viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

Vídeo: Muslim terrorist Al Qaeda leader fighting in Syria photographed inside a US aid tent

Glenn Beck shows a photo of an Islamic Al Qaeda leader fighting inside Syria against secular forces. Beck pulled out a photo that has been circulating the internet that seems to show Commander Muhajireen Kavkaz wa Sham, a leader of an Al-Queda linked group, inside a USAID tent.

The USAID website explains that the organization "carries out U.S. foreign policy by promoting broad-scale human progress at the same time it expands stable, free societies, creates markets and trade partners for the United States, and fosters good will abroad."

"America, this should be on the front page of every newspaper. This is the result of our (foreign) policy. This is, again, if this isn't aiding and abetting the enemy, I don't know what is -- in a USAID tent, holding a rocket launcher, an Al Qaeda rebel," Glenn said while holding the photo.

ThBlaze has been unable to confirm with certainty that the photo is real, but TheBlaze's Sara Carter told Glenn: "We can't verify the authenticity of this photo yet, but according to the people that I've been speaking to, they believe it to be authentic."

Why is the United States of America siding with American enemy Al Qaeda who wants to destroy the USA, Canada and all of our western ways? Al Qaeda is going to kill all the Christians, Alawites, Shiites, remaining Jews, atheists, and other non-Sunni Muslims. Al Qaeda wants to destroy secularism, women's rights, and human rights in Syria and is behind the Syrian civil war.

Al Qaeda linked terrorists were behind the Nairobi Kenya mall attack and behind the Catholic Christian church bombing in Pakistan. So why are we helping these animals?

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

الرئيس الأسد: لا خيار لدينا سوى أن نصمد.. واحتمال ضربة اميركية لا يزال قائما

أكد الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد أن السوريين اليوم أكثر تمسكا بالدفاع عن وطنهم من قبل بكثير، لافتا إلى أن العمليات الإرهابية ومنها التي تأتي بتمويل وتحريض من الخارج هدفها إيصال السوريين إلى اليأس الكامل ولكنها كانت تعطي تأثيرات معاكسة.
وقال الرئيس الأسد إن معظم تصريحات المسؤولين الأمريكيين في معظم الإدارات هي تصريحات لا تحمل الحد الأدنى من المصداقية ومنذ بداية الأزمة في سورية بنيت السياسة الأمريكية على الأكاذيب سواء كانوا يعلمون أو لا يعلمون وأنا باعتقادي أنهم كانوا يعرفون بمعظم الاكاذيب ولكن ازدادت كثافة هذه الادعاءات والأكاذيب وساهمت الإدارة مباشرة بالتزوير بعد طرح موضوع استخدام الكيميائي في سورية في 21 آب الماضي ولم تقدم هذه الإدارة أي أدلة على ادعاءاتها ما يعني عمليا أنها كانت تكذب على الشعب الأمريكي.  
وفي مقابلة مع شبكة تيليسور الفنزويلية، قال الرئيس السوري انه لا يستبعد تدخلا مسلحا اميركيا ضد بلاده بالرغم من المناقشات الجارية بشأن تفكيك اسلحته الكيميائية. وعلق الرئيس الاسد على التهديد الاميركي بضرب سوريا، قائلاً "لو عدت للحروب التي خاضتها الولايات المتحدة ولسياسة الولايات المتحدة، على الأقل في النصف الأول من الخمسينيات، فهي سياسة تنتقل من عدوان إلى آخر بدءا بكوريا مرورا بفيتنام إلى لبنان إلى الصومال إلى أفغانستان إلى العراق". واضاف "هذه هي السياسة الأميركية التي نراها حاليا وهي نفسها التي كانت موجودة منذ عقود، ولا أرى أن هناك سببا رئيسيا الآن ليجعلها تتغير، هذا يعني أن احتمالات العدوان دائما قائمة".
وحول الاتفاق الروسي الاميركي الذي اعلن عنه في 14 ايلول/سبتمبر في جنيف حول الكيميائي السوري، قال الرئيس الأسد ان "سورية تلتزم عادة بكل الاتفاقيات التي توقعها". واضاف "قامت سوريا مؤخرا بالبدء بتسليم البيانات الضرورية لهذه المنظمة، وخلال فترة يقوم خبراء من هذه المنظمة بالمجيء إلى سورية للاطلاع على واقع هذه الأسلحة". واكد "بالنسبة لنا في سوريا كحكومة لا توجد لدينا عقبات حقيقية، نحن دائما نضع احتمال أن يقوم الإرهابيون بوضع عقبات أمام المفتشين للوصول إلى الأماكن المحددة".
الرئيس الاسد علق على مشروع القرار الذي يجري بحثه في مجلس الأمن حول سوريا، قائلا "ان حديثهم عن الفصل السابع لا يقلقنا في سوريا، اولا لان سوريا ملتزمة بكل الاتفاقيات التي توقعها، ولان هناك توازن في مجلس الأمن لم يعد يسمح للولايات المتحدة كما كان الوضع سابقا باستخدام مجلس الأمن كمطية أو كأداة من أجل تحقيق أجنداتها الخاصة". واكد ان "السوريين اليوم أكثر تمسكا بالدفاع عن وطنهم من قبل بكثير".

وفيما يلي النص الكامل للمقابلة:
تيلي سور: مشاهدو تيلي سور أهلا وسهلا بكم في هذا اللقاء الخاص حيث نقوم خلاله بتغطية الأحداث في سورية.. وضيفنا شخص مميز وهو الذي حول اهتمام العالم إليه كاملا.. السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد موجود معنا.. سيدي الرئيس.. شكرا لك لإعطائنا هذه الفرصة للقاء مع تيلي سور وعبرها لأمريكا اللاتينية.. لنعرف من خلال أجوبتكم ما مواقفكم وما أفكاركم.. أهلا وسهلا..
الرئيس الأسد..
أهلا وسهلا بك.. أود أن أرحب بك في سورية وبقناة تيلي سور وأهنئك بالسلامة على إصابتك في قدمك.. وأعتقد أن لقائي اليوم مع صحفي شاهد الإرهاب بعينه سيكون لقاء واقعيا وغنيا.. ومرة أخرى أرحب بك كصحفي اختلطت دماؤه بدماء جنود الجيش العربي السوري.

السوريون اليوم أكثر تمسكا بالدفاع عن وطنهم من قبل بكثير
السؤال الأول: شكرا.. حقيقة هناك أمور مشتركة أكثر بيننا ومنها هذا الدم.. تكلمتم حضرتكم عن الإرهاب.. هناك سيارة مفخخة انفجرت أمس في دمشق وأدت إلى وقوع العديد من الضحايا.. ما الرسالة التي يريد الارهابيون توجيهها.. وخاصة في هذه الظروف التي تمر بها سورية ويمر بها العالم... وكيف ترون الظروف الحالية لمواجهة الإرهاب في سورية...
الرئيس الأسد..
هؤلاء الإرهابيون يعبرون عن رسالة واحدة هي العقيدة السوداء المظلمة التي يحملونها.. بالنسبة لهم كل من لا يفكر بنفس طريقتهم هو شخص لا يستحق الحياة.. وهم يقومون من وقت لآخر بهذه العمليات لدفع المواطنين للاقتراب منهم أو لإحباطهم.. بمعنى إفقادهم الأمل بالحياة وعندما تفقد الأمل بالحياة تصبح الحياة ليس لها قيمة.. تصبح قريبا منهم بشكل أو بآخر. هذا جانب.. ولكن هناك أيضا عمليات إرهابية تأتي بتمويل وتحريض وتخطيط من الخارج لإيصال السوريين لليأس الكامل بأنه لا يوجد أمل في الوطن وبأن سورية التي تعرفونها عبر قرون من الزمن لم تعد موجودة.. وفقدان الأمل هو الذي يدفع الناس إلى الهزيمة ويدفعهم باتجاه التوقف عن الدفاع عن بلدهم.. ما رأيته أمس هو واحدة من مئات المحاولات التي حصلت في هذا الاتجاه.. ولكنها كانت تعطي تأثيرات معاكسة.. أي أن السوريين اليوم أكثر تمسكا بالدفاع عن وطنهم من قبل بكثير.

السؤال الثاني: سيدي الرئيس.. رأينا أمس رئيس الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية باراك أوباما وهو يقول بخطابه وتأملاته عما قامت به الإدارة الأمريكية في مختلف أنحاء العالم.. وتكلم خصوصا عن الوضع في سورية.. وكان موضوع سورية موضوعا أساسيا في الأمم المتحدة.. الرئيس باراك أوباما بشكل أو بآخر قال إنه متفق مع أنه يجب أن يكون هناك حل سياسي للأزمة في سورية ولكنه رغم ذلك يطلب من الأمم المتحدة أو من مجلس الأمن أن يكون هناك قرار حازم ضد سورية وضد حكومتكم إذا لم تقوموا باستكمال ما اتفق عليه حول الأسلحة الكيميائية.. رغم انه أيضا أكد أنه بالنسبة للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية فإن حكومتكم هي من استخدمت هذا السلاح الكيميائي ضد المواطنين.
الرئيس الأسد..
أولا بالنسبة لخطابه أمس هو ككل خطاباته سابقا.. خطابات ملأى بالادعاءات.. مبنية على التزوير وتحمل الكثير من الأكاذيب.. ولكن بشكل عام معظم تصريحات المسؤولين الأمريكيين في معظم الإدارات.. سواء الإدارة الحالية أو الإدارات السابقة.. هي تصريحات لا تحمل الحد الأدنى من المصداقية.. لذلك ليس المهم أن نعلق على تصريحاتهم.. وغالبا أصبحت مكررة.. متشابهة.. منذ بداية الأزمة في سورية بنيت السياسة الأمريكية على الأكاذيب سواء كانوا يعلمون أو لا يعلمون.. وأنا باعتقادي أنهم كانوا يعرفون بمعظم الأكاذيب ولكن ازدادت كثافة هذه الادعاءات والأكاذيب وساهمت الإدارة مباشرة بالتزوير بعدما طرح موضوع استخدام الكيميائي في سورية في 21 آب الماضي ولم تقدم هذه الإدارة أي أدلة على ادعاءاتها.. يعني عمليا كانت تكذب على الشعب الأمريكي.. عندما لم يتمكنوا من إقناع الشعب الأمريكي بادعاءاتهم لم يعد بوسعهم التراجع فانتقلوا للمزيد من التصميم على الكذب رغم أننا تحديناهم منذ الأيام الأولى لكي يقدموا أدلة حول هذا الموضوع.. أما حديثهم عن الفصل السابع فبالنسبة لنا لا يقلقنا في سورية.. أولاً لأن سورية ملتزمة بكل الاتفاقيات التي توقعها وهذا معروف عن سورية منذ عقود طويلة.. بل ربما منذ الاستقلال. ثانيا.. لأنه الآن هناك توازنا في مجلس الأمن لم يعد يسمح للولايات المتحدة كما كان الوضع سابقا باستخدام مجلس الأمن كمطية أو كأداة من أجل تحقيق أجنداتها الخاصة.. من قلب أنظمة وتدمير دول بهذه الطريقة التي كانت سائدة وخاصة في التسعينيات.. فلذلك أستطيع أن أقول ان كل هذه الادعاءات الأمريكية هي عبارة عن هراء وليس لها أي مستند واقعي ولا منطقي.

