El Presidente de Siria Bashar al-Assad le quita la careta a los regimenes corruptos y terroristas de Egipto y Arabia Saudita. Assad ha dejado de ser un espectador.
Discurso en árabe de Assad en Doha:
Extractos del discurso:
"Nosotros nos encargamos de recordar a nuestros niños la masacre de Gaza. Vamos a guardar las imágenes de los niños de Gaza con sus heridas y la sangre, y les va a enseñar a nuestros hijos que la firmeza de los creyentes es mejor que los débiles."
"Vamos a enseñarles: "Ojo por ojo y diente por diente y el que lo inició es el más injusto, lo que es tomado por la fuerza no será devuelto con la fuerza. "
Las acciones del gobierno árabe deben reflejar el sentimiento popular de su pueblo
Siria desea la paz.
La paz se logra sólo cuando sus adversarios te tienen miedo de las consecuencias de la continuación del conflicto.
Es crucial que los árabes tomen una fuerte posición en la mesa de negociación (el gran garrote) y en la oferta de la paz (la zanahoria).*
* Son expresiones populares.
Los crímenes de Israel no deberían ser recompensado con una victoria diplomática
Deben realizarse todos los esfuerzos para fortalecer la resistencia armada.
Sabemos que no van a permitir una victoria de Siria ( Assad se refiere a los saudíes y egipcios. ) Seguirán presionando a Washington para participar contra Siria.
Hay una guerra fría entre los dos campos.
Israel recibió la luz verde de Egipto y Arabia Saudita para acabar con Hamas."
sábado, 17 de enero de 2009
Syria urges full Arab boycott of Israel as divisions deepen over Gaza
President Assad says 2002 Arab League initiative no longer valid and urges member states to sever ties with Tel Aviv
Ian Black, Middle East editor
guardian.co.uk, Friday 16 January 2009 16.57 GMT
Arab divisions over the Gaza crisis were dramatically underlined again today when Syria, the chief backer of the Palestinian group Hamas, called a groundbreaking peace plan dead and urged Arab states to sever all ties with Israel.
Bashar al-Assad, the president of Syria, told like-minded leaders meeting in the Gulf state of Qatar that the 2002 Arab peace initiative, backed by the entire 22-member Arab League, was no longer valid. Syria had already announced an end to its own talks with Israel, brokered by Turkey and focusing on the Golan Heights.
The Arab initiative promises recognition of Israel in return for a withdrawal to the 1967 borders and a just settlement of the Palestinian problem. It is widely considered to be the only basis on which a comprehensive Middle East peace settlement could be reached and has already attracted the attention of US president-elect Barack Obama.
Assad's unilateral announcement does not mean the plan has been formally withdrawn – that would require a full Arab summit. But his statement illustrates just how difficult it will be to rescue hopes for progress towards a wider regional peace once the immediate Gaza crisis is over.
The Syrian demand to cut links with Israel was directed primarily at Egypt and Jordan, both of which have had peace treaties and full diplomatic ties with Israel since 1979 and 1994 respectively.
Qatar and Mauritania have since announced they are suspending ties.
In addition to Assad, the Qatar meeting was attended by the presidents of Lebanon, Algeria and Sudan, as well as Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is viscerally hostile to Israel. But western-backed heavyweights Saudi Arabia and Egypt and their allies were absent, sending their foreign ministers to a rival gathering in Kuwait instead.
Khaled Meshal, the de facto Hamas leader, along with the leaders of Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which are also fighting Israel in Gaza, flew to Doha from Damascus on the Emir of Qatar's private plane.
Qatar, a tiny but super-wealthy Arab emirate, manages to have low-level ties with Israel as well as Hamas. It had called for an emergency Arab summit on Gaza but failed to secure the quorum of 15 states required. But it went ahead anyway as a "consultative meeting". Complicating matters further, Saudi Arabia called its Gulf partners to a meeting in Riyadh late on Thursday, which was a clear attempt to both sideline and upstage the Qatari effort.
Saud al-Faisal, the veteran Saudi foreign minister, called for more support for Egyptian efforts to mediate a ceasefire and increase pressure on Israel to implement a UN Security Council resolution demanding an end to the violence in Gaza. As Amr Mussa, the Egyptian secretary general of the Arab League, said in Kuwait: "The Arab situation has been very chaotic and this is regrettable."
Ian Black, Middle East editor
guardian.co.uk, Friday 16 January 2009 16.57 GMT
Arab divisions over the Gaza crisis were dramatically underlined again today when Syria, the chief backer of the Palestinian group Hamas, called a groundbreaking peace plan dead and urged Arab states to sever all ties with Israel.
Bashar al-Assad, the president of Syria, told like-minded leaders meeting in the Gulf state of Qatar that the 2002 Arab peace initiative, backed by the entire 22-member Arab League, was no longer valid. Syria had already announced an end to its own talks with Israel, brokered by Turkey and focusing on the Golan Heights.
The Arab initiative promises recognition of Israel in return for a withdrawal to the 1967 borders and a just settlement of the Palestinian problem. It is widely considered to be the only basis on which a comprehensive Middle East peace settlement could be reached and has already attracted the attention of US president-elect Barack Obama.
Assad's unilateral announcement does not mean the plan has been formally withdrawn – that would require a full Arab summit. But his statement illustrates just how difficult it will be to rescue hopes for progress towards a wider regional peace once the immediate Gaza crisis is over.
