces in the area when the incident took place. But he added that Taliban fighters control several Afghan villages near the border with Pakistan.

A similar cross-border incident on September 30, 2010, which killed two Pakistani service personnel, led to the closure of one of NATO's supply routes through Pakistan for 10 days.

The attack was the latest perceived provocation by the United States, which infuriated and embarrassed Pakistan's powerful military in May with a unilateral special forces raid that killed al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.


The main Pakistani association that delivers fuel to NATO forces in Afghanistan said it would not resume supplies soon in protest against the NATO strike.

In the Mohmand region, where the attack took place, hundreds of angry tribesmen yelled "Death to America." About 200 lawyers protested in Peshawar city, some burning an effigy of U.S. President Barack Obama.

Newspaper editorials were strident. "We have to send a clear and unequivocal message to NATO and America that our patience has run out. If even a single bullet of foreign forces crosses into our border, then two fires will be shot in retaliation," said the mass-circulation Urdu language Jang newspaper.

The NATO strike has shifted attention away from what critics say is Pakistan's failure to go after militants.

Pakistan joined the U.S. global war on militancy launched after al Qaeda's September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, and won billions of dollars in aid in return.

But the unstable, nuclear-armed country has often been described as an unreliable ally, and the United States has resorted to controversial drone aircraft strikes against militants on Pakistani territory to pursue its aims.

U.S. frustrations grew so much that Obama ordered the raid that killed bin Laden in Pakistan be kept secret, knowing it could make the United States even more unpopular in Pakistan.

(Additional reporting by Zeeshan Haider and Rebecca Conway in ISLAMABAD, Izaz Mohmand, Jibran Ahmad and Faris Ali in PESHAWAR, and William Maclean in LONDON; Writing by Michael Georgy; Editing by David Stamp)

sábado, 26 de noviembre de 2011

ليبيا الجديدة تسلح "ثوار" سوريا

ليبيا الجديدة تسلح "ثوار" سوريا

الانشقاقات عن الجيش السوري التابع للنظام مستمرة (الفرنسية)

أجرت السلطات الليبية الجديدة محادثات سرية مع "المتمردين" السوريين الجمعة تحدث الجانبان خلالها عن أنجع الطرق لتأمين أسلحة وأموال للمساعدة في التمرد ضد نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد, وفق ما كشفته ديلي تلغراف البريطانية.

وذكرت الصحيفة أن السوريين طلبوا في اللقاء الذي تم في إسطنبول بحضور مسؤولين أتراك دعما من الممثلين الليبيين، وأن أسلحة عرضت عليهم مع احتمال إرسال متطوعين لمساعدتهم.

ونقلت عن مصدر ليبي اشترط عدم كشف هويته قوله "إن شيئا يجري التخطيط له لإرسال أسلحة وربما حتى مقاتلين من ليبيا إلى سوريا" مضيفا أن تدخلا عسكريا يجري الإعداد له وأنه "في غضون أسابيع قليلة سوف يتكشف للعيان".

وعلمت تلغراف أيضا أن مناقشات أولية بشأن إمدادات الأسلحة جرت بين الطرفين عندما زار أفراد من الوطني السوري ليبيا في وقت سابق هذا الشهر.

ووفق الناشط بحقوق الإنسان ذي العلاقة بالوطني السوري وسام طاريس, فإن الليبيين يقدمون المال والتدريب والأسلحة إلى ذلك المجلس. ويؤكد أن الانتقالي الليبي جاد في عرضه.

وتقول مصادر بمدينة مصراتة الليبية إن أسلحة ربما تم بالفعل إرسالها. ووفق أحد مهربي السلاح خلال الثورة الليبية, فإن بعض الأشخاص قد تم بالفعل توقيفهم بينما كانوا يبيعون أسلحة لمشترين سوريين.

ويتزامن الكشف عن هذه الأخبار مع هجوم نفذه "متمردون" سوريون على قاعدة جوية خارج مدينة حمص مما أدى لمقتل ستة طيارين، وفقا لبيان صادر عن الجيش السوري.