كل ما تقوم به الولايات المتحدة من سياسات يناقض مصالح الشعب الأمريكي
السؤال الثالث: لنتكلم أيضا حول خطاب الرئيس أوباما.. نراه أنه كان متخبطا لا يعرف ماذا كان يريد.. أحيانا يتكلم عن استخدام القوة وأحيانا يتكلم عن استخدام الحل السلمي.. يقول إن الاعتداء الإسرائيلي على سورية هو من أجل الدفاع عن مصالح امريكا في المنطقة.. ما هي مصالح الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية في المنطقة... وما الذي تبحث عنه في سورية... أيضا حول ما يتم في مجلس الأمن بشأن سورية هل من المستبعد أن تقوم الولايات المتحدة بالاعتداء على سورية...
الرئيس الأسد..
أولا.. بالنسبة للتناقض الذي تذكره هو موجود في كل خطاب وفي كل تصريح من تصريحات المسؤولين الأمريكيين.. سواء الرئيس أو وزير خارجيته أو بعض الآخرين الذين يصرحون.. فمثلا يقولون إن سورية لا تمتلك من الإمكانيات ما يقلق الجيش الأمريكي إذا أراد أن يقوم بعمل عسكري أو بعدوان عسكري.. وبنفس الوقت يقولون إن سورية تهدد الأمن القومي الأمريكي.. هذا نموذج.. والنماذج كثيرة في هذا الإطار.. أما احتمال أن تقوم الولايات المتحدة بعدوان.. فلو عدت للحروب التي خاضتها الولايات المتحدة ولسياسة الولايات المتحدة.. على الأقل في النصف الأول من الخمسينيات.. فهي سياسة تنتقل من عدوان إلى آخر بدءا بكوريا مرورا بفيتنام إلى لبنان إلى الصومال إلى أفغانستان إلى العراق.. هذه هي السياسة الأمريكية.. هذا عدا ما قامت به في أمريكا الجنوبية من تحريض على انقلابات ومقتل الملايين بسبب السياسة الأمريكية.. عشرات من الحكومات أطيح بها بسبب السياسة الأمريكية.. فهذه هي السياسة الأمريكية التي نراها حاليا وهي نفسها التي كانت موجودة منذ عقود.. لم تتغير.. ولا أرى أن هناك سببا رئيسيا الآن ليجعلها تتغير على الأقل من خلال رؤيتنا للوضع الداخلي الأمريكي.. هذا يعني أن احتمالات العدوان دائما قائمة.. مرة تكون الحجة الكيميائي.. في المرة الأخرى تكون هناك حجج مختلفة.. المهم أن ما تقوم به الولايات المتحدة عمليا خلال هذه العقود هو تجاوز مجلس الأمن.. تجاوز ميثاق الأمم المتحدة.. تجاوز سيادة الدول.. تجاوز كل الأعراف الإنسانية والأخلاقية.. فربما علينا دائما أن نضع هذا الاحتمال نصب أعيننا في كل مكان من العالم.. وهذا ما نقوم به في سورية.. لذلك نقول هل هناك احتمال للعدوان... قد لا يكون هذا الاحتمال الآن.. ولكن متى يأتي هذا الاحتمال ويصبح واقعا.. لا أحد يعلم.. ولكن يبقى احتمالا.. ولا يجوز أبدا أن نستبعد هذا الاحتمال. أما لو عدنا للفقرة المتعلقة بما هي مصالح الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.. أنا اعتقد أن ما قامت به الولايات المتحدة عبر هذه العقود وعبر هذه الحروب والتدخلات يناقض تماما مصلحة الولايات المتحدة.. فهي دولة عظمى ولديها مصالح سياسية واقتصادية وعسكرية وغيرها.. تستطيع أن تحقق هذه المصالح بالاحترام المتبادل.. بالعلاقة الجيدة.. بالثقة.. بالمصداقية.. بتسويق ونشر العلم والمعرفة التي تتمتع بها الولايات المتحدة بدلا من نشر الإرهاب والدمار والخوف.. فلا شك بأن لها مصالح كدولة كبرى.. ومعظم الدول الكبرى لديها مصالح عبر أنحاء العالم.. ولكن هذه المصالح تنطلق أولا من الاستقرار في العالم.. لا يمكن أن يكون لديك أي نوع من المصالح في منطقة مضطربة.. حيث يوجد حروب وإرهاب.. نعم لديها مصالح.. ولكن كل ما تقوم به الولايات المتحدة من سياسات يناقض مصالحها ويناقض مصالح الشعب الأمريكي.

سورية مستقلة عبر أجيال ولا يمكن الآن للولايات المتحدة أن تفترض بأنها قادرة على أن تحدد للشعب السوري من يأتي ومن يطرد من الحكم
السؤال الرابع: كما تقول سيادتكم.. هذا الخطاب من الرئيس أوباما وهذا التناقض الواضح للامبراطورية الأمريكية.. تكلم أمس عن مخرج سياسي وسلمي للأزمة في سورية ولكن رغم ذلك ترك الباب مفتوحا أمام خيار أن سيادتكم يجب ألا تبقوا في الحكم وقال حرفيا إنه حان الوقت لكي تعرف روسيا وإيران حاليا أن استمرار الرئيس الأسد في الحكم سوف يوسع المجال أمام المجموعات المتطرفة لزيادة نشاطها.. كيف ترون ما قاله أوباما.. وهل تعتبرون أنه من الممكن أن تتركوا السلطة...
الرئيس الأسد..
بالنسبة للجزء الأول.. أيضا هو نموذج آخر من التناقض الأمريكي.. كأن نقول إننا نسعى للحرب ونسعى للسلم بنفس الموضوع وبنفس خارطة الطريق لكي نحل مشكلة معينة.. هذا المنطق يعني تسويق العنف في العالم.. أي شرعنة العنف كوسيلة أو كأسلوب للوصول إلى حل سياسي.. وهذا يخالف المنطق.. لا يمكن أن يلتقي العنف مع العمل السياسي.. العنف يدمر أي فرصة للعمل السياسي.. نحن نرفض هذا المنطق الذي حاولت تسويقه الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية مؤخرا من أجل تبرير العدوان على سورية. أما بالنسبة لموضوع التنحي فهذا الموضوع مطروح منذ أكثر من عام من خلال المسؤولين الأمريكيين أو بعض حلفائهم من الأوروبيين.. بالنسبة لنا هذا الموضوع لا يعنينا لسبب بسيط.. لأنه منذ أكثر من خمسة عقود والولايات المتحدة لم تذهب برئيس في سورية ولم تأت بمسؤول.. سورية مستقلة عبر أجيال.. فلا يمكن الآن للولايات المتحدة أن تفترض بأنها قادرة على أن تحدد للشعب السوري من يأتي ومن يطرد من الحكم.. هذا الموضوع خاضع مئة بالمئة لرغبات الشعب السوري.. حتى الدول الصديقة ليس لها دور في هذا الموضوع.. هذا يخضع لرغبات الشعب السوري ويخضع حصرا لصندوق الاقتراع.. عندما يكون هناك انتخابات يحدد من خلالها الشعب السوري من يريد ومن لا يريد فالموضوع منته.. فعندما لا يريدك الشعب السوري يجب أن تذهب مباشرة والعكس صحيح.. أما الولايات المتحدة سواء تحدثت في هذا الموضوع أم قامت بأشياء فليس لها دور على الإطلاق.. لذلك نحن لا نهتم كثيرا بتصريحاتها حول هذا الموضوع منذ البداية.

العالم يكون أفضل عندما تتوقف الولايات المتحدة عن التدخل في شؤون الدول الأخرى
السؤال الخامس: لننه هذا الموضوع حول أوباما.. قال عبارة سوف تبقى للتاريخ إن "العالم اليوم أفضل حاليا شكرا للولايات المتحدة".. كيف تفكرون سيادتكم هل العالم أفضل وشكرا للولايات المتحدة...
الرئيس الأسد..
لنتحدث بالواقع.. هل أصبح العراق أفضل بالوجود الأمريكي.. هل أصبحت أفغانستان أفضل.. هل الوضع في ليبيا أفضل.. هل الوضع في تونس أفضل.. هل الوضع في سورية أفضل.. أي مكان أفضل... هل كانت فيتنام أفضل عندما كان الأمريكي يتدخل بها أم عندما تركها تستقل وتطور نفسها بنفسها.. هذا الوضع لديكم أيضا في أمريكا الجنوبية.. هل هو أفضل الآن أم عندما كانت تتدخل الولايات المتحدة.. الحقيقة أعتقد أن العالم يكون أفضل عندما تتوقف الولايات المتحدة عن التدخل.. نحن لا نريد منها أن تساعد أحدا.. هو "أوباما" كان يقول أمس نحن لا نستطيع أن نحل مشاكل كل العالم.. أنا أقول ان الأفضل ألا تقوم الولايات المتحدة بحل مشاكل العالم. في كل مكان أرادت أن تقوم بعمل حولت الوضع في تلك المنطقة من سيئ إلى أسوأ.. ما نريده من الولايات المتحدة هو ألا تتدخل في شؤون دول العالم وعندها سيكون العالم بكل تأكيد أفضل.. أما إذا كان يقصد أن انتشار الإرهاب اليوم في كل مكان هو الأفضل فهذا يؤكد ما يقوله البعض من الأمريكيين في الإعلام وفي الصحافة بأن سياسة أوباما تقوم على دعم التطرف والإرهاب.. إذا كان هذا صحيحا فكلامه بهذا المعنى يكون دقيقا.. بأن العالم أفضل لأن الإرهاب منتشر في هذا العالم.. عدا ذلك نستطيع أن نقول ان كلامه غير دقيق وغير صحيح.

الموقف الإيراني موضوعي جدا من الأزمة لأنه يعرف حقيقة ما يحصل في سورية
السؤال السادس: هل وجدتم جديدا في موقف أوباما حول الرئيس روحاني عندما أشار إلى أن الرئيس روحاني قال إنه ليس هناك حل عسكري للأزمة في سورية.. وإن الأسلحة الكيميائية وصلت إلى المجموعات المسلحة التي تقاتل في سورية عن طريق الدول الغربية.. كيف ترون موقف الرئيس روحاني وأنه يدعو إلى إيقاف تمويل وتسليح المعارضة... كيف ترون هذا الموقف حاليا من إيران ومن الرئيس الإيراني...
الرئيس الأسد..
الموقف الإيراني موقف موضوعي جدا من الأزمة السورية لأنه يعرف حقيقة ما يحصل في سورية.. وبنفس الوقت يعلم أن هذه المنطقة واحدة.. وبالتالي إذا كانت هناك نار تشتعل في سورية فلا بد أن تنتقل هذه النار إلى البلدان المجاورة ولاحقا إلى البلدان الأبعد من سورية.. بما فيها إيران. فإيران تنطلق بسياساتها من هذا المنطلق.. وتنطلق أيضا من منطلق آخر بأنه من حق الشعب السوري أن يقوم بحل مشاكله.. وهذا ما نتفق عليه نحن مع كل من يقبل بقرار الشعب السوري في حل مشاكله. أما تعليقات الأمريكيين على الموقف الايراني.. فأولا.. كما قلت قبل قليل.. الأمريكي سواء صرح سلبا أم إيجابا فلا أحد يصدق ما يقوله إن مدح ولا إن انتقد.. أو استنكر أو ذم. وبنفس الوقت الإيراني ليس من السذاجة لكي يخدع بالموقف الأمريكي.. فإيران لديها تجربة أيضا كالتجربة السورية مع الإدارات الأمريكية المتعاقبة على الأقل منذ قيام الثورة الإسلامية في إيران. لذلك ما يهمنا نحن من هذا الموضوع ليس التعليق الأمريكي.. ما يهمنا هو جوهر السياسة الإيرانية تجاه سورية.. وأؤكد مرة أخرى أنه جوهر موضوعي ويحقق بطروحاته الاستقرار في منطقتنا.. إذا تم تطبيق جوهر هذه الرؤية الإيرانية من الأطراف المختلفة في سورية.

السؤال السابع: حقيقة.. في تصريح إيران في الأمم المتحدة كان هناك مقترح حول العلاقات بين إيران والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بأنه سيكون هناك اجتماع بين الرئيس الإيراني والحكومة الأمريكية.. هذه الاجتماعات التي لم تحدث منذ زمن طويل.. كيف ترون هذا التقارب... هل هو عملية تقارب حقيقية من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية نحو إيران... أم أنها طريقة لمحاولة إبعاد أصدقاء سورية عنها... وهل أيضا هذا يعبر عن أن الولايات المتحدة الامريكية لم يبق لديها إلا التفاوض لحماية مصالحها.. وليس استخدام القوة...
الرئيس الأسد..
أولا.. أقرب حلفاء الولايات المتحدة لا يثقون بها مع كل أسف.. فبكل تأكيد التقارب الإيراني الأمريكي لا يعني أن إيران تثق بالولايات المتحدة. نحن لدينا علاقة مع الولايات المتحدة مرت بمراحل متعددة من الصعود والهبوط.. ولكن الثقة لم تكن موجودة في أي مرحلة من المراحل. لكن في العمل السياسي أنت بحاجة لكي تجرب كل الوسائل وتطرق كل الأبواب من أجل أن تخفف التوتر في العالم. فالتواصل والحوار هما شيئان ضروريان في طبيعة العمل السياسي للدول. نعتقد بأن تقارب إيران مع الولايات المتحدة سواء من أجل الملف النووي الإيراني أو من أجل أي ملف آخر هو شيء إيجابي يخدم المنطقة إن كانت هناك رغبة حقيقية وصادقة لدى الولايات المتحدة بأن تبادل إيران الاحترام وألا تتدخل في شؤونها الداخلية.. وألا تعرقل حصولها على التكنولوجيا النووية وغيرها.. هذا من جانب. من جانب آخر لا أتخيل أن الولايات المتحدة تخلت عن مبدأ اللجوء إلى القوة العسكرية.. أنا أرى العكس.. عندما رأت الولايات المتحدة أن هناك منافسين لها على الساحة الدولية.. أو حتى شركاء حتى لا نقول منافسين من دول عظمى ناهضة على الساحة لجأت أكثر للعودة إلى مبدأ القوة.. رغم أن هذه الإدارة هي نفسها عندما أتت بالانتخابات.. أتت على مبدأ رفض مذهب بوش بالنسبة لاستخدام القوة. هي تعود الآن لنفس المذهب. أعتقد أنهم يحاولون أن يقوموا بعملية استيعاب للدور الإيراني كما حصل مع سورية منذ بضع سنوات.. ولكن الإيرانيين واعون لهذه اللعبة.