The Syrian demand to cut links with Israel was directed primarily at Egypt and Jordan, both of which have had peace treaties and full diplomatic ties with Israel since 1979 and 1994 respectively.
Qatar and Mauritania have since announced they are suspending ties.
In addition to Assad, the Qatar meeting was attended by the presidents of Lebanon, Algeria and Sudan, as well as Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is viscerally hostile to Israel. But western-backed heavyweights Saudi Arabia and Egypt and their allies were absent, sending their foreign ministers to a rival gathering in Kuwait instead.
Khaled Meshal, the de facto Hamas leader, along with the leaders of Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which are also fighting Israel in Gaza, flew to Doha from Damascus on the Emir of Qatar's private plane.
Qatar, a tiny but super-wealthy Arab emirate, manages to have low-level ties with Israel as well as Hamas. It had called for an emergency Arab summit on Gaza but failed to secure the quorum of 15 states required. But it went ahead anyway as a "consultative meeting". Complicating matters further, Saudi Arabia called its Gulf partners to a meeting in Riyadh late on Thursday, which was a clear attempt to both sideline and upstage the Qatari effort.
Saud al-Faisal, the veteran Saudi foreign minister, called for more support for Egyptian efforts to mediate a ceasefire and increase pressure on Israel to implement a UN Security Council resolution demanding an end to the violence in Gaza. As Amr Mussa, the Egyptian secretary general of the Arab League, said in Kuwait: "The Arab situation has been very chaotic and this is regrettable."
الرئيس الأسد في قمة غزة الطارئة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني

أكد السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد أن قمة غزة الطارئة تأتي لتعبر لشعوبنا وللعالم أننا مع أنفسنا ومع شعوبنا ومع الشهداء من الأطفال والنساء والشيوخ وقبل كل ذلك مع الأبطال المقاومين. وقال الرئيس الأسد في كلمة ألقاها خلال انعقاد قمة غزة الطارئة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني في الدوحة اليوم إن مصير غزة ليس مصير أهلها فقط بل هو مصيرنا جميعا مضيفا أن دورنا أن نقف مع أهل غزة ومقاوميها في كل ما يدعم صمودهم.
وفيما يلي النص الكامل لكلمة السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد خلال انعقاد قمة غزة الطارئة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني:
أيها الأخوة القادة العرب السادة الرؤساء من الدول الإسلامية الصديقة السادة رؤساء الوفود أيها السيدات والسادة.. بصعوبة اجتمع عقد هذه القمة.. فالتحية لكل من أعطى المناسبة قدراً والتحية لمن سعى وهيأ الظروف وكل التحية من قبل ومن بعد لصمود الشعب في غزة ولكل المقاومين ضد الاحتلال.
قمتنا تعبر أننا مع أنفسنا وشعوبنا والمقاومين ضد الاحتلال
وأضاف الرئيس الأسد.. قمتنا هذه على صعوبة عقدها وكان الامل ألا يتخلف عنها احد تأتي لتعبر لشعوبنا وللعالم إننا مع أنفسنا لا مع أعدائنا.. مع شعوبنا وضد الاحتلال.. مع الشهداء من الأطفال والنساء والشيوخ.. وقبل كل ذلك مع الأبطال المقاومين في كل مكان.
وتابع الرئيس الأسد.. في هذه اللحظات العصيبة تبدو مسؤوليتنا كقادة عرب جسيمة في تقديم اجابة جادة وحاسمة عن التساؤلات الحائرة في ذهن كل مواطن عربي وهي.. كيف ننقذ شعبنا الفلسطيني من براثن هذه الوحشية المتجبرة... كيف يمكن لنا كأمة عربية ان نقدم الرد المناسب على جرائم الاحتلال ونحن نرى جثث الأطفال وأشلاءهم تتناثر في كل مكان ونلمح في عيون من بقي منهم حيا ملامح الذعر التي تختلط بالرجاء في ان تمتد اليهم يد جسورة تنقذهم من مصيرهم المحتوم بعد أن افتقدوا الأمان في غزة المنكوبة الباسلة
وقال الرئيس الأسد.. كيف يمكن ان نفعل كل ذلك في وقت لم نتمكن من عقد قمتنا قبل مرور اكثر من عشرين يوما على المجزرة لاعتبارات ليست خافية على أحد.. هل من الممكن أن نعزل مشاعرنا عن مشاعر الملايين الذين يؤرقهم الألم لمعاناة إخوانهم والذين يحدوهم الامل في ان نقوم بواجب التضامن الفعلي لنصرة أشقائهم في غزة... وهل يمكن أن نكون على صواب عندما تكون قراءاتنا وتقديراتنا في وادٍ ومشاعر شعوبنا في وادٍ آخر.