ويقول عضو المجلس العسكري بطرابلس حامد الماجري إن الليبيين يشعرون بتحالف وثيق مع السوريين خصوصا أن "بشار أرسل أسلحة للقذافي خلال الثورة الليبية، وثمة مئات الأشخاص الذين يريدون الذهاب للقتال في سوريا، أو المساعدة بوسائل أخرى وفق استطاعتهم".

يُشار إلى أن ليبيا كانت أول دولة في العالم تعترف بالمعارضة السورية بوصفها السلطة الشرعية

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

American Police Are So Brutal that the Egyptian Military Is Justifying Its Murder of Tahrir Square Protesters By Pointing to the Crackdown on Occupy W

Egyptian Military Points to American Police Brutality in Justifying Murder of Tahrir Square Protesters

And America’s response towards the peaceful Occupy protesters has been so brutal that now the Egyptian military is justifying its murder of protesters in Tahrir Square by saying they are just following the American example. As Gawker notes:

Two people were killed in Cairo and Alexandria this weekend as Egyptian activists took the streets to protest the military’s attempts to maintain its grip on power. And guess how the state is justifying its deadly crackdown. “We saw the firm stance the US took against OWS people & the German govt against green protesters to secure the state,” an Egyptian state television anchor said yesterday (as translated by the indispensable Sultan Sooud al Qassemi; bold ours).

Note: American protesters are protesting for the same reasons as the Egyptian protesters. Truly, it is the people of the entire world versus the oligarchs and their mercenaries.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

رفع الأعلام السوداء في بنغازي يثير مخاوف الغرب من القاعدة

رفع الأعلام السوداء في بنغازي يثير مخاوف الغرب من القاعدة

سلط الإعلام الغربي أضواءه على نبأ يقول إن «القاعدة» رفعت علمها فوق أحد رموز الثورة الليبية متمثلا في مبنى محكمة بنغازي. وتكمن أهمية هذا المبنى في أنه صار مركزا لتنظيم القتال الذي أنهت 42 عاما من حكم نظام معمّر القذافي.

الخبر ورد أولا على موقع «فايس دوت كوم» الذي قال إن العلم الأسود، الذي يحمل الشهادتين بالأبيض فوق قمر مكتمل بالأصفر، يرفرف جنبا الى جنب مع العلم الليبي القديم الذي تبناه الثوار. وقال الموقع إن المجلس الوطني الانتقالي نفى مسؤوليته عن هذا الأمر أو أي علم له بمن رفعه.

وأضاف الموقع إن «الإسلاميين» شوهدوا وهم يقودون سياراتهم في مختلف أنحاء المدينة وهم يلوحون بهذا العلم ويهتفون «لا شرقية ولا غربية، جمهورية إسلامية». وتخاطفت وسائل الإعلام النبأ فورا، فقالت «ديلي تليغراف» البريطانية إن هذا التطور «يأتي في أعقاب فرض الثوار أحكام الشريعة في بعض مناطق البلاد بعد تسلمهم السطلة فيها».

وأعادت الى الأذهان إعلان مصطفى عبد الجليل، رئيس المجلس الوطني الانتقالي، أن الشريعة ستكون هي مصدر القوانين في ليبيا الحرّة. وقالت إن ذلك التصريح أثار مخاوف عميقة في عواصم الغرب وأن رفع علم القاعدة على مبنى محكمة بنغازي سيضيف الآن قدرا كبيرا الى هذه المخاوف.

وتبعا للصحيفة فإن كل هذا يحدث على خلفية تنذر بالخطر وهي الأنباء التي تفيد أن الشقاق بدأ يدب وسط فصائل الثوار وأن الأمر بلغ حد القتال بين فصيلين منها في أحد مستشفيات طرابلس تبعا لما أوردته الأنباء الواردة من هناك يوم الاثنين.

وقالت إن هذا الأمر يضيف المزيد بدوره الى القلق المتعاظم إزاء أن لا أحد يبدو قادرا على السيطرة على الآلاف من حملة السلاح في العاصمة وغيرها من المدن والبلدات، وأن الحكومة المؤقتة الجديدة قد تعجز بالكامل عن اتخاذ اللازم بهذا الشأن وفرض الأمن والنظام.