سورية تلتزم بكل الاتفاقيات التي توقعها
السؤال الثامن: سيدي الرئيس.. بالعودة إلى سورية وموضوع الأسلحة الكيميائية.. ما الضمانات الحقيقية التي تقدمها حكومتكم عن موضوع القائمة التي قدمتموها للأسلحة الكيميائية.. بأن هذه حقيقة ما تمتلكونه من هذه الأسلحة... وما الضمانات التي تقدمونها إلى مفتشي الأمم المتحدة لكي يقوموا بعملهم وتفتيشهم ويضعوا الأسلحة الكيميائية تحت السيطرة الدولية...
الرئيس الأسد..
علاقتنا في هذا الموضوع ستكون مع منظمة حظر الأسلحة الكيميائية.. ولا يطلب من سورية ضمانات للعالم.. ولا للمنظمة.. إنما يطلب تعامل مع آليات محددة أو الالتزام بآليات محددة تنص عليها اتفاقية حظر الأسلحة الكيميائية.. وكما قلت قبل قليل.. سورية تلتزم عادة بكل الاتفاقيات التي توقعها. قامت سورية مؤخرا بالبدء بتسليم البيانات الضرورية لهذه المنظمة.. وخلال فترة يقوم خبراء من هذه المنظمة بالمجيء إلى سورية للاطلاع على واقع هذه الأسلحة.. فبالنسبة لنا في سورية كحكومة لا توجد لدينا عقبات حقيقية.. نحن دائما نضع احتمال أن يقوم الإرهابيون بوضع عقبات أمام المفتشين للوصول إلى الأماكن المحددة.. سواء بدافع ذاتي من هؤلاء الإرهابيين وتلك المجموعات الإرهابية.. أو بدافع من الدول التي تقف خلفهم وتمولهم من أجل أن يحولوا الاتهام باتجاه الحكومة السورية على أنها لم تتعاون مع المفتشين القادمين من تلك المنظمة.. هذا هو الاحتمال الأكبر. أما بالنسبة لنا كحكومة فلا توجد لنا أي مشكلة بالنسبة للتوافق مع الآليات المطروحة في هذه الاتفاقية.

السؤال التاسع: يعود المفتشون الدوليون اليوم إلى دمشق ليحددوا إمكانية تفتيش أماكن أخرى التي هناك ادعاءات بأنه تم استخدام الأسلحة الكيميائية فيها.. عدا ما تم استخدامه في 21 آب.. ما الضمانات التي ستقدمها حكومتكم لكي يقوم المفتشون بعملهم بشكل حر ومستقل...
الرئيس الأسد..
بالنسبة لبعثة المفتشين التي تتحدث عنها.. نحن من قام باستدعائها للمجيء إلى سورية في شهر آذار الماضي عندما قام الإرهابيون باستخدام الغازات السامة في إحدى ضواحي مدينة حلب في الشمال.. لم تأت هذه المجموعة بمبادرة من الأمم المتحدة.. أو من أي دولة أخرى.. ومن وضع العراقيل في وجه مجيئها هي الولايات المتحدة.. فعمليا نحن قمنا بدعوتها ولنا مصلحة بمجيئهم من أجل تحديد حقيقة استخدام المواد الكيميائية في سورية. فمن غير المنطقي أن نقوم نحن بدعوة جهة إلى سورية.. وأن نقوم نحن بوضع العراقيل في وجهها.. حتى عندما غادرت هذه البعثة سورية مؤخرا منذ بضعة أسابيع كنا نريد منهم أن يستمروا في إنجاز استطلاع باقي المناطق المفترض أنه تم فيها استخدام الأسلحة الكيميائية.. ولكن إصرار الولايات المتحدة على عودتهم قبل إنجاز هذه المهمة هو ما دفعهم إلى مغادرة سورية. فالآن سيعودون.. وبكل تأكيد هناك دعم لمهمتهم من الحكومة السورية.. ولا توجد عقبات كما قلت.. إلا عندما يقوم الإرهابيون بالتعرض لهذه البعثة.. وخاصة في الأماكن التي يوجد فيها الإرهابيون بكثافة كبيرة.

كل الأدلة الفعلية تدل على أن الإرهابيين هم من قام باستخدام الأسلحة الكيميائية في محيط دمشق
السؤال العاشر: على الرغم من الاتهامات بأن الحكومة السورية هي من استخدم السلاح الكيميائي.. روسيا وحكومتها قدمت أدلة أمام الأمم المتحدة بأن المجموعات المسلحة هي من استخدمت السلاح الكيميائي.. ما هذه الأدلة التي تملكون... وما الذي تقوم به الحكومة الروسية والحكومة السورية لكي تؤكدا أنه ليست الحكومة السورية من استخدمت السلاح الكيميائي وإنما المجموعات المسلحة...
الرئيس الأسد..
طبعا لدينا أدلة ولدينا أيضا مؤشرات. بالنسبة للأدلة.. أول الأدلة كانت عندما تم استخدام الغازات السامة في خان العسل.. قمنا بأخذ عينات من التربة ومن دماء المصابين وأيضا بقايا القذائف الصاروخية التي استخدمت من أجل نقل المواد السامة إلى تلك المنطقة.. بعدها كان هناك من خلال عمليات الجيش السوري اكتشاف لعدة مخابئ فيها حاويات بأحجام مختلفة تحتوي على مواد كيميائية وفي بعض الحالات مواد سامة وأدوات تصنيعها.. قمنا بتقديم هذه الأدلة للحكومة الروسية وخاصة قبل مجيء بعثة الأمم المتحدة إلى سورية. أيضا لدينا اعترافات الإرهابيين الذين قاموا بنقل بعض المواد الكيميائية من الدول المجاورة إلى سورية.. وتم بث هذه الاعترافات على التلفزيون منذ أسبوع تقريبا.. لكن لماذا لم تستخدم الحكومة السورية هذه المواد. عمليا.. أولا لأن القوات السورية تتقدم وهي لم تستخدمها عندما كان الإرهابيون أقوى من ذلك بكثير منذ عام أو أكثر فلماذا استخدمتها اليوم. هي لم تستخدمها في مناطق بعيدة فيها إرهابيون أكثر بكثير مما هو موجود في ضواحي دمشق فلماذا تستخدمها في هذا المكان ... لا يمكن أن تستخدمها في مناطق سكنية ربما تؤدي إلى مقتل عشرات الآلاف وليس ألفا أو بضع مئات. لا يمكن أن تستخدمها في منطقة قريبة من قواتها.. من العسكر السوريين.. فهذا يؤدي إلى مقتل عناصر القوات المسلحة أنفسهم. فبالمنطق لا يمكن من الناحية العملية.. من الناحية العسكرية.. لا يمكن استخدامها في مثل هذه الظروف.. ولكن عندما تكون لديك جريمة فأول سؤال يسأله المحقق قبل أن يبحث عن الأدلة.. يفكر في البداية.. من له مصلحة باستخدام هذه الأسلحة.. أو من له مصلحة بهذه الجريمة. واضح تماما أن من له مصلحة بهذه الجريمة هم الإرهابيون أنفسهم.. وخاصة عندما تتوافق هذه الادعاءات مع وجود لجنة التحقيق. هل من المعقول أن تقوم الحكومة السورية باستدعاء لجنة التحقيق وتقوم باستخدام الأسلحة الكيميائية من أجل أن تأتي اللجنة وتحقق باستخدامها... هذا كلام لا يصدق.. بعيد عن العقل تماما.. فكل المؤشرات تدل على أن الحكومة السورية لم تستخدمها.. وكل الأدلة الفعلية تدل على أن الإرهابيين هم من قام باستخدام الأسلحة الكيميائية في محيط دمشق.

السؤال الحادي عشر: في هذا المجال.. ما الدور الذي لعبته السعودية وقطر لإيصال هذه الأسلحة الكيميائية إلى المجموعات المسلحة...
الرئيس الأسد..
لكي أكون دقيقا.. لا يوجد لدينا دليل بأنهم نقلوا سلاحا كيميائيا الى هذه المجموعات.. ولكن من المعروف أن هذه الدول هي من قامت بدعم الإرهابيين منذ بداية الأزمة في سورية.. نقلت إليهم كل أنواع الأسلحة المتطورة دون استثناء.. وهذا الشيء مؤكد وموثق. من الطبيعي عندما تكون هذه الدول تدعم بشكل معلن وواضح هذه المجموعات بكل أنواع الأسلحة.. أن يشار بأصابع الاتهام إليها.. وخاصة السعودية.. بأنها يمكن أن تقوم بنقل هذا النوع من المواد إلى الإرهابيين من أجل استخدامها ضد الجيش السوري.. وخاصة بعدما فشلت هذه المجموعات الإرهابية في أن تقدم لأسيادها في الخارج أي إنجاز فعلي على الأرض بالمعنى العسكري. طبعا هم تمكنوا من تخريب الكثير في سورية.. دمروا البنية التحتية.. أثروا في الاقتصاد.. أثروا في حياة المواطنين بشكل سلبي جدا. لا شك بأن لدينا معاناة كبيرة بسبب هذه المجموعات الإرهابية.. ولكن أنا أتحدث بالمعنى العسكري أي أن يقوموا بإنجاز عسكري كبير ويحققوا الأهداف العسكرية التي خططت لهم.. ففي هذا الجانب فشلوا فشلا ذريعا فكان لا بد من استخدام سلاح جديد.. إما أن يؤدي هذا السلاح إلى هزيمة الجيش السوري أو أن يؤدي بشكل سياسي إلى استدعاء التدخل الأجنبي لكي تقوم الولايات المتحدة وحلفاؤها بالاعتداء على سورية وإضعاف الجيش السوري.. وطبعا هذا الاحتمال هو الاحتمال الغالب.

السؤال الثاني عشر: هناك رقعة شطرنج تحت الطاولة.. علنا هناك اتفاقيات تحت الطاولة.. وهناك من يحرك الحجارة تحت الطاولة وهي إسرائيل.. هل إسرائيل لها دور فيما يحدث في سورية ولماذا يتحدثون عن الأسلحة الكيميائية في سورية وعن السلاح النووي في إيران ولا يتحدثون عن السلاح النووي في إسرائيل...
الرئيس الأسد..
إسرائيل دولة عدوانية.. إسرائيل دولة قامت على التوسع.. تحتل أراضي الآخرين وتقتل الشعوب المحيطة بها.. قتلت طبعا الكثير من الفلسطينيين عبر أكثر من ستة عقود.. قتلت الكثير من اللبنانيين.. الكثير من المصريين والسوريين والآخرين بعمليات اغتيال وتفجير وارهاب وغيرها.. واليوم تقوم بنفس الدور عبر دعمها للإرهابيين بشكل مباشر على المناطق المحاذية للجبهة السورية.. أي باتجاه الجولان المحتل حيث تقدم الدعم اللوجستي والطبي والمعلومات.. وأيضا السلاح والذخيرة للإرهابيين..

إسرائيل الدولة العدوانية والمارقة تحصل على تغطية كاملة من الولايات المتحدة في كل سياساتها وجرائمها
السؤال الثالث عشر: هناك معلومات أيضا عن أن لإسرائيل مصالح نفطية في بعض المناطق السورية....
الرئيس الأسد..
هذا طرح خاصة باتجاه النفط في الساحل الشرقي للبحر الأبيض المتوسط.. لكن مجرد تحليلات.. لا توجد لدينا معلومات حول هذه النقطة.. أما بالنسبة لوجود السلاح النووي الإسرائيلي وكما قلت لا أحد يتحدث به لأن إسرائيل الدولة العدوانية.. الدولة المارقة تحصل على تغطية كاملة من الولايات المتحدة في كل سياساتها.. تغطية لكل جرائمها.. فمادامت هذه التغطية داخل الولايات المتحدة وفي مجلس الأمن والأمم المتحدة موجودة.. وفي المنظمات الدولية ومنها الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية.. فمن المتوقع في هذه الحالة أن يكون أي سلاح في العالم موضع بحث.. أما السلاح الإسرائيلي فهو غير خاضع للنقاش.. هذا هو المنطق السائد في العالم.. منطق الهيمنة.. منطق الاستعمار.. منطق القوي...

مؤتمر جنيف خطوة ضرورية ومهمة باتجاه فتح الطريق للحوار بين المكونات السورية ولكنه لا يحل محل الحوار الداخلي في سورية
السؤال الرابع عشر: سيدي الرئيس.. في الوقت الذي يحاولون على المستوى العالمي أن يصلوا إلى حل سياسي للأزمة. كيف تقومون أو تحاولون داخل سورية أن تخففوا من التوتر. هل هناك أي محاولات للتقارب بينكم وبين مختلف الأطراف في سورية. هل هناك أي أمل بحل داخلي في سورية.. والوصول إلى مؤتمر جنيف...
الرئيس الأسد..
مهما اشتدت العمليات الإرهابية ومهما كان الوضع سيئا.. فلا بد من الاستمرار بمحاولات إطلاق العمل السياسي في أي مشكلة.. ونحن نؤمن بهذا الشيء منذ البداية بالرغم من تصاعد الأعمال الإرهابية وخاصة مؤخرا. العمل السياسي يتطلب أولا وقف الإرهاب.. وقف إدخال الإرهابيين من دول الجوار.. وقف دعم هؤلاء الإرهابيين بالسلاح وبالمال وبكل شيء لوجستي يؤدي إلى تعزيز عملياتهم الإرهابية.. بنفس الوقت لا بد من حوار بين السوريين.. بين كل الأطراف السورية حول مستقبل سورية.. ويبدأ هذا الحوار بالدرجة الأولى حول النظام السياسي في البلد.. أي نظام سياسي يريده السوريون وما يتفرع عنه من أنظمة وقوانين وأشياء أخرى.. تفاصيل كثيرة. عندما يصل السوريون على الطاولة إلى رأي معين.. يمكن أن يتم عرض الأشياء التي تم الاتفاق عليها على الشعب السوري للموافقة عليها من خلال استفتاء شعبي. حاليا مؤتمر جنيف هو واحد من المحاور السياسية المهمة.. هو يحقق فرصة للحوار بين مختلف المكونات السورية. طبعا نحن لا نفترض هنا وجود إرهابيين قاموا بعمليات قتل.. ولا نفترض بأن الحوار يجب أن يتم مع جهات دعت إلى التدخل الأجنبي.. فبالقانون وبالشعور الشعبي في سورية من دعا إلى التدخل الأجنبي هو إنسان خائن.. ولا أحد يقبل به.. لكن نحن نتحدث عن مبدأ مؤتمر جنيف. مؤتمر جنيف هو خطوة ضرورية ومهمة باتجاه فتح الطريق للحوار بين المكونات السورية.. ولكن مؤتمر جنيف لا يحل محل الحوار الداخلي في سورية.. وبكل تأكيد هو لا يحل محل رأي الشعب الذي يجب أن يمر عبر الاستفتاء. هذه هي الخطوط العامة لرؤيتنا للعمل السياسي لحل الأزمة في سورية.. ولكن كل هذه المحاور إن لم يتم إيقاف دعم الإرهاب فلن تحقق أي نتيجة فعلية على الأرض.