مصير غزة مصيرنا جميعا وحري بنا أن نأخذ قرارات تنتج أفعالا
وأضاف الرئيس الأسد.. ولكن وفي كل الاحوال ان تصل متأخرا خير من ألا تصل أبداً وهذا ينطبق على قمتنا هذه.. فبالرغم من الغضب الشعبي لتأخر انعقادها.. وبالرغم من الآمال الواقعية وغير المبالغ بها التي يضعها الشعب العربي للقمم العربية والتي تتناسب مع واقعنا العربي الرسمي.. والذي لا يخفى على أحد والذي يناقض إلى حد كبير الحالة الشعبية الموحدة في تجاوبها مع التحديات المختلفة التي واجهتنا في السنوات الماضية.. فإن انعقاد هذه القمة الطارئة بقي مطلباً شعبياً ملحاً من قبل الغالبية العظمى من المواطنين على امتداد الساحة العربية والتي نراها اليوم في أوج تفاعلها وغضبها تجاه قبح إسرائيل جنبا الى جنب مع الساحات الإسلامية والدولية
وتابع الرئيس الأسد.. وإذا كان من البديهي ومن الواجب ان نحمل المشاعر نفسها فالحري بنا كمسؤولين ان نكون في المقدمة وذلك من خلال تحويل هذه المشاعر إلى عمل واتخاذ قرارات تنتج أفعالاً.
المحرقة الإسرائيلية ستشملنا جميعا كعرب إن لم نخمدها الآن
وأضاف الرئيس الأسد.. لقد كنا في قمم سابقة نتحدث عن مخططات وضعت.. أما اليوم فنتحدث عن مخططات تطبق.. كنا نحذر من الاقتراب من دائرة الخطر.. أما اليوم فالمحرقة لم تبدأ فحسب بل هي في طريقها للانتقال إلى المراحل التالية والتي ستشملنا جميعاً كعرب أن لم نخمدها الآن.. والرسائل التي تردنا من الجماهير العربية عبر ردة فعل غير مسبوقة تحتم علينا الاستجابة لها بجدية مطلقة.. فهي تختلف عن سابقاتها من الرسائل من خلال قراءة عنوانها الذي يقول لنا.. سيروا معنا لا تسايرونا.. ومن خلال فهم مضمونها الذي يعلن ان مصير غزة هو ليس مصير اهلها فقط.. بل هو مصيرنا جميعا.. وان معركتها هي معركة كل مواطن عربي.
القمة تهدف للوقوف مع غزة وليس للبحث عن تسويات على حسابها
وأوضح الرئيس الأسد.. من هنا يأتي مضمون مؤتمرنا اليوم والذي يهدف للوقوف الى جانب غزة وليس للبحث عن تسويات على حسابها بهدف إرضاء إسرائيل أو من يقف معها.. ومن يحدد المعايير التي تميز بين الأولى والثانية هم أهلها ومقاوموها.. فهم أصحاب القرار ودورنا هو أن نقف معهم دون تردد في كل ما يدعم صمودهم ويخفف معاناتهم ويؤدي للحل الذي يضمن امنهم وكرامتهم.
وقال الرئيس الأسد.. وإذا كان المنطلق لما سنقرره اليوم مبنياً على وقوفنا إلى جانب أهلنا في غزة في وجه المحرقة النازية الإسرائيلية الجديدة بالإضافة إلى قناعتنا بعدالة القضية الفلسطينية وبالحقوق المشروعة للشعب الفلسطيني.. فان هذا لا يكتمل من دون فهمنا لجوهر المشكلة التي لا تكمن فقط في الاحتلال بحد ذاته.. بل بنوعية وطبيعة العدو الذي نواجهه بناء على عقود من التجارب المختلفة معه والتي تراوحت بين الحروب ومحاولات السلام الفاشلة. فهذا العدو الذي بنى وجوده على المجازر.. وكرس استمراره على الاغتصاب والتدمير.. ورسم مستقبله على الإبادة الجماعية.. هو عدو لا يتحدث سوى لغة الدم.
وبالتالي فهو لا يفهم سوى لغة الدم والدماء العربية التي سالت منذ قيام إسرائيل.. كانت بالنسبة لأربابها هي الوقود الضروري لآلتهم في مراحل قيام الدولة اليهودية الصافية والتي لا يمكن ان تصبح قريبة المنال إلا إذا اكتملت عملية تهجير غير اليهود خارج فلسطين أو إبادة من يتبقى منهم فيها.. وبالتالي فإن ما يحصل في غزة ليس مجرد رد على صواريخ.. ولو لم توجد الصواريخ لأوجدوها وأطلقوها لكي يجدوا المبرر.. وإنما هو حلقة في سلسلة طويلة تهدف للوصول الى فلسطين التي تخيلوها أو ادعوها ارضا بدون شعب بعد أن تقوم دول اخرى بتوطينهم او بايجاد وطن بديل لهم.. لذلك فان لم نقرأ الأسباب جيداً.. فلا يمكن ان ننتج سوى حلول ناقصة ومؤقتة أي سريعة الانهيار.
وأضاف الرئيس الأسد.. لذلك كانت عملية السلام بالنسبة لنا مجرد محاولات لم تتطور لتصل إلى عملية سلام حقيقية.. لأن الإسرائيليين يعانون من رهاب حقيقي تجاه السلام.. ولانه لا يمكن لصناع الجريمة ان يبرعوا في صناعة السلام.. كما أنه ليس من عادة السارق ان يعيد ما سرقه طوعاً.. أي أنهم لا يعيدون الحقوق إلا إذا أجبروا على ذلك.. وهذا هو جوهر المقاومة الذي فهمه المقاومون جيداً.. فأصبحت مقاومتهم هي الطريق الى السلام الذي يأتي من خلال عودة الحقوق والتي نستعيدها من عدو لا يفهم سوى لغة القوة.