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Nuclear November: Izzies Want Iran War

By Captain Eric H. May

Israel, the country that 60 percent of Europeans considered the world’s most dangerous nation in a 2002 poll, is close to starting yet another war, its third in the last five years, this time with Iran.

The Jewish Nation, propped up by apartheid and war crime, cries that worldwide anti-Semitism is rising up against Worldwide Jewry by paying too little attention to Iran and too much attention to Palestine — and it intends to fix things soon. The cacophony of war drums grew loud on Halloween:

Netanyahu: Nuclear Iran threatens Israel

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Monday that a nuclear Iran would be a serious and direct threat to Israel. “A nuclear Iran poses a heavy threat to the entire world – and to Israel in particular,” Netanyahu said during the opening of the Knesset’s winter session, warning that the regime in Tehran is continuing its efforts to obtain nuclear weapons. — Haaretz, 10/31/11

It grew louder later:

US fears Israeli strike on Iran

Many Israelis are concerned that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak decided on an attack on Iran’s nuclear reactors. The US is naturally also concerned over such plans which may send the entire region into a whirlwind. — Ynetnews, 10/31/11

It grew louder still yesterday:

Israel warns West: Time to stop Iran

Israeli ambassadors in Western countries have been instructed to inform high-ranking politicians that the window of opportunity for imposing effective sanctions on Iran is closing, as part of a renewed diplomatic offensive aimed at using new sanctions to stop Tehran from developing a nuclear bomb. — Haaretz, 11/1/11

These dangerous developments corroborate my analyses and admonitions, which can be found in my Veterans Today archive. My latest five about Israel/Iran war prospects should be interesting to intelligent readers, and invidious to the Israel Lobby — as all worthwhile analysis should be:

Bunkered Barack Obama Awaits World War

10/25 — There are unsettling current events that make this presidential appearance in Denver seem like another command post exercise ready to go live for a false flag, world war or both.

San Antonio 10-19-11 Terror Plot

10/22 — It’s a story that bears chilling similarities to the terror attacks conducted against Oklahoma City and New York City, but the Wednesday morning arrest of five Moroccan terrorist suspects in San Antonio quickly passed from the lurid to the ludicrous in media descriptions.

America Awakens to Denver False Flag Danger

9/27 — Denver, location of the nation’s state-of-emergency command apparatus, was the scene of massive terror training Friday. With financial markets crumbling worldwide, Zionists reeling from the push for Palestinian statehood in the UN and an Israeli attack on Iran, as reported by Haaretz, under consideration, a false flag operation may well be in the works, and Obama’s placement in Denver may well be the king retreating to his castle before the battle begins.

Jewish Jihad and World War

9/25 — Before I am assailed by the usual screams from the usual suspects, let me point out that the fear of Jewish jihadists starting a world war is not uniquely mine. There was an op-ed by Jewish dissident Sefi Rachlevsky in Haaretz Wednesday that said the same thing: Netanyahu must be stopped from attacking Iran.

BREAKING: Texas City Terror Scare

9/23 — Late last night I received this report from a reliable source inside the mammoth BP refinery in Texas City, Texas: “This morning at 0930, the fire alarms went off at BP, causing an evacuation. Normally BP announces in advance when it is going to have an emergency drill, but in this case employees said that they were surprised. Many said that they were reminded of the unannounced nuclear exercise of 2006, and believe that something is up.” Nine hours after the emergency drill there was an emergency.

To summarize my five articles:

  • Israel needs U.S. backing for a war with Iran, which can be most easily gained by a false flag terror attack against the U.S.
  • There have been two false flag close calls in the last six weeks, each followed by an Obama retreat to the emergency command citadel of Denver.
  • The U.S.and Israel are rehearsing a joint false flag and world war plan.

The writing is on his wall, and it’s up to the Internet Intelligentsia to do what it does best by investigating it and discussing it, for these are the best means of preventing it.

* For the best and bravest documentary about Israeli false flag terror, watch filmmaker Mike Delaney’s 9/11 Missing Links.

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