السؤال الخامس عشر: أكدتم أنكم لن تتفاوضوا مع المسلحين والإرهابيين في جنيف.. من الأطراف التي ستتحاورون معها في جنيف... وكيف يمكن تحقيق هذا الحوار السوري على المستوى العالمي... وما الوقت اللازم للوصول إلى حل سياسي للأزمة في سورية...
الرئيس الأسد..
أستطيع الجواب عن جزء من هذا الموضوع وهذا الجزء متعلق بالأطراف الموجودة داخل سورية والتي تنتمي للشعب السوري.. أطراف مختلفة.. في المعارضة.. أو في الوسط.. أو مع الدولة.. هناك أطراف كثيرة.. لكن بالنسبة للأطراف الأخرى الموجودة في الخارج علينا أن نسأل الدول التي تقف خلفها لأن هذه الدول.. الولايات المتحدة.. فرنسا.. بريطانيا.. السعودية وقطر وغيرها من الدول ربما هي التي أوجدت هؤلاء الأشخاص وهم لا ينتمون للشعب السوري فإذا قالت لهم هذه الدول اذهبوا إلى جنيف فسيذهبون إلى جنيف.. وإذا قالت لهم قولوا كذا فسيقولونه. فإذا أردنا أن نعرف هذا الجزء من السؤال فلا بد أن نسأل تلك الدول هل سترسل هؤلاء الأشخاص أم لن ترسلهم.. لأنهم لا يمثلون الشعب السوري.. لا الشعب السوري سيقوم بإرسال هؤلاء الأشخاص.. ولا نحن كحكومة سنقوم بإرسالهم. لذلك أنا أقول إن ما أقصده بالحوار هو المعارضة الموجودة داخل سورية بشكل أساسي.. والتيارات الأخرى.. ليس بالضرورة أن تكون معارضة.

مسار أمريكا اللاتينية هو المسار الذي يجب أن نتبعه كدول عربية إذا أردنا أن يكون لنا مكان في العالم وأن نكون مستقرين ومتطورين
السؤال السادس عشر: لا أستطيع أن أنهي هذا اللقاء دون أن أذكر القائد هوغو تشافير الذي زار سورية وكان معكم وبرفقتكم في معلولا التي تعرضت منذ أيام إلى هجوم متطرف.. قال الرئيس تشافير عندما كان بمعلولا "إذا كان هناك شيء إنساني لا يمكن أن يتفق مع هجوم واعتداء على سورية.. كيف لا ندعم الحكومة السورية.. كيف لا ندعم حكومة الرئيس بشار الأسد.. كيف يمكن أن يدعموا مجموعات مسلحة".. أود أن تعطونا انطباعكم وذكرياتكم عن وجود الرئيس تشافير وزيارته إلى سورية ووجوده معكم.. وما رأيكم بموقف فنزويلا ودول الألبا في الدفاع عن الحرية وعن حقوق الشعب السوري وعن سورية...
الرئيس الأسد..
نحن دائما نتحدث عن أن العالم النامي.. أنتم منه ونحن منه.. مر بعدة مراحل لكي يستقل.. المرحلة الأولى هي مرحلة خروج القوات الأجنبية من البلد المحتل.. ومعظم الدول حققت هذا الاستقلال. المرحلة الثانية وهي الأهم هي استقلال القرار السياسي والاقتصادي والعسكري.. واستقلال القرار الوطني.. هذا ما تحقق في أمريكا اللاتينية وفي أمريكا الوسطى عبر العقدين الماضيين.. وكان هناك رمزان لهذا الاستقلال.. الرئيس كاسترو منذ خمسة عقود حتى الآن وبعده الرئيس تشافيز.. وعندما نذكر الرئيس تشافيز نتذكر هذه المرحلة لأن المخاض الذي تمر به منطقتنا في الشرق الأوسط هو مشابه لما مررتم به سابقا في أمريكا اللاتينية.. عندما حققتم استقلال القرار الوطني أصبحت أوضاع أمريكا الجنوبية وحتى أمريكا الوسطى أفضل بكثير من قبل وبدأ الاستقرار السياسي يعطي النتائج الاقتصادية وبدأ التطور الاقتصادي وبدأت بعض الدول تصعد صناعيا وتصبح من الاقتصادات الكبرى.. هذه هي النتيجة الطبيعية للاستقلال.. في المنطقة العربية لا يوجد لدينا حتى الآن إلا بالحد الأدنى استقلال للقرار السياسي في عدد محدود من الدول وبشكل جزئي.. الصراع الذي يحصل الآن مع الغرب هو في جزء منه متعلق بهذه النقطة أي بالحصول على القرار الوطني واستقلالية هذا القرار.. أنا أعتقد أن أمريكا الجنوبية بشكل عام وفنزويلا والرئيس تشافيز وقبله الرئيس كاسترو بشكل خاص يمثلون نموذجا مهما في السير على طريق الاستقلال والحرية التي تسعى إليها الشعوب خروجا من تحت عباءة الهيمنة الغربية التي دامت لعقود طويلة من خلال الاستعمار المباشر وبعدها الاستعمار غير المباشر الذي ما زال مستمرا.. فهناك أشياء كثيرة متشابهة.. الطباع.. العواطف.. الحرارة الموجودة بين أبناء الشعب الواحد في منطقتكم وفي منطقتنا.. وهناك السياق التاريخي المتشابه.. فمن المتوقع أن يكون هناك أيضا.. غير الرئيس تشافيز والرئيس كاسترو.. هناك الكثير من الرؤساء الآن في أمريكا اللاتينية الذين يسيرون على نفس الخط الذي كان يسير عليه الرئيس تشافيز ولكن أريد أن أذكر بشكل خاص الرئيس الصديق والأخ مادورو الذي عرفته من خلال لقاءات عديدة سواء خلال زيارتي إلى فنزويلا أو خلال زياراته إلى سورية.. ونحن سعداء جدا بأن الشعب الفنزويلي قرر أن يختار هذا الشخص الذي يجسد خط الرئيس تشافيز.. لديه الصلابة ولديه العنفوان ولديه الرؤية الواضحة لمنطقتنا وأنا متأكد أنه سيتابع السير بفنزويلا على طريق الاستقلال.. فكلنا يعلم أن الولايات المتحدة وبعض الدول الحليفة كانت لديها آمال كبيرة بأن تعود فنزويلا إلى الحظيرة الأمريكية مع غياب الرئيس تشافيز.. بوجود الرئيس مادورو هذه الأحلام لم تتحقق وذهبت هباء منثورا.. فأعتقد أن مسار أمريكا اللاتينية هو المسار الذي يجب أن نتبعه كدول عربية إذا أردنا أن يكون لنا مكان في العالم وإذا أردنا أن نكون مستقرين وإذا أردنا أن نكون متطورين.

لا يوجد لدينا خيار سوى أن نصمد
السؤال السابع عشر: سيدي الرئيس.. شكرا جزيلا على هذه الكلمات وهذه العبارات التي قدمتها لنا.. قل لنا رسالة أخيرة لأمريكا اللاتينية.. هل ستصمد سورية... هل ستنتصر...
الرئيس الأسد..
لو كانت لدينا خيارات غير الصمود لكنت قلت لك ولكن لا يوجد لدينا خيار سوى أن نصمد.. لأن مستقبل هذه المنطقة سياسيا الآن يتعلق بما سيحصل في سورية.. فنحن لا ندافع فقط عن سورية.. لا ندافع فقط عن مصالحنا.. لا ندافع فقط عن مبادئنا وإنما ندافع عن مستقبل أبنائنا وندافع عن مستقبل كل هذه المنطقة.. وهذه المنطقة هي قلب العالم.. والشرق الأوسط المضطرب هو الذي أضر بالاستقرار في العالم وأضر حتى بمصالح العالم البعيد.. فلا يمكن أن نتحدث اليوم عن منطقة بعيدة كأمريكا اللاتينية وأمريكا الشمالية أو شرق آسيا.. اليوم العالم قرية صغيرة.. ما يحصل في سورية سيؤثر فيما حولها وما يحصل في هذه المنطقة سيؤثر في أبعد المناطق في العالم. لا أريد أن أقول إننا نريد من شعوب أمريكا اللاتينية أن تقف مع قضايانا.. فهي دائما تقف مع القضايا العربية بشكل لا يقل حرارة وموضوعية عن مواقفنا نحن كأبناء نعيش في هذه المنطقة وننتمي لهذه القضايا.. ولكن نتوقع أن نزيد من العلاقة بيننا وبينهم لكي نوسع مساحة الاستقلال ونقلص من مساحة الاستعمار الذي يجسده الغرب وتجسده الولايات المتحدة.

تيلي سور: سيدي الرئيس.. شكرا جزيلا لك.. هذا اللقاء الخاص مع السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد في تيلي سور.. شكرا لكم أصدقاءنا في تيلي سور وأمريكا اللاتينية لمتابعتنا.. تأكدوا أن هدفنا في تيلي سور هو لم الشمل.
الرئيس الأسد..
شكرا لكم.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

We can now report that the NSA-sponsored terrorist organization "Gary Best Inc" has resurfaced and is responsible for the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack at the Kenyan shopping mall.

Gary Best Inc is Back as the Fed Goes Broke

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

Private mercenaries source

UNITED STATES of America - It can now be reported that the U.S. Federal Reserve remains trapped in a toxic derivative box.

The derivative holdings of major worldwide banks are about to go binary. Derivative separation will lead to more asset deleveraging as a major 2008-style liquidity crisis beckons.

This pending financial crisis dovetails to the last FALSE FLAG BLAG OP terrorist attack in a shopping mall in Kenya. 

We can now report that the NSA-sponsored terrorist organization "Gary Best Inc" has resurfaced and is responsible for the FALSE FLAG terrorist attack at the Kenyan shopping mall.
Definition: Gary Best Inc is a Clinton Era created private mercenary army that had their origins tied to the war in Bosnia that engaged in political assassinations of Christian Serbian leaders.

Note: Gary Best Inc was assisted in this activity by alleged al Qaeda (U.S. CIA data base). Gary Best Inc worked directly with none other than lifelong U.S. government employee, 9/11 patsy Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman.

Gary Best Inc also had links going as far back as Iran Contra and former George Herbert Walker Bush Administration official Richard Secord.

Gary Best Inc is responsible for the various FALSE FLAG terrorist attacks on U.S. shopping malls for the last fifteen (15) years.

My sources for this information are undisputed.

What we are talking about is an unpublished manuscript titled "True Colors" written by former Clinton White House aide and now ABC news journalist George Stephanopoulos.

This unpublished manuscript was originally going to be used by former Republican Congressman Bob Barr of Georgia in the impeachment proceedings against former U.S. President William Jefferson Clinton.

Stephanopoulos had originally agreed to be a witness.

P.S. Sources at ABC News expect another major Benghazi-like BLACK OP event (with the use of chemical weapons) to take place in the Middle East at any moment.

At this hour the U.S. Military remains determined to destroy the treasonous Nazi Paperclip NSA (National Security Agency) that has turned the United States of America into a gigantic animal farm.

Reference: It is interesting that former U.S. President Bill Clinton defended the Nazi Paperclip NSA during an interview he did today on CNN. When the former President said, and listen to this folks, ...that the NSA committed crimes by spying on the American People by accident.

Message to former President Clinton: In all due respect, Sir, it was no accident when you used the NSA to spy on Monica Lewinsky and former Congressman Bob Barr, Republican of Georgia, who was about to release the "True Colors" manuscript to the New York Times.

Other important events tied to the "True Colors" manuscript:

Lori Kaye Klausutis, aide to former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, was found dead at her desk in his Fort Walton Beach, Florida congressional office after seeing the "True Colors' manuscript that connected Gary Best Inc to the treasonous Nazi Paperclip NSA.

Lori Klausutis also had information linking Gary Best Inc and the NSA to the assassination of John F. Kennedy Jr. whose George magazine was about to get a copy of the "True Colors" manuscript and publish it. JFK Jr., like his father, John F. Kennedy, was a vicious opponent of the privately owned U.S. Federal Reserve system and planned to seek the Democratic nomination in New York state to run for the U.S. Senate and challenge then first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Gary Best Inc was responsible for the Omaha Westroads Mall shooting the very day George W. BushFRAUD was being questioned at the Offutt Air Force Base by the U.S. Military Joint Chiefs of Staff on his 9/11 treason.



miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013


September 16, 2013 |
Tags: an American hoax, bin Laden's death a fake


By readers’ request, this is a reposting of a translation of a Pakistani National TV interview with an eyewitness to the alleged SEAL Team Six attack that allegedly killed Osama bin Laden. I made the translation available two years ago in an article prior to the creation of this website.