السلام بدون مقاومة مع عدو غاشم سيؤدي حتما إلى الاستسلام
وتابع الرئيس الأسد.. هنا يكمن الفرق بين المقاومة والإرهاب.. الأول عربي والثاني إسرائيلي.. الأول يريد السلام والثاني يريد الحرب.. الأول أجبر على القتال دفاعاً عن حقوقه والثاني بني على القتل والاعتداء على الآخرين.. وهنا تحديدا يأتي الجواب واضحاً على التساؤلات حول كيف يمكن لمن يريد أن يحقق السلام أن يدعم المقاومة... وكان المقصود بهذا السؤال سورية تحديداً.. لن نجيب فقط بأن نقول إن المقاومة أصبحت عنصراً أساسياً من عناصر السلام.. بل نرد بجواب معاكس.. كيف يمكن لمن يريد تحقيق السلام ألا يدعم المقاومة... وهنا يكمن الفرق بين السلام والاستسلام.. فالسلام بدون مقاومة مع عدو غاشم ومجرم سوف يؤدي حتما للاستسلام.
وقال الرئيس الأسد.. هذه الصورة السريعة لبعض العناوين التي تحكم الصراع العربي الإسرائيلي.. هي التي تحدد اتجاهات الحلول الممكنة للقضية الكبرى أو لتفرعاتها ونتائجها.. وما يحصل في غزة اليوم هو واحد من تفرعاتها ومن نتائجها.. والتعامل مع النتيجة يفترض التعامل مع السبب من أجل ضمان النجاح..إذ لا يخفى على أحد أن إسرائيل أرادت لعدوانها على غزة أن يكون نقطة فاصلة في تاريخ صراعها مع العرب.. وكأنها أرادت عبر محاولاتها كسر إرادة الفلسطينيين أن تخلق واقعاً جديداً وتاريخاً جديداً تؤرخ معه للأحداث بقبل غزة وبعدها أرادت أن تحقق إنجازاً يغير معادلات الصراع الجديدة مع العرب والفلسطينيين التي أوجدتها المقاومة.. خاصة بعد ان حققت المقاومة الوطنية انتصارها في لبنان.. وبعد أن اشتد ساعد المقاومة في فلسطين.. وبعد أن بدأت تنتشر ثقافة المقاومة في وجدان المواطن العربي.
وتابع الرئيس الأسد أن ما يبدو جلياً وواضحاً بأن إسرائيل لم تتعلم من دروس التاريخ وهذا بديهي لان من لا يملك الارض لا يملك التاريخ.. ومن ليس له تاريخ ليس له ذاكرة.. وهي التي بنت الكثير من خططها ومخططاتها على أساس أن الزمن والإعلام المتصهين ومن معه.. والاحباطات المتكررة كفيلة بتغيير نظرة الأجيال العربية القادمة تجاه إسرائيل.
وبالتالي خضوعهم لأهدافها وتقبلهم لأساليبها وما يعنيه ذلك من تنازل عن الأرض والسيادة والكرامة والتحول من ثم إلى عبيد يعملون في خدمة مصالحها وتنفيذاً لرغباتها عن رضى وقناعة.. ولكن هل سارت الأمور بهذا المنحى.. بنظرة سريعة لسياق الأحداث منذ اغتصاب فلسطين.. نلاحظ نهضة تدريجية ووعياً متنامياً لدى الشعب العربي تجاه قضاياه.. وتصميماً أشد لدى الأجيال الشابة على عدم الوقوع في أخطاء البعض ممن سبقهم.
فلا تهاون ولا تساهل لا تنازل ولا تخاذل فسلام الأقوياء لا يعطى للضعفاء وسلام الشجعان لا يمنح للجبناء والسلام الذي لا يعطى ينتزع.. والحق الذي يغتصب يحرر وهذا يعني بأن الزمن الذي راهنوا عليه خذلهم كما خذلتهم آلتهم العسكرية الضخمة في لبنان.. وكما تخذلهم اليوم في غزة.. بغض النظر عن حجم التدمير وبغض النظر عن مقدار الإجرام.. فهذا ليس بطولة.. فما نقصده هو الإرادة.. هذه الإرادة هي التي حولت فكرة التوسع الإسرائيلي الذي يمتد حتى أبعد حذاء لجندي إسرائيلي على الأرض إلى انكماش بدأ في لبنان وتبعه في غزة.. ولاحقا سيكون في الضفة والجولان.. وهي أي الإرادة.. هي التي عكست فكرة الهجرة عند الفلسطينيين إلى تجذر وثبات في الأرض.
وقال الرئيس الأسد.. ولذلك لم يبق خيار أمام الإسرائيليين سوى الخضوع للسلام الذي يجب الخضوع لمتطلباته.. والذي لا يمكن ان يتحقق طالما بقي عنوان التفاخر في إسرائيل هو من يلطخ يديه أكثر بدماء العرب وهذا الخيار لا نراه الآن ولن نراه في الغد حتى نغيره بإرادتنا في غياب إرادتهم وهذا السلام الكبير يبدأ اليوم من غزة الصغيرة بمساحتها الكبيرة بمقاومتها.. العظيمة بصمودها هذا السلام يبدأ بوقف العدوان الذي يؤسس لوقف إطلاق النار وانسحاب القوات الغازية ورفع الحصار الظالم الذي يعتبر بمثابة حرب غير عسكرية يؤدي للموت البطيء للفلسطينيين ومن يتعرض للموت لا يلام على أي شيء.