Before you believe “your” government’s lies about Syria, remember “your” government’s lies about Saddam Hussein’s “weapons of mass destruction.” Remember Washington’s lies about the Gulf of Tonkin that unleashed the Vietnam war. Remember the lies about Gaddafi and Libya. Remember the lies about 9/11, the lies about the murders of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King. Remember the Northwoods Project that the Joint Chiefs of Staff wanted President John F. Kennedy to embrace.

The Northwoods project called for shooting down US airliners, shooting down people on the streets of Miami and Washington, D.C., and strafing Cuban refugee boats in order to blame Castro and build public support for regime change in Cuba.

Sound familiar? Sound like regime change in Iraq, Libya, Syria?

The top secret Operation Northwoods plot against Cuba and the American people was officially released and is available online, as are numerous histories of the proposal by the US Joint Chiefs of Staff to kill Americans in order to create support for invading Cuba. Keep this established fact in mind before you again repeat the gullible and reassuring statement: “our government wouldn’t kill its own people.”

Try to find any of Washington’s agendas about which the government spoke truthfully. The US government is so enamored of its secret agendas that Washington never speaks truth. Keep in mind that Washington’s 12 years of wars, which have doubled the US national debt and left the federal government without the means to help the rising number of Americans whose jobs have been given to foreigners and whose homes are foreclosed, have their origin in 9/11, the investigation of which was prevented by the White House.

After resisting for one year the pressure from 9/11 family members for an investigation, the White House created a political panel to listen to the government’s line and to write it down in the 9/11 Commission Report, a report promptly disavowed by both co-chairmen of the commission and the chief legal advisor, all of whom described the 9/11 commission as “set up to fail.”

The Obama regime has shown no interest in investigating how the most powerful national security state of all time, a Stasi police state that spies on the entire world, could be defeated by a few Saudi Arabians, who had no support from any government or any intelligence service, or why instead of a real investigation, the Bush White House chose an orchestrated cover-up.

The US government’s claim to have killed bin Laden has a zero probability of being true. According to Pakistani eye witnesses to the attack on the alleged Osama bin Laden compound in Pakistan, the Obama regime’s claim is simply more theater, more lies.

In this interview from Pakistani National TV you can learn about your government’s lies about killing Osama bin Laden.

Pakistan TV Report Contradicts US Claim of Bin Laden’s Death — Paul Craig Roberts
August 6, 2011

In my article, “Creating Evidence Where There Is None,” about the alleged killing of Osama bin Laden by a commando team of US Seals in Abbottabad, Pakistan, I reported a Pakistani National TV interview with Muhammad Bashir, who lives next door to the alleged ”compound” of Osama bin Laden. I described the story that Bashir gave of the ”attack” and its enormous difference from the story told by the US government. In Bashir’s account, every member of the landing party and anyone brought from the house died when the helicopter exploded on lift-off. I wrote that a qualified person could easily provide a translation of the interview, but that no American print or TV news organization had reported or investigated the interview of Muhammad Bashir by Pakistani National TV.

An attorney with a British Master of Laws degree in international law and diplomacy, who was born in Pakistan, provided the translation below. He writes: ”I have no problem with being identified as the translator, but would prefer to remain anonymous.”

The translator provides these definitions and clarifications:

”Gulley” is generally referred (in Urdu) to a sidewalk or pavement. Also for the space between two houses.

“kanal” is a traditional unit of land area, so that one kanal equals exactly 605 square yards or 1/8 Acre; this is equivalent to about 505. 857 square meters.

Muhammad Bashir refers to himself as ”We”. This is common respectable language for the self; to use the plural term instead of singular. The English language equivalent would be the ”Royal, We”.

Urdu is the national language and lingua franca of Pakistan.
The translator:

I have translated the entire text of the video.

I have tried my best to keep words in a chronological order, but in some cases this is not possible, as in translation words must be replaced in reverse order to make sense! However, I have had to put a few words in brackets to clarify meaning. If you want to ask about any section—please supply time stamp and I will supply a contextual text.

Video Transcript:

Welcome back!—Muhammad Bashir, Abotabad Area, Bilal Town resident, Looks like an ordinary person, but he is no ordinary person! Muhammad Bashir, lives in Abotabad’s, Bilal Town Opposite Bin Laden’s House.

Night of 2nd May Muhammad Bashir was on the roof of his house, whereupon, the entire OBL, American operation was seen with his own eyes.
Last night, when our team was in Abotabad, Bilal Town, near OBL house, Muhammad Bashir approached me and said that:

“Sister, I want to tell you something that is a great burden on my heart and conscience”—Listen to what he said:

00: 59 Muhammad Bashir: I. . today. . . would like to comment about todays Abotabad operation events, until now, what I am about to say, no person has said.

01: 08: Reporter: But, Muhammad Bashir sahib appeared frightened. While speaking to me, Muhammad Bashir sahib phoned his relative; leader, M. E. A. of Jamaat-e-islami, Abotabad, Abdul Razaq Abaasi on the phone.

01: 21: reporter: Tell me your name and where do you live?

Muhammad Bashir: —One minute, first I need to speak to him. . . I am going to give an interview, a complete interview. Shall I give a complete interview or half?
Reporter: Complete!—complete!

Muhammad Bashir: I first need to phone him, I need to speak to him
Reporter: I could of. . .

01: 39: Reporter: Muhammad Bashir sahib, on that night’s events of the American operation, that took place, he expressed such comments about circumstances that have never been expressed before, therefore, we checked his ID card, his place of residence and we can confirm that he definitely lives there and we also approached senior politicians and asked about him, after hearing his comments, we were amazed—now you watch what he said.

01: 57: Muhammad Bashir: The events that happened are thus; we were awake, we were not asleep.

02: 00: Muhammad Bashir: a Helicopter came, and circled and dropped some people there.

02: 07: Muhammad Bashir: in that house. . . where they are saying, Osama lives here; on that house’s roof, they dropped people, after that, the helicopter returned and went back.

02: 16: Reporter: How many people were they?

02: 18: Muhammad Bashir: They were ten, twelve people

02: 20: Muhammad Bashir: After that it left and for approximately 20 minutes, there behind us, on those mountains, it kept going around, the top of the mountains.

02: 27: After 20 minutes, it returned. When it returned, at that time there were TWO more helicopters arrived. One came from the West and one came from the North. When it approached for landing, after that. . .
At this point; Video cut and resumed:

02: 41: Muhammad Bashir: that helicopter, there was an explosion within it and there was fire within it, immediately, we came out and arrived there. When we arrived, the helicopter was on fire, it was burning. After that, about twenty minutes later the Army arrived, the police arrived. They moved all of us back. . .

03: 04: Muhammad Bashir: . . . and all the people inside it, all of them. . . we think; if Osama was inside it, or inside this house—then who took him to the Americans?

03: 16: Muhammad Bashir: Because America. . . the helicopters that America is saying; IT carried out the operation. If America did this operation and it’s army came and it’s helicopter came, then that helicopter that came from the American’s, within that, all the people that came, those people with the explosion were finished, got destroyed!

03: 35: Muhammad Bashir: Within it, there was fire, those people, all of them died!

03: 39: and if Osama was there, they would have put him in the helicopter. Obviously, if the helicopter caught fire, Osama could have died there. If their own people were gone, (dead) so could have Osama. After that, the fallen helicopter was destroyed after this, how can Osama be, with them in America? this is a strange thing!
Video cut & resumes

03: 59: Muhammad Bashir: They are saying we killed Osama here. After that, they picked him up and took him away.

04: 04: Muhammad Bashir: PICKED HIM UP AND TOOK HIM AWAY—how did they do this? This, what we are thinking!

04: 07: Muhammad Bashir: The Americans’ helicopter that came, that fell here and got destroyed!

04: 09: Reporter: There was only ONE helicopter?

04: 11: Muhammad Bashir: ONE helicopter landed down here, the second helicopter came from above and went towards Mansera.

It did not land. No second helicopter landed!

04: 20: Only ONE helicopter, that first dropped it’s passengers, the SAME returned to pick the people and there was an explosion within it.

04: 27: Reporter: People were inside it?

04: 29: Muhammad Bashir: People were inside it!

04: 30: Reporter: How do you know this?

04: 32: Muhammad Bashir: These people, we seen them all.

04: 34: Reporter: In the helicopter. . . you saw dead people?
04: 36: Muhammad Bashir: We saw dead people!

04: 38: Reporter: How many people?

04:39: Muhammad Bashir: This, we could not count, within the compound there was fire.

04: 43: Muhammad Bashir: and we. . . the gate was open, we entered the gate, at that time the Army had not arrived.

04: 48: Muhammad Bashir: Police had not arrived. Some people from the agencies, were present, but they did not prevent anybody, they kept entering, every person was looking , now, nobody is saying, but everyone from the mohalla (neighbourhood) and all the people present from the mohalla arrived first. We saw the gate open, we entered inside, saw the burning helicopter, the people inside were dead. After that everything was lifted. Now, there is nothing there!

05: 16: Reporter: How many dead bodies did you see?

05: 18: Muhammad Bashir: Look, you cannot count, the dead bodies were in pieces everything else was broken pieces, some here, some there, some broken, some half, some like this.

05: 27: Reporter: Tell me fully—what happened?

06: 30: Reporter: Tell me the full events

05: 31: Muhammad Bashir: I told you, this is. .
05: 32: Reporter: You did not. . . I cannot believe this, that’s why.

05: 36: Muhammad Bashir: Look, what I have said—that’s it!
Video Cut!

05: 39: Reporter: When you saw the American craft, (Helicopter) what did you think, why they came here?

05: 42: Muhammad Bashir: We thought. . . this is it. . . why did they came? we thought why did they come? maybe. . we. . . did not expect them to do anything, we thought maybe our Army is arriving at some centre and the army people were sleeping, there was no explosions or events taking place, nothing was happening, everybody was sleeping, for 20 minutes or so. . .

06: 05: Reporter: The craft landed in front of your house, how did you feel about this?

06: 08: Muhammad Bashir: I thought. . just. . . understand. . . imagine. . we thought we’re dead!

Video cut:

06: 13: Reporter: But, how did the Americans return?

06: 16: Muhammad Bashir: This is what I am saying; their Craft came and the helicopter was destroyed, HOW, could they return?

06: 22: Reporter: Tell me this; you say, that you saw the dead bodies yourself. . . .

06: 25: Muhammad Bashir: one more thing, Madam, may I tell you; The people who were dropped from the craft, That walkway . . . that . . where our gates are. . . they banged them hard. . . and shouted. . . don’t come out. . . don’t do this, don’t do that, if you come out you will be shot. . we will do this, we will do that, all the people who were dropped, all of them spoke Pashtu
(Afgahni Language)—Pakhtun!

06: 49: Reporter: Who were these people?

06: 49: Muhammad Bashir: This I do not know! Those who were dropped from the craft (helicopter), those people.

06: 54: Reporter: This, somebody else told me—that they spoke Pashtu.

06: 57: Muhammad Bashir: They WERE Pashtun! we do not know if they were working for the Americans, we do not know if they were working for Pakistan, we do not know if they were army people or civilian, what people, BUT they SPOKE PASHTU!

07: 07: Reporter: You said you heard they were asking for Osama?

07: 09: Muhammad Bashir: No, they didn’t ask me about Osama, they just said, do not come out, if you come out from your house, we will shoot you!

07: 16: Reporter: Were these Pakistani people?

Muhammad Bashir: who?

07: 18: Reporter: The ones who were saying that if you come out, we will shoot you.

07: 20: Muhammad Bashir: They said that in Pashtu!

07: 22: Reporter: so did they. . were you coming out. . . exactly where were you, where was you standing when this happened?

07: 26: Muhammad Bashir: Inside the house, on top of the roof, I was not in the house, just on top of the (flat)roof

07: 29: Reporter: from Above the roof these people in the helicopter. . .

07: 30: Muhammad Bashir: I was on the roof, lying down, on the roof,lying and watching this and what was happening

07: 37: Reporter: Fear, was you not afraid? did you not think to phone someone?

07: 40: Muhammad Bashir: From the house, They were calling me from downstairs, the children were calling me, come down, come down, and I told them stop making noise! go into your rooms, I am watching what is happening. Afterwards, I found out about this, that, Osama was killed here!

07: 53: Reporter: How did you get inside? (the compound)

Muhammad Bashir: where?

Reporter: when there was fire.

Muhammad Bashir: the gate was open, when there was fire, the gate was open.

08: 02: Reporter: The house gate was open?

08: 03: Muhammad Bashir: The outer gate, the big gate, was open.

08: 06: Reporter: You came from upstairs to downstairs?

08: 08: Muhammad Bashir: I came down, from my own house into the gulley, I didn’t go alone inside the other house, 200 other people went inside! Everybody saw it!
08: 15: Reporter: All 200 saw the dead bodies?

08: 17: Muhammad Bashir: Everybody saw this. Whoever went inside they saw everything!

08: 20: Reporting: the events at that time that are in your mind, please express them.

08: 28: Muhammad Bashir: I have told you this and this, in my mind, this is what I have seen, when we were there, when we entered the gate, When the helicopter exploded, it scattered everywhere, one piece fell over there, one fell here, one here, a lot of pieces fell in the gulley outside, they reached up to the gulley and our house and also some pieces managed to reach onto my roof. so, the area of the open space there (in front of the house) is about four Kanal in size. It is a very large compound. You cannot see all of it from one location. Four Kanal is a big area, only in a small area you could possibly see everything. There I saw some people, in broken pieces, someone’s leg, someone’s arm, someone’s torso, someone’s head. Beside this, I did not see intensely, who are they, how are they, because I thought that one of our own craft had fallen and the people within it were our own people. Because they spoke Pashtu they could be pakistani.

09: 35: Muhammad Bashir: but language does not necessarily mean. . by speaking it. . . the American language could be spoken, the agents can speak all sorts of languages. It could be that it is the American army and they could speak Pashtu and the people would think that it is our own people.

09: 54: Reporter: Seeing the dead bodies—did you not feel fear?

09: 57: Muhammad Bashir: But we were thinking about ourselves at the time, but seeing the dead bodies who felt frightened?

10: 00: Reporter: When you went inside, what did you do after that, how did you come out?

10: 02: Muhammad Bashir: we came out, our Army reached there, when the army arrived, they moved all the people back. Move aside, move aside! So we moved aside. Then they closed the area down.

10: 13: Reporter: did Rais see this?

Muhammad Bashir: What?

Reporter: where was your cousin?

10: 18: Muhammad Bashir: My cousin was at that time in the house.

10: 20: Reporter: Did he go with you?

10: 21: Muhammad Bashir: He was with me, but I did not notice when he was picked up.
10: 28: Reporter: Has he returned yet?

10: 29: Muhammad Bashir: Yes, he has returned. They picked him up and took him away.

10: 32: Reporter: What is he saying?

10: 34: Muhammad Bashir: I have not met him yet, he is at home they will not let him come out, we are not allowed to visit him, they will not let him come out. We have not met.

10: 40: Reporter: You was not able find out, but since when have you been allowed out.

10: 45: Muhammad Bashir: I did not go home, by going home. . .

Reporter: You have seen the fire you have seen the bodies how long did you stay there?

Muhammad Bashir: approximately, after five or six minutes, I left and came out. . five, six minute. . what happened . . . . the reason we left, was that after we entered, there was another small explosion, I do not know if the engine fail and there was another fire, it was a small explosion, after this explosion all the people ran out.

11: 06: Muhammad Bashir: when we went out, nobody let us go back in again.

11: 11: Reporter: Besides you, why is nobody else saying these things? why are you alone in this?

11: 16: Muhammad Bashir: Look, what we have seen, that is what we are saying and we are speaking for this reason that, we are sad that such humble and nice people of our town, that has never seen such events, no fighting, no arguments, no animosity, No murders, such nice people of ours in this town and they have been branded as terrorists.

11: 43: Reporter: Tell me; two helicopters came, lifted and took the rest of the people?

11: 46: Muhammad Bashir: No—they did not take the rest of the people, because they did not even land, One came from the West and it left towards the North, the one that came from the North, left towards the South. They did not land!

12: 00: Studio Reporter: these events that we showed you from Abotabad, there are many more things that we discovered about the compound where OBL was staying, there were vegetables planted there, what kind of vegetables, the person who grows the vegetables is the cousin of this person (Muhammad Bashir), whose interview we have shown. An extraordinary thing that he has said and he has sworn repeatedly on the veracity of his statement. this is from his own account and upon this account do view this. Yesterday we found out and it has been confirmed that there were two Ashfaq’s who lived there (in the compound): Mr Arshad and Mr Tariq who went shopping locally and used to buy international brands, the items they found in the house, dry dates, dried meat and things like this, this person who you saw in the interview in his house there was food from OBL’s house, he was given Kaabli Pillau (Rice) and such items were presented to him, There the view of local mosque people, what they think of OBL all these things we will present to you in an exclusive program an important newsbeat, todays time is finishing, do write to us at newsbeat@samaa. tv where you can get other information as well and you can join us at newsbeat with Fareeha Idrees thats my favourite bit, do write to us, the time is up now, By your permission to leave, take care of yourself, In Allah’s care.

13: 20: Reporter: I am now at standing in front of Abdullah Bin Zubair Mosque, this is the same mosque that is within walking distance from OBL’s house. Are you saying that if people found out that OBL was living here, would they be happy?

1st man: Possibly, people could be happy.

2nd man: He wasn’t living here, but he was a Muslim, he believed in Allah.

End of translation

Anyone fluent in Urdu who wishes to dispute the translation should do so.
I asked the translator if he might contact the Pakistani news organization and inquire if the reporters had further investigated Bashir’s story. He replied that he could do so, but exactly 24 hours later ”for some unknown reason” the news organization started to discredit Bashir by connecting ”him to his cousin, who is accused of receiving foodstuffs from the household of OBL.”

Bashir’s cousin is the person who, according to the reporter (see 12:00 time line) had a vegetable garden inside the wall of the alleged bin Laden compound. Is it likely that with a hunted and dangerous person hiding within, locals would be permitted to have vegetable gardens inside the compound? The cousin’s vegetable garden obviously had to be redefined as ”receiving foodstuffs from OBL.”

The translator offers his view on the 13:20 timeline:

“The final seconds of the video clip contain random people to generate and show some kind of sympathy with OBL in the district.

“It would be very difficult to find people in Pakistan who sympathize with OBL or the Taliban. The only people who do sympathize are the poor illiterate people who do not know about the religion and can easily be convinced of a distorted version of Islam.
“Therefore, the closing part of the video contains, out of context expressions:
“1st man: Possibly, people could be happy. (Meaning it is possible that SOME people could be happy.)

2nd man: He wasn’t living here, but he was a Muslim, he believed in Allah. (Meaning; he claimed to be Muslim, so he must have believed in Allah.)

“Therefore, it seems that although initially, the TV station was overjoyed with this interview, they changed their tune, twenty four hours later. (for some unknown reason.)”
Readers can arrive at their own conclusions. It seems clear that under intense pressure and serious threats from the US government, the Pakistani government fell in line with the US government’s claim that a commando raid had killed bin Laden, and that the TV news organization got the message to get in line also.

It is likely that the many witnesses who observed the dead from the helicopter crash have been warned to keep quiet. However, a news organization, should one be so inclined, could certainly interview Bashir and the 200 others who saw the dead bodies. A good reporter, perhaps accompanied by trained psychologists, would be able to tell if people were lying out of fear and encourage some to speak anonymously.

I am confident that no news organization believes that it could confront such an important US national myth in this way. The killing of bin Laden satisfies the emotional need for revenge and justice. In the least, a news organization that challenged the government’s story would be cut off from all government sources and be denounced by politicians and a large percentage of the gullible US population as an anti-American terrorist-serving organization. They could even be arrested for giving aid and comfort to the enemy. In America today, truth-tellers are the last thing the government and much of the brainwashed public wants to here.

OBL’s death will remain one of those many ”truths” that rest on nothing but the government’s word.
* * *
UPDATE September 2013: When is the last time the US government told the truth about anything? Despite an unbroken history of lies, the word of the US government still carries weight, especially with gullible Americans.

The link in my original article to the interview with Bashir has been taken down. This might be the original Pakistani National TV interview:

In another interview the BBC interviewed 50 residents of Abbottabad. The residents said that it was impossible that Osama bin Laden lived in their midst without their knowledge. The person who lives next door to the alleged “bin Laden compound” said that the resident shown in the American photo was not bin Laden, but his neighbor whom he knew well. The Pakistanis say the killing of bin Laden is an American hoax.

The Obama regime’s story of the murder of bin Laden is nonsensical. The fact that the regime would tell such a preposterous story indicates that Washington regards the American and international public as gullible morons, people lacking any ability to discern the truth of what they are officially told.

Who can believe that the “terror mastermind,” the head of what is said to be the most dangerous terrorist organization in the world, would be left alone, unguarded and unarmed, with only two women to protect him? Who can believe that such a defenseless person with such essential information for Washington’s war on terror would simply be shot on sight by US Navy SEALs? Why would Washington waste such an archive of information?

Why would Washington forego the triumph of parading their captive before the world and confronting him in a courtroom with his crimes?

Why would Washington dump the body secretly into the sea without even having photographic evidence to back the story? Why would Washington tell such a preposterous story for which it can supply no evidence whatsoever?

Why would Obama, faced with a reelection campaign, forego the patriotic publicity of a White House ceremony at which he pins medals on the victorious SEALs? What politician would forego such an opportunity?

Do you really believe that the SEALs’ identity had to be protected in order to keep them safe from terrorists, or that Obama would let his reelection take a backseat to such a consideration?

No politician would handle the capture of Osama bin Laden in such a politically wasteful way. Can you imagine a politician throwing away such marvelous opportunities for PR events? Can you imagine an intelligence service destroying such a valuable source of information without interrogating Osama bin Laden?

Now consider this: The Obama regime claims to have given bin Laden a proper Muslim burial at sea from an aircraft carrier, the Carl Vinson, named after a U.S. Representative from Georgia who served in the House for more than 50 years and is known as “the father of the two-ocean Navy.” The aircraft carrier has approximately 6,000 personnel. From emails that sailors sent home to family and friends, none witnessed the sea burial of bin Laden.

When the story of the emails got out, Washington quickly announced that bin Laden’s burial was conducted in secret and that no one but a few officers were involved.

Think about this for a minute. First of all, here again is a massive victory over the forces of terrorism being kept from sailors whose moral it would have raised. Why keep a moral-boosting victory over terrorist evil from the crew of a deployed warship? What was achieved by the secrecy?

Why give up the photography of such an important American victory that could so well stimulate patriots’ worship of Obama? It makes no sense whatsoever.

Second, do you really believe that an at-sea burial can be conducted on a ship with 6,000 personnel with watches being kept, with sailors on deck performing a variety of necessary functions, and no one saw? I mean, really! 6,000 people on one ship, and no one saw? Were they all locked in their bunks?

Now consider the fate of SEAL Team 6, whose members allegedly murdered Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad. Shortly after the alleged hit on bin Laden, SEAL team 6 was wiped out in Afghanistan. The Obama regime claims that a helicopter carrying the SEAL team was shot down by the Taliban.

Just as the Bush regime’s story of 9/11 ran into opposition from the 9/11 families, the Obama regime’s story of the SEALs’ demise ran into opposition from SEAL families who studied the documents that comprised the Obama regime’s account. I don’t remember if I wrote about the SEAL families’ challenge to the government’s story, but I did some interviews about the families’ disbelief. The interviews or some of them would be posted on my website, such as

The SEAL team families noticed that normal deployment operational procedures were not followed, that the entire SEAL team was loaded on a 50-year old Vietnam war era helicopter and not dispersed as required on their normal modern attack helicopters, and that a variety of other procedures devised to protect such expensively trained special forces were not followed. SEAL team members, according to parents, had written home expressing concerns about their safety. One told his father he had made a will. According to parents, the SEALs themselves sensed that they were in danger from internal forces, not from the external enemy.

Of course, there is no proof. The criminal Obama regime will not indict itself. But, just as the Carl Vinson sailors did not witness any at-sea burial of Osama bin Laden, the members of the SEAL team were asking each other, ”who was on the mission that got bin Laden?”

As it turned out, none were. Fearful of the emails that would follow the SEAL team’s discovery that no one was on the mission, the team was eliminated.

Yes, I know, Hollywood made a movie of the heroic SEAL team’s exploit in murdering an unguarded, unarmed “Terror Mastermind.” An alleged SEAL wrote a book describing the “victory” of eliminating, prior to interrogation, the source of all terrorist plots, leaving the Americans in the total dark. The movie and book are likely nothing but organized propaganda to support the government’s lie.

Considering the gullibility of Americans, little doubt that the movie and book were successful. It plays to the emotions of uninformed and unaware Americans that they have won. They are equally happy when their favorite football team defeats the rival. The happiest days experienced by a generation is when Auburn defeats Alabama or vice versa, or Georgia Tech defeats Georgia or vice versa. Americans are addicted to winning, and they remember these victories forever. Little else is important to them. Obama told them that they had defeated Osama bin Laden, who had died ten years before of terminal illnesses prior to his staged murder in a propaganda event, and that is all that is important to Americans. They won. “We beat bin Laden!” And Obama won. Despite his sell-out of his every constituency and his transparent lies, Obama won reelection.

Obama is an anomaly. He is a warmonger who won the Nobel Peace Prize.

Keep in mind that prior to the Obama regime’s announcement that the indispensable, exceptional country had killed bin Laden, Obama’s standing was so low that the Democrats were discussing running a candidate against him for the Democratic presidential nomination.

By faking an American victory over the demonized bogyman, Obama
dispensed with threats to his reelection.

Thus, with Osama bin Laden, we have a man who only died twice.

U.S. MILITARY CONFIRMS REBELS HAD SARIN. Classified document shows deadly weapon found in home of arrested Islamists


As part of the Obama administration’s repeated insistence – though without offering proof – that the recent sarin gas attack near Damascus was the work of the Assad regime, the administration has downplayed or denied the possibility that al-Qaida-linked Syrian rebels could produce deadly chemical weapons.

However, in a classified document just obtained by WND, the U.S. military confirms that sarin was confiscated earlier this year from members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the rebel Islamists fighting in Syria.

The document says sarin from al-Qaida in Iraq made its way into Turkey and that while some was seized, more could have been used in an attack last March on civilians and Syrian military soldiers in Aleppo.