وبالرغم من كل ذلك.. فقد التزمت المقاومة بالهدنة.. واستمرت إسرائيل بعمليات الاغتيال العلنية والتي أدت لاستشهاد حوالي أربعين فلسطينياً خلال الأشهر القليلة التي سبقت العدوان وبالتالي فإن ما تروجه اسرائيل ومن يقف في صفها حول مسؤولية الطرف الفلسطيني عما يحصل هو كذب صريح طالما مارسوه وبرعوا به.
إغلاق سفارات إسرائيل وقطع أي علاقات معها وتفعيل المقاطعة
وأضاف الرئيس الأسد وفي الوقت الراهن هناك عدد من المبادرات التي تقوم بها أكثر من دولة والتي لم تكتمل بعد بسبب رفض إسرائيل لوقف إطلاق النار.
والتبرير المعلن هو وقف تهريب السلاح وفي تقديري أن أي إنسان يعرف تماماً بأن منع تهريب السلاح.. او منع التهريب بشكل عام.. هو من مهام الدول فهل هناك دولة فلسطينية موجودة وهل تعترف إسرائيل بها وماهي حدودها أما من جهتنا كدول عربية فبالتوازي مع المبادرات وبالإضافة للدعم اللفظي يجب علينا القيام بعدد من الخطوات العملية وفي مقدمتها إغلاق السفارات الإسرائيلية فوراً وقطع اي علاقات مباشرة او غير مباشرة مع إسرائيل بالإضافة لتفعيل أحكام المقاطعة.
وفي هذا الإطار فقد قررت سورية وأعلنت بعد بدء العدوان مباشرة إيقاف مفاوضات السلام غير المباشرة بعد التشاور مع تركيا إلى أجل غير مسمى.
المبادرة العربية للسلام بحكم الميتة
أما بالنسبة للمبادرة العربية فإننا نعتبرها بحكم الميتة إصلاً لأن ظروف إقرارها وما تلاها من أحداث دللت على أنه كلما أمعنا في تقديم البراهين على رغبتنا الجادة في السلام وكلما قدمنا المزيد من التنازلات أمعنت إسرائيل في غطرستها وتجاهلها لحقوقنا المشروعة.
وقال الرئيس الأسد.. والمبادرة العربية أساساً مبنية على السلام والسلام لم يتحقق وبالتالي هي فعلياً في الواقع غير موجودة.. وفي الواقع أيضاً أن شارون قتلها منذ اليوم الاول بعد اعلاننا لهذه المبادرة في القمة العربية في بيروت عام 2002 في اليوم التالي مباشرة قام شارون باجتياح جنين وقتل المئات من الفلسطينيين وكان هذا الرد هو الرد المباشر وإعلان موت للمبادرة من الجانب الإسرائيلي ولكننا أصرينا على أنها حية وبقينا نرسل الوفود بعد كل قمة عربية.. وكنا دائماً نواجه بالمزيد من الإذلال تجاه مبادرتنا لذلك إذا كنا نطالب بسحبها فهي مسحوبة من قبل اسرائيل.. واذا كنا نطالب بموتها فهي قتلت من قبل إسرائيل.. ما بقي علينا كعرب هو أن ننقل سجل هذه المبادرة من سجل الأحياء الى سجل الأموات.
من جهة أخرى يجب الوقوف الى جانب اهل غزة والمقاومة فيها رسمياً وشعبياً مادياً ومعنوياً وبكل الوسائل من دون استثناء والقيام بكل ما من شأنه دعم صمودهم في وجه العدوان خاصة فتح المعابر أمام الأفراد والمساعدات والإغاثة فوراً كما ندعم فكرة الصندوق لإعادة إعمار غزة مع الدعوة لمؤتمر دولي لهذه الغاية.
فك الحصار عن غزة هو المفتاح لاستمرار الصمود
وأضاف الرئيس الأسد كما يجب اتخاذ الإجراءات القانونية لمحاسبة إسرائيل على الرغم من عدم ثقتنا بعدالة الجهات الدولية المعنية.. ولكن كي يسجل التاريخ بأنهم ليسوا عنصريين فقط بل هم الشكل الأخطر من النازية في العصر الحديث ولكن لنكن صريحين هذه الخطوات ستبقى ضعيفة مقارنة بما يجب علينا القيام به فغزة ليست جريحة بالحرب فقط بل بالحصار أيضاً وفك هذا الحصار هو المفتاح لاستمرار الصمود وهو المفتاح لحماية الأطفال من الموت وهو المفتاح لكي تنجح هذه المقترحات بحدها الاقصى وليس بحدها الأدنى.
سورية وقفت مع لبنان المقاوم وانتصرت والفضل للمقاومين أولاً وأخيراً ولا ندعيه لأنفسنا لكن وقوف الشقيق الى جانب شقيقه مؤثر إلى حد كبير فهو الذي يمده بأسباب المنعة والقوة أما إبقاء الحصار فهو كمن يمنع الهواء والغذاء والدواء عن جريح يقاوم الموت ويمنع الآخرين من تقديم العون له فهو حصار ظالم لن يغفره الله ولن تغفره الشعوب.
وقال الرئيس الأسد..
أيها الأخوة..