The document, classified Secret/Noforn – “Not for foreign distribution” – came from the U.S. intelligence community’s National Ground Intelligence Center, or NGIC, and was made available to WND Tuesday.

It revealed that AQI had produced a “bench-scale” form of sarin in Iraq and then transferred it to Turkey.

A U.S. military source said there were a number of interrogations as well as some clan reports as part of what the document said were “50 general indicators to monitor progress and characterize the state of the ANF/AQI-associated Sarin chemical warfare agent developing effort.”

“This (document) depicts our assessment of the status of effort at its peak – primarily research and procurement activities – when disrupted in late May 2013 with the arrest of several key individuals in Iraq and Turkey,” the document said.

“Future reporting of indicators not previously observed would suggest that the effort continues to advance despite the arrests,” the NGIC document said.

The May 2013 seizure occurred when Turkish security forces discovered a two-kilogram cylinder with sarin gas while searching homes of Syrian militants from the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra Front following their initial detention.

The sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamic radicals detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia.

Some 12 suspected members of the al-Nusra Front were arrested. At the time, they were described by Turkish special anti-terror forces as the “most aggressive and successful arm” of the Syrian rebels.

In the seizure, Turkish anti-terror police also found a cache of weapons, documents and digital data.

At the time of the arrest, the Russians called for a thorough investigation of the detained Syrian militants found in possession of sarin gas.

This seizure followed a chemical weapons attack in March on the Khan al-Assal area of rural Aleppo, Syria. In that attack, some 26 people and Syrian government forces were killed by what was determined to be sarin gas, delivered by a rocket attack.

The Syrian government called for an investigation by the United Nations. Damascus claimed al-Qaida fighters were behind the attack, also alleging that Turkey was involved.

“The rocket came from a place controlled by the terrorists and which is located close to the Turkish territory,” according to a statement from Damascus. “One can assume that the weapon came from Turkey.”

The report of the U.S. intelligence community’s NGIC reinforces a preliminary U.N. investigation of the attack in Aleppo which said the evidence pointed to Syrian rebels.

It also appears to bolster allegations in a 100-page report on an investigation turned over to the U.N. by Russia. The report concluded the Syrian rebels – not the Syrian government – had used the nerve agent sarin in the March chemical weapons attack in Aleppo.

While the contents of the report have yet to be released, sources tell WND the documentation indicates that deadly sarin poison gas was manufactured in a Sunni-controlled region of Iraq and then transported to Turkey for use by the Syrian opposition, whose ranks have swelled with members of al-Qaida and affiliated groups.

The documentation that the U.N. received from the Russians indicated specifically that the sarin gas was supplied to Sunni foreign fighters by a Saddam-era general working under the outlawed Iraqi Baath party leader, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.

Al-Douri was a top aide to Saddam Hussein before he was deposed as Iraqi president.

The sarin nerve gas used in the Allepo attack, sources say, had been prepared by former Iraqi Military Industries Brig. Gen. Adnan al-Dulaimi. It then was supplied to Baath-affiliated foreign fighters of the Sunni and Saudi Arabian-backed al-Nusra Front in Aleppo, with Turkey’s cooperation, through the Turkish town of Antakya in Hatay Province.

The source who brought out the documentation now in the hands of the U.N. is said to have been an aide to al-Douri.

Al-Dulaimi was a major player in Saddam’s chemical weapons production projects, the former aide said. Moreover, Al-Dulaimi has been working in the Sunni-controlled region of northwestern Iraq where the outlawed Baath party now is located and produces the sarin.

The NGIC depiction of the variety of sarin as “bench-scale” reinforces an analysis by terrorism expert Yossef Bodansky, who said the recent findings on the chemical weapons attack of Aug. 21 on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, was “indeed a self-inflicted attack” by the Syrian opposition to provoke U.S. and military intervention in Syria.

Bodansky, a former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, said a preliminary analysis of the sarin showed that it was of a “kitchen” variety and not military grade.

He questioned that the sarin was of a military variety, which accumulates around victims’ hair and loose clothing.

Because these molecules become detached and released with any movement, Bodansky said, “they would have thus killed or injured the first responders who touched the victims’ bodies without protective clothes … and masks.”

Various videos of the incident clearly show first responders going from patient to patient without protective clothing administering first aid to the victims. There were no reports of casualties among the first responders.

“This strongly indicates that the agent in question was the slow acting ‘kitchen sarin,’” Bodansky said.

“Indeed, other descriptions of injuries treated by MSF (The French group Doctors Without Borders) – suffocation, foaming, vomiting and diarrhea – agree with the effects of diluted, late-action drops of liquefied Sarin,” he said.

The terrorism expert said that the jihadist movement has technologies which have been confirmed in captured jihadist labs in both Turkey and Iraq, as well as from the wealth of data recovered from al-Qaida in Afghanistan in 2001 and 2002.

He added that the projectiles shown by the opposition, which were tested by U.N. inspectors, are not standard weapons of the Syrian army.

Meanwhile, an Italian former journalist and a Belgian researcher who were recently freed from their al-Nusra captives say they overheard their captors talking about their involvement in a deadly chemical attack “last month,” which would have been the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack.

The Italian, Domenico Quirico, and Belgian researcher Pierre Piccinin were released Monday after five months of captivity.

“The government of Bashar al-Assad did not use Sarin gas or other types of gas in the outskirts of Damascus,” Piccinin said.

While captive, Piccinin said the two had overheard a Skype conversation in English among three people.

“The conversation was based on real facts,” said Quirico, claiming one of the three people in the alleged conversation identified himself as a Free Syrian Army general.

He added that the militants said the rebels carried out the attack as a provocation to force the West to intervene militarily to oust the Assad regime.

Both men told a news conference they had no access to the outside world while they were held captive and knew nothing about the use of chemical weapons until they heard the discussion on Skype.

Now, a former analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency, Ray McGovern, similarly backs the claim that the Syrian rebels perpetrated the poison gas attack on Aug. 21

McGovern was one of a number of veteran intelligence professionals who recently signed a letter to Obama saying that Damascus wasn’t behind the Aug. 21 chemical attack.

As WND recently reported, former U.S. intelligence analysts claim current intelligence analysts have told them Assad was not responsible for the Aug. 21 poison gas attack, saying there was a “growing body of evidence” that reveals the incident was a pre-planned provocation by the Syrian opposition.

The analysts, in an open letter to Obama, referred to a meeting a week before the Aug. 21 incident in which opposition military commanders ordered preparations for an “imminent escalation” due to a “war-changing development” that would be followed by the U.S.-led bombing of Syria. They said the growing body of evidence came mostly from sources affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its supporters.

Those reports, they said, revealed that canisters containing chemical agents were brought into a suburb of Damascus, where they were then opened.

“Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and Qatari, Turkish and U.S. intelligence officials took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, now used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army and their foreign sponsors,” the analysts said.

The VIPS memo to Obama reinforces separate videos, which show foreign fighters associated with the Syrian opposition firing artillery canisters of poison gas. One video shows Nadee Baloosh, a member of an al-Qaida-affiliated group Rioyadh al-Abdeen, admitting to the use of chemical weapons.

In the video clip, al-Abdeen, who is in the Latakia area of Syria, said his forces used “chemicals which produce lethal and deadly gases that I possess.”


jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

Pro-Syrian opposition ‘analyst’ fired for lying about credentials. WND: U.S. MILITARY CONFIRMS REBELS HAD SARIN. US, al-Qaeda: From enemies to allies

Section : Politics - Syria

Breaking News Network - Agencies

A Washington scholar whose writings on Syria were touted by top U.S. officials in making the case for a military strike has been fired from the Institute for the Study of War for allegedly lying about her education credentials.

The development comes after Elizabeth O'Bagy's credibility and objectivity had come under scrutiny over her work with a Syrian opposition advocacy group.

The institute, where she had worked as a senior analyst, on Wednesday posted a terse statement on its website claiming she also misled the organization about having a Ph.D.

"The Institute for the Study of War has learned and confirmed that, contrary to her representations, Ms. Elizabeth O'Bagy does not in fact have a Ph.D. degree from Georgetown University. ISW has accordingly terminated Ms. O'Bagy's employment, effective immediately," the statement said.

. O'Bagy said she had defended her dissertation at Georgetown, but was still waiting for the university to confer the degree.

A spokesman for Georgetown tells said that all they could confirm was O'Bagy had received her undergraduate degree and master's degree there, but she was not currently registered.

“Georgetown University confirms that Elizabeth O'Bagy received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 2009 and a Master of Arts degree in 2013," Rob Mathis of Georgetown's Office of Communications said. "At this time she is not a registered student.”

Georgetown records also show O'Bagy also studied abroad through American University in Cairo.

During discussions about military action in Syria last month, O'Bagy wrote an influential piece in The Wall Street Journal that was used to push for punishing the Syrian regime for using chemical weapons.

The Aug. 30 piece disputed claims that the opposition is heavily populated by extremist factions. "Contrary to many media accounts, the war in Syria is not being waged entirely, or even predominantly, by dangerous Islamists and al Qaeda die-hards," she wrote, while calling for a "comprehensive strategy" to destroy Syrian military capability and boost the opposition.

Both Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Secretary of State John Kerry cited her article during congressional hearings. McCain read from the piece, describing it as an "important op-ed by Dr. Elizabeth O'Bagy." Kerry cited it the next day while appearing before a House committee, urging lawmakers to read it.

But questions were soon raised about O'Bagy's connection with a group called the Syrian Emergency Task Force. The Journal, after the op-ed was first published, included a clarification noting she is "affiliated" with that group, and that the organization subcontracts with the U.S. and British governments "to provide aid to the Syrian opposition."

O'Bagy also appeared several times to discuss Syria on Fox News, CNN, NPR and other media outlets.

O'Bagy, in an interview last week on Fox News, claimed she is not an employee of the task force, and is not a lobbyist. She said she works with them as an independent contractor, and her contract fee comes through U.S. government contracts.

She also defended herself on Twitter, claiming she is "not paid to advocate" the view that the U.S. should get involved in Syria.

"I have never tried to hide my affiliate with the Syrian Emergency Task Force," she wrote, claiming she works not as a lobbyist but a research consultant on "humanitarian aid & civil governance contracts."

Indeed, an article she co-wrote on Syria that was published by The Atlantic in June did include a line acknowledging her ties with the Syrian Emergency Task Force.

Her Twitter page, though, identifies her only as "Syria Analyst at the Institute for the Study of War."

Work for the task force also was omitted from the bio that previously appeared on the website for the Institute for the Study of War. O'Bagy was listed as having issued "major reports" on the Syrian opposition. The bio said she "traveled extensively to the region to gain perspective on the situation."

The bio said she had received her Master's and Ph.D. in Arab Studies and Political Science at Georgetown. It said she also had a bachelor's in Arabic and Arab Studies from the same university.


Section : Politics - Syria

Breaking News Network - Newspapers

WND, an online US newspaper says that classified documents shows deadly weapon found in home of arrested Islamists.

The newspaper argues that evidences indicate that opposition fighters were responsible for the chemical gas attack. The newspaper supports its claims with accounts taken from parts of Obama administration saying that the chemical weapons were used by “rebels,” not by the Syrian government.

The newspaper also talks about the site of the “kitchen” were the chemicals had been “cooked”.

The newspaper’s article goes:

As part of the Obama administration’s repeated insistence – though without offering proof – that the recent sarin gas attack near Damascus was the work of the Syrian regime, the administration has downplayed or denied the possibility that al-Qaida-linked Syrian rebels could produce deadly chemical weapons.

However, in a classified document just obtained by WND, the U.S. military confirms that sarin was confiscated earlier this year from members of the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the most influential of the extremist rebel groups fighting in Syria.

The document says sarin from al-Qaida in Iraq made its way into Turkey and that while some was seized, more could have been used in an attack last March on civilians and Syrian military soldiers in Aleppo.

The document, classified Secret/Noforn – “Not for foreign distribution” – came from the U.S. intelligence community’s National Ground Intelligence Center, or NGIC, and was made available to WND Tuesday.

It revealed that AQI had produced a “bench-scale” form of sarin in Iraq and then transferred it to Turkey.

A U.S. military source said there were a number of interrogations as well as some clan reports as part of what the document said were “50 general indicators to monitor progress and characterize the state of the ANF/AQI-associated Sarin chemical warfare agent developing effort.”

“This (document) depicts our assessment of the status of effort at its peak – primarily research and procurement activities – when disrupted in late May 2013 with the arrest of several key individuals in Iraq and Turkey,” the document said.

“Future reporting of indicators not previously observed would suggest that the effort continues to advance despite the arrests,” the NGIC document said.

The May 2013 seizure occurred when Turkish security forces discovered a two-kilogram cylinder with sarin gas while searching homes of Syrian militants from the al-Qaida-linked Jabhat al-Nusra Front following their initial detention.

The sarin gas was found in the homes of suspected Syrian Islamic radicals detained in the southern provinces of Adana and Mersia.

Some 12 suspected members of the al-Nusra Front were arrested. At the time, they were described by Turkish special anti-terror forces as the “most aggressive and successful arm” of the Syrian rebels.

In the seizure, Turkish anti-terror police also found a cache of weapons, documents and digital data.

At the time of the arrest, the Russians called for a thorough investigation of the detained Syrian militants found in possession of sarin gas.

This seizure followed a chemical weapons attack in March on the Khan al-Assal area of rural Aleppo, Syria. In that attack, some 26 people and Syrian government forces were killed by what was determined to be sarin gas, delivered by a rocket attack.