نحن أمة سلام وأخلاقنا الوطنية والعربية والإنسانية بنيت على السلام ولأننا كذلك حاولنا أن نتناسى بان هناك مذبحة دير ياسين وكفر قاسم وجنين وقانا الأولى والثانية وغيرها الكثير من المجازر الإسرائيلية بحق العرب ولكن إسرائيل تصر على تذكيرنا بحقيقتها.. وبما اننا اصحاب ذاكرة غنية لأننا أهل التاريخ ومالكو الأرض.. فسنعدهم بأننا سنبقى نتذكر والأهم من ذلك هو أننا سنحرص على أن يتذكر أبناؤنا أيضاً سنخبىء لهم صور اطفال غزة وجروحهم المفتوحة ودماءهم النازفة فوق ألعابهم وسنخبرهم عن الشهداء والثكالى والأرامل والمعاقين وسنعلمهم بأن المؤمن القوي خير وأحب الى الله من المؤمن الضعيف وأن العين بالعين والسن بالسن والبادىء أظلم وأن ما أخذ بالقوة لا يسترد بغير القوة.
وسنشرح لهم بأن من يفقد ذاكرة الماضي سيفقد المستقبل وسنعلق على جدران غرفهم لوحة نكتب عليها شعاراً لكل طفل عربي قادم إلى الحياة يقول له لا تنس ليكبر الطفل ويقول لهم لن أنسى ولن أغفر.
وأضاف الرئيس الأسد.. وأؤكد لهم بأن ما يقومون به وما يرتكبونه من جرائم حرب لن ينتج لهم سوى اجيال عربية قادمة أشد عداء لإسرائيل مناعتها تتطور وإرادتها تتصلب بوتيرة أسرع وبشدة أكثر فتكاً من تطور وقوة ترسانتهم العسكرية وهذا يعني بمعادلة الواقعية بأنه مع كل طفل عربي يقتل يولد مقابله عشرات المقاومين.. وهذا يعني أيضاً أنهم يحفرون بأيديهم قبوراً لأبنائهم وأحفادهم.
فلديهم الخيار اليوم ليزرعوا ما يشاؤون للمستقبل خيراً أو شراً.. ولكن بعد ذلك لن يكون لهم الخيار في تحديد نوع الحصاد.. فلقد زرعوا الدماء ولن يحصدوا غيرها والنبتة عندما تنضج ستكون أكبر من البذرة التي أنبتتها بكثير.
أتوجه بالتحية والشكر لأخي سمو الأمير حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني أمير دولة قطر على ما بذله من جهود من أجل انعقاد القمة.. وأتوجه بالشكر لكل من ساهم بها من الرؤساء والمسؤولين العرب والمسلمين.
والسلام عليكم.
الرئيس الأسد يعود إلى دمشق بعد مشاركته بقمة غزة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني في الدوحة
وقد عاد السيد الرئيس بشار الأسد والوفد المرافق له إلى دمشق مساء اليوم بعد مشاركته في قمة غزة لنصرة الشعب الفلسطيني التي عقدت في العاصمة القطرية الدوحة.
jueves, 15 de enero de 2009
Israel bombardea sede de la ONU en Gaza y un hospital
Tanques en tierra dispararon los obuses. Cientos de toneladas de ayuda humanitaria ardieron, informó Naciones Unidas, cuyo secretario general, Ban Ki-Moon, exigió cesar ya la violencia.
Publicado: 15/01/2009 08:00
Gaza. Los tanques israelíes bombardearon este jueves la ciudad de Gaza, alcanzando locales de la ONU, de la prensa y de un hospital, lo que provocó la indignación del secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, quien consideró que se dan las condiciones para un alto el fuego "ya".
Los blindados, apoyados por la aviación, se adentraron por primera vez de madrugada en un barrio de la capital de Gaza, donde chocaron con milicianos palestinos que disparaban morteros y cohetes antitanque.
Durante la mañana, el ejército israelí intensificó los ataques aéreos y los bombardeos desde blindados.
Obuses disparados por los tanques israelíes cayeron en las instalaciones de la principal agencia de la ONU de ayuda a los refugiados palestinos, la UNRWA, hiriendo a tres empleados y provocando la suspensión de sus actividades.
Según un responsable de la UNRWA, los almacenes del complejo se incendiaron y "cientos de toneladas" de ayuda humanitaria ardieron.
También se declaró un incendio en el hospital Al Quds, que depende de la Media Luna Roja palestina, después de que el edificio fuese alcanzado por los obuses israelíes, según responsables del centro.
Dos camarógrafos palestinos de la televisión de Abu Dhabi resultaron heridos cuando el edificio "Al Shuruq", donde se encuentran las oficinas de varios medios de comunicación árabes e internacionales, fue alcanzado por los proyectiles israelíes.
Ban Ki-Moon, quien llegó durante la mañana a Tel Aviv en el marco de una gira por Medio Oriente destinada a buscar una solución el conflicto, expresó su indignación por el bombardeo de los locales de Naciones Unidas.
"Hice saber que protestaba firmemente y que estoy escandalizado", afirmó.
El secretario general de la ONU consideró que se dan las condiciones para que los combates cesen inmediatamente.
"Creo que los elementos están dados para que la violencia cese ya", aseguró en rueda de prensa.
"Ha llegado el momento de que cese la violencia y de que cambiemos de forma fundamental la dinámica en Gaza y retomemos las negociaciones de paz para lograr una solución de dos Estados, que es la única vía para lograr una situación de seguridad duradera en Israel", agregó.
Ban estimó asimismo que "el número de víctimas ha alcanzado proporciones insoportables" en Gaza.
Desde el inicio de la ofensiva israelí el 27 de diciembre pasado, mil 70 palestinos han muerto -entre ellos 355 niños y 100 mujeres- y más de 5 mil resultaron heridos, según un último balance anunciado por el jefe de los servicios de urgencias de Gaza, el doctor Muawiya Hasanein.
En el mismo periodo, los disparos de cohetes palestinos contra el sur de Israel han causado cuatro muertos. En total, diez militares y tres civiles israelíes han muerto en el conflicto.
Los grupos armados palestinos continuaron tirando cohetes contra el sur de Israel. De acuerdo con el ejército, 14 cohetes disparados desde la franja de Gaza cayeron el jueves de mañana en el sur de Israel, sin causar víctimas. Una casa fue alcanzada en Sderot, a sólo 5 km de la franja de Gaza.
Mientras se intensificaban los bombardeos, la diplomacia redoblaba sus esfuerzos.
Ban debía reunirse en Israel con la ministra de Relaciones Exteriores, Tzipi Livni, y con el primer ministro saliente Ehud Olmert y el presidente Shimon Peres antes de viajar el viernes a Cisjordania para entrevistarse con el presidente de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmud Abas.
La Asamblea General de la ONU tenía prevista una reunión de urgencia para pedir el respeto de la resolución 1860 del Consejo de Seguridad, aprobada el 8 de enero pidiendo un alto el fuego en Gaza "inmediato, duradero y plenamente respetado que conduzca a la retirada total de las fuerzas israelíes".
El emisario israelí Amos Gilad viajó a El Cairo para discutir con el jefe de los servicios de inteligencia egipcios, el general Omar Suleiman, sobre un plan egipcio de cese de las hostilidades.
Egipto afirma haber obtenido el aval de Hamas a su plan, lo que el movimiento islamista no ha confirmado, asegurando que espera la respuesta de Israel.
También el ministro alemán de Relaciones Exteriores, Franck-Walter Steinmeier, llegó a Israel en el marco de una gira regional.
Desde Estrasburgo (Francia), el parlamento europeo denunció "el castigo colectivo" aplicado por Israel a Gaza, considerando que constituye una violación del "derecho humanitario internacional".
Y la cancillería de Francia condenó en París "con la mayor firmeza" los bombardeos israelíes contra "varios hospitales, un edificio que aloja a medios internacionales" y la sede de la UNRWA.
Publicado: 15/01/2009 08:00
Gaza. Los tanques israelíes bombardearon este jueves la ciudad de Gaza, alcanzando locales de la ONU, de la prensa y de un hospital, lo que provocó la indignación del secretario general de Naciones Unidas, Ban Ki-moon, quien consideró que se dan las condiciones para un alto el fuego "ya".
Los blindados, apoyados por la aviación, se adentraron por primera vez de madrugada en un barrio de la capital de Gaza, donde chocaron con milicianos palestinos que disparaban morteros y cohetes antitanque.
Durante la mañana, el ejército israelí intensificó los ataques aéreos y los bombardeos desde blindados.
Obuses disparados por los tanques israelíes cayeron en las instalaciones de la principal agencia de la ONU de ayuda a los refugiados palestinos, la UNRWA, hiriendo a tres empleados y provocando la suspensión de sus actividades.
Según un responsable de la UNRWA, los almacenes del complejo se incendiaron y "cientos de toneladas" de ayuda humanitaria ardieron.
También se declaró un incendio en el hospital Al Quds, que depende de la Media Luna Roja palestina, después de que el edificio fuese alcanzado por los obuses israelíes, según responsables del centro.
Dos camarógrafos palestinos de la televisión de Abu Dhabi resultaron heridos cuando el edificio "Al Shuruq", donde se encuentran las oficinas de varios medios de comunicación árabes e internacionales, fue alcanzado por los proyectiles israelíes.
Ban Ki-Moon, quien llegó durante la mañana a Tel Aviv en el marco de una gira por Medio Oriente destinada a buscar una solución el conflicto, expresó su indignación por el bombardeo de los locales de Naciones Unidas.
"Hice saber que protestaba firmemente y que estoy escandalizado", afirmó.
El secretario general de la ONU consideró que se dan las condiciones para que los combates cesen inmediatamente.
"Creo que los elementos están dados para que la violencia cese ya", aseguró en rueda de prensa.
"Ha llegado el momento de que cese la violencia y de que cambiemos de forma fundamental la dinámica en Gaza y retomemos las negociaciones de paz para lograr una solución de dos Estados, que es la única vía para lograr una situación de seguridad duradera en Israel", agregó.
Ban estimó asimismo que "el número de víctimas ha alcanzado proporciones insoportables" en Gaza.
Desde el inicio de la ofensiva israelí el 27 de diciembre pasado, mil 70 palestinos han muerto -entre ellos 355 niños y 100 mujeres- y más de 5 mil resultaron heridos, según un último balance anunciado por el jefe de los servicios de urgencias de Gaza, el doctor Muawiya Hasanein.
En el mismo periodo, los disparos de cohetes palestinos contra el sur de Israel han causado cuatro muertos. En total, diez militares y tres civiles israelíes han muerto en el conflicto.