The Syrian government called for an investigation by the United Nations. Damascus claimed al-Qaida fighters were behind the attack, also alleging that Turkey was involved.

“The rocket came from a place controlled by the terrorists and which is located close to the Turkish territory,” according to a statement from Damascus. “One can assume that the weapon came from Turkey.”

The report of the U.S. intelligence community’s NGIC reinforces a preliminary U.N. investigation of the attack in Aleppo which said the evidence pointed to Syrian rebels.

It also appears to bolster allegations in a 100-page report on an investigation turned over to the U.N. by Russia. The report concluded the Syrian rebels – not the Syrian government – had used the nerve agent sarin in the March chemical weapons attack in Aleppo.

While the contents of the report have yet to be released, sources tell WND the documentation indicates that deadly sarin poison gas was manufactured in specific area in Iraq and then transported to Turkey for use by the Syrian opposition, whose ranks have swelled with members of al-Qaida and affiliated groups.

The documentation that the U.N. received from the Russians indicated specifically that the sarin gas was supplied to foreign fighters by a Saddam-era general.

The sarin nerve gas used in the Allepo attack, sources say, had been prepared by former Iraqi Military Industries Brigadier. It then was supplied to al-Nusra Front in Aleppo, with Turkey’s cooperation, through the Turkish town of Antakya in Hatay Province.

The source who brought out the documentation now in the hands of the U.N. is said to have been an aide to the Iraqi brigadier.

The NGIC depiction of the variety of sarin as “bench-scale” reinforces an analysis by terrorism expert Yossef Bodansky, who said the recent findings on the chemical weapons attack of Aug. 21 on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria, was “indeed a self-inflicted attack” by the Syrian opposition to provoke U.S. and military intervention in Syria.

Bodansky, a former director of the U.S. Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare, said a preliminary analysis of the sarin showed that it was of a “kitchen” variety and not military grade.

He questioned that the sarin was of a military variety, which accumulates around victims’ hair and loose clothing.

Because these molecules become detached and released with any movement, Bodansky said, “they would have thus killed or injured the first responders who touched the victims’ bodies without protective clothes … and masks.”

Various videos of the incident clearly show first responders going from patient to patient without protective clothing administering first aid to the victims. There were no reports of casualties among the first responders.

“This strongly indicates that the agent in question was the slow acting ‘kitchen sarin,’” Bodansky said.

“Indeed, other descriptions of injuries treated by MSF (The French group Doctors Without Borders) – suffocation, foaming, vomiting and diarrhea – agree with the effects of diluted, late-action drops of liquefied Sarin,” he said.

The terrorism expert said that the jihadist movement has technologies which have been confirmed in captured jihadist labs in both Turkey and Iraq, as well as from the wealth of data recovered from al-Qaida in Afghanistan in 2001 and 2002.

He added that the projectiles shown by the opposition, which were tested by U.N. inspectors, are not standard weapons of the Syrian army.

Meanwhile, an Italian former journalist and a Belgian researcher who were recently freed from their al-Nusra captives say they overheard their captors talking about their involvement in a deadly chemical attack “last month,” which would have been the Aug. 21 chemical weapons attack.

The Italian, Domenico Quirico, and Belgian researcher Pierre Piccinin were released Monday after five months of captivity.

“The government of Bashar al-Assad did not use Sarin gas or other types of gas in the outskirts of Damascus,” Piccinin said.

While captive, Piccinin said the two had overheard a Skype conversation in English among three people.

“The conversation was based on real facts,” said Quirico, claiming one of the three people in the alleged conversation identified himself as a Free Syrian Army general.

He added that the militants said the rebels carried out the attack as a provocation to force the West to intervene militarily to oust the Syrian regime.

Both men told a news conference they had no access to the outside world while they were held captive and knew nothing about the use of chemical weapons until they heard the discussion on Skype.

Now, a former analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency, Ray McGovern, similarly backs the claim that the Syrian rebels perpetrated the poison gas attack on Aug. 21

McGovern was one of a number of veteran intelligence professionals who recently signed a letter to Obama saying that Damascus wasn’t behind the Aug. 21 chemical attack.

As WND recently reported, former U.S. intelligence analysts claim current intelligence analysts have told them the Syrian government was not responsible for the Aug. 21 poison gas attack, saying there was a “growing body of evidence” that reveals the incident was a pre-planned provocation by the Syrian opposition.

The analysts, in an open letter to Obama, referred to a meeting a week before the Aug. 21 incident in which opposition military commanders ordered preparations for an “imminent escalation” due to a “war-changing development” that would be followed by the U.S.-led bombing of Syria. They said the growing body of evidence came mostly from sources affiliated with the Syrian opposition and its supporters.

Those reports, they said, revealed that canisters containing chemical agents were brought into a suburb of Damascus, where they were then opened.

“Initial meetings between senior opposition military commanders and Qatari, Turkish and U.S. intelligence officials took place at the converted Turkish military garrison in Antakya, Hatay Province, now used as the command center and headquarters of the Free Syrian Army and their foreign sponsors,” the analysts said.

The VIPS memo to Obama reinforces separate videos, which show foreign fighters associated with the Syrian opposition firing artillery canisters of poison gas. One video shows Nadee Baloosh, a member of an al-Qaida-affiliated group Rioyadh al-Abdeen, admitting to the use of chemical weapons.

In the video clip, al-Abdeen, who is in the Latakia area of Syria, said his forces used “chemicals which produce lethal and deadly gases that I possess.

A Syrian opponent uncovers documents prove the relation between US and al-Nusra Front.

Breaking News Network- Agencies

The head of the “Opposition Coordination Committee” in the Haitham Manaa has revealed that he has evidences, which prove the relation between US administration and the armed men of “Ahrar al-Sham” and al-Nusra Front.”

Manaa said in a declaration to RT that “the mediator between the Syrian community and the White House is a group of people who have mortgaged themselves to the West not to serve the democratic transition in Syria.

He adds that the situation in Syria is complicated and what worsen it is the lack of resolution of the U.S. administration because of the local and regional alliances.
US, al-Qaeda: From enemies to allies

Breaking News - Agencies

Since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011, reports have been repeatedly published about the presence of al-Qaeda groups such as al-Nusra Front and other Takfiri groups in the Arab country.

Two years after the beginning of the crisis in Syria, Americans and people of other nationalities face an important question; what is the difference between the al-Qaeda of 2001 and that of 2011? Why did the US form a coalition against al-Qaeda in 2001 and why is it now trying to form a coalition to help al-Qaeda?

What is the reason for the paradox in US policies with regards to al-Qaeda and how much truth is there to what Western media says about the nature of al-Qaeda? Why did al-Qaeda end up in Syria and what is it looking for? These are questions which require answers because of the possibility of a military attack against the country as well the escalation in anti-Syria war rhetoric.

In 2001 the US announced al-Qaeda as the perpetrator of the September 11 terrorist attack in New York City. In the next step al-Qaeda became known as the symbol of terrorism and Washington’s plan for the so-called war on terror was ready for implementation. At the time many world countries and even the UN agreed the terrorism must be eradicated.

To answer this question one must first take a look at the formation of this group and its supporters. Al-Qaeda is a group which was formed in the 4th decade of the twentieth century with the financial support of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and the military support of the US to block the influence of Soviet Russia and in a bid to control communism.

The group continued its existence until the disintegration of the Soviet Russia. According to Zbigniew Brzezinski, al-Qaeda is the child of a mutual effort by the CIA and the KSA intelligence agency in the 1980s.

Following the disintegration of soviet Russia, the rise to power of Taliban in Afghanistan and the radical behavior of this group toward the followers of other religions, public opinion was provoked.

US officials had a few meetings with al-Qaeda leaders, including Osama Bin Laden, in order to bring the group under their control, but the meetings were mostly unsuccessful as the group was uncontrollable due to having lots of wealth and weapons. The September 11 scenario was the only way that the US could control this group.

The US seemed damaged at the time and a group called al-Qaeda had attacked the country. The situation at the time prepared the ground for forming a coalition against the al-Qaeda and ultimately the US attacked Afghanistan.

Iraq was also targeted for financially supporting the al-Qaeda and having weapons of mass destruction. But to balance the power between Shias and Sunnis in Iraq the group commits its atrocities and murders under the name of the Islamic State of Iraq.

The continuation of violence in Iraq is a scenario designed by the US to counter the increasing power of Shia Muslims and the tool to carry out this is al-Qaeda affiliated groups in the country, although they pretend to disavow the US.

In 2011, dissatisfaction became evident among some Syrian Sunni communities in Aleppo and Homs and after some Syrian army officer’s treated some Sunni sheikhs US attention was drawn to Syria.

The US is currently in a position in which it can use provoking Syrians to overthrow Bashar Assad’s unfriendly government. But opposition in Syria is for a small part of the society and very soon the US realizes it cannot overthrow Bashar from inside Syria.

From May 2011 when Takfiri groups linked to al-Qaeda began entering Syria in groups or individually from the Turkish, Jordanian and Israeli borders. These individuals formed militant groups. Two of these groups including the Al-Nusra Front officially announced their affiliation to al-Qaeda. Despite this, US media and the media belonging to US allies try to portray these individuals as a part of the Syrian nation rebelling against the central government. However, gradually, reports by research institutions belonging to these countries began to emerge, showing that the majority of militants in Syria are foreign nationals.

The foreign-backed militants affiliated to al-Qaeda in Syria carry out all sorts of terrorist acts including massacring children, women, and mutilating corpses. But it appears that this time not only the international community has become deaf and blind but the US seeks also to form a coalition to assist terrorism.

This is while certain militant commanders in Syria are Turkish and Jordanian officers and some terrorists have been trained by the US in Jordan. KSA and Qatar continue to financially support militants and aid has been sent by Israel for these militants as well. In reality, the US for various reasons has decided to overthrow the Syrian government at any cost even at the cost of its credibility.

It now appears that one can understand the scenarios about Osama bin Laden’s killing. Bin Laden, the leader of al-Qaeda, has been killed and his followers are being persecuted in Yemen and Mali. But now, the ‘good’ al-Qaeda has been formed in line with US colonialist objectives. The US is even willing to support this “good al-Qaeda” at the expense of the credibility of the UN and UNSC and even its own Congress.

Currently it is not important for the US that militants are destroying churches and monasteries in Syria and setting fire to Christian homes and executing them. For them, at present, the fall of Bashar is more important than everything else.

Therefore, one can say that like the CIA, al-Qaeda is one of the US tools used to execute its demands across the world.

Whenever the White House wants, this group emerges in a country and Western governments under the pretext of supporting that country in countering al-Qaeda (like what happened in Afghanistan and Mali) or under the pretext of supporting al-Qaeda against the central government (like what’s happening in Syria at present), meddle in that country.

What is most important and should be taken into consideration is the level of consciousness of the international community about the US manipulation. It appears that this time the people of the world have not believed US claims about Syria, but also at a higher level, US Congressmen are also looking at the matter with doubt.


Elizabeth O'Bagy: On the Front Lines of Syria's Civil War

I heard this woman interviewed on NPR just a couple of days ago.
I just KNEW she was lying and full of digested canine dog food, the authenticity of her alleged 'expertise' came off as that of an eight year old pontificating on the historical significance of the SALT talks

“I will bring just one Sarin…Sarin gas,” says FSA jihadist rebel

In this video, two Syrian (Muslim Brotherhood/al-Qaeda linked) rebels can be heard coordinating a Sarin gas attack on a nearby building. As smoke billows a short distance from the building, a rebel on the ground can be heard directing someone – presumably at launch site to change his direction.

Shoebat Recent news of a chemical weapons attack in Syria smacks of desperation. The question comes down to who is most desperate right now, the Assad regime or the Muslim Brotherhood rebels? Consider that since June, Assad’s forces have been winning. According to a CBS News report from last month, victories for the rebels had become “increasingly rare” and that the Muslim Brotherhood-backed opposition fighters were sustaining “some of their heaviest losses” near Damascus.

FSA rebel jihadists loading what appears to be a chemical weapon
Even before Assad’s forces gained winning momentum, a UN official reportedly found evidence of rebels using chemical weapons but no evidence Assad’s regime did. This, from a Washington Times article by Shaun Waterman dated May 6, 2013:

Testimony from victims strongly suggests it was the rebels, not the Syrian government, that used Sarin nerve gas during a recent incident in the revolution-wracked nation, a senior U.N. diplomat said Monday.

Carla del Ponte, a member of the U.N. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria, told Swiss TV there were “strong, concrete suspicions but not yet incontrovertible proof,” that rebels seeking to oust Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad had used the nerve agent.

But she said her panel had not yet seen any evidence of Syrian government forces using chemical weapons, according to the BBC, but she added that more investigation was needed
The Syrian army discovered a storehouse belonging to rebels in the Damascus area of Jobar, where toxic chemical substances, including chlorine, have been produced and kept.

It’s significant to consider that the rebels were reportedly using chemical weapons at a time when Assad was more desperate than he is now. Again, why would Assad use chemical weapons now and not then? Who is more desperate at this point in the conflict? The answer is, the Muslim Brotherhood rebels, who have no problem killing themselves (or their own) if the cause of Islam is moved forward.
In June, testimony from a UN Panel implicated Syrian Rebels, NOT the Assad regime, for staging chemical weapons attacks, using Sarin gas.

UN Panel implicates Syrian Rebels in Chemical weapons attacks

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