Los grupos armados palestinos continuaron tirando cohetes contra el sur de Israel. De acuerdo con el ejército, 14 cohetes disparados desde la franja de Gaza cayeron el jueves de mañana en el sur de Israel, sin causar víctimas. Una casa fue alcanzada en Sderot, a sólo 5 km de la franja de Gaza.
Mientras se intensificaban los bombardeos, la diplomacia redoblaba sus esfuerzos.
Ban debía reunirse en Israel con la ministra de Relaciones Exteriores, Tzipi Livni, y con el primer ministro saliente Ehud Olmert y el presidente Shimon Peres antes de viajar el viernes a Cisjordania para entrevistarse con el presidente de la Autoridad Palestina, Mahmud Abas.
La Asamblea General de la ONU tenía prevista una reunión de urgencia para pedir el respeto de la resolución 1860 del Consejo de Seguridad, aprobada el 8 de enero pidiendo un alto el fuego en Gaza "inmediato, duradero y plenamente respetado que conduzca a la retirada total de las fuerzas israelíes".
El emisario israelí Amos Gilad viajó a El Cairo para discutir con el jefe de los servicios de inteligencia egipcios, el general Omar Suleiman, sobre un plan egipcio de cese de las hostilidades.
Egipto afirma haber obtenido el aval de Hamas a su plan, lo que el movimiento islamista no ha confirmado, asegurando que espera la respuesta de Israel.
También el ministro alemán de Relaciones Exteriores, Franck-Walter Steinmeier, llegó a Israel en el marco de una gira regional.
Desde Estrasburgo (Francia), el parlamento europeo denunció "el castigo colectivo" aplicado por Israel a Gaza, considerando que constituye una violación del "derecho humanitario internacional".
Y la cancillería de Francia condenó en París "con la mayor firmeza" los bombardeos israelíes contra "varios hospitales, un edificio que aloja a medios internacionales" y la sede de la UNRWA.
Osama bin Laden Message: Call for jihad to stop Altn Gaza
The name of God the Merciful
Al-Sahab Media Production
[Call for jihad to stop Altn Gaza]
The lion of Islam, Sheikh / Osama bin Laden - may God protect him --
This image has been downsizing. Click here to see the whole picture. Original image dimensions 650 * 130 and the size of 569KB.
Praise be to God that Nstainh and Nstgfarh and seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our
God of Ihdh not mislead misleading, and it has not Hédi
I certify that the god but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of His Messenger
My Ummah Muslim dear ...
I'm not what stands before you in these difficult days to take the denunciation and condemnation of what is happening to our people in Gaza, hide behind the curtain
But I stand before you today to say a word right, God help us to restore the usurped rights of the
Not the right word Tdahn king or a prince, in a world or a minister
The word does not recognize the legitimacy of international false
Security Council does not fear the big powers, which spread terror in the vulnerable small States Kvelstin, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Kashmir and Chechnya.
Minimum faltered right word you want to erase it from our lives, our approach and want to erase from our lives and our approach to Tmahona beyond.
It is holy war to recover Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem Oih Des Afaffha ________ and Muslims slept on the Jihad
Muslim my nation:
The reservoir is one of the greatest imbalance in the previous efforts for the Liberation of Palestine is that those who took to the referees who are betrayed deposits
In war, the Muslim day 48 exclamation how Anhzmna, but wonder if it won the war!
How can win, our kings had Ookloa the war to the real ruler of Jordan at the time, British General (Globe Pasha).
How can a nation win the commander of enemy armies in the time it was at the King of all our kings such Basha's.
For example, in the Arabian Peninsula was the uncrowned king is the British general, Philip,
It was enough to call deceptive objects Belhaj Governor Abdullah Philippe!!
It is a look at one of the documents related to the British aware of the extent of negligence in control of the people at the time
Almkhadat is still continuing with the change of faces and names,
In each capital today Bremer was visible or hidden
Allawi, along with his orders to be implemented
In each of the Al-Sistani or Tantawi
The battalions of scientists with the formal and informal
The battalions of writers, intellectuals and media
The crackle of legitimacy to the crusaders in our country, agents falsely and slanderously
All these groups are enemies of our nation must beware of them
They are known for the most part
One of the most distinctive, the Governor can of the media to address the public and Mkhadathm on a regular basis,
While scientists prevent truthful even Friday sermon in a remote village.
It is the imbalance in the present, we have many ways to the headlines for the Liberation of Palestine, most of these ways in the waste issue.
فمن أوسع هذه السبل هو ما تقوم به الحكومات اليوم من اجتماعات وزارية وإحالة القضية إلى مجلس الأمن والأمم المتحدة،
This way to escape from responsibility and a waste of the Palestinian issue ..
It also means asking some scholars and preachers of the governors in support of Palestine,
What is the only other way to escape responsibility as well as a waste of the blood of the martyrs and the Al Aqsa Mosque.
How agents, begging for help and our enemies, but the length of those tired of begging during the long decades!
Almstagir at the age of Krepetth _______ caught between Scylla and Charybdis
There is another way which is being requested by the leaders of Islamic groups, then the rulers of the Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine,
Or call for harmony with the wishes of the people, this is another way to escape from responsibility,
Hasalha warheads slipped in the sand and fraud and misleading to the followers of groups and a waste of the case as well.
These should be Issarhawwa their brothers and the heavy burden that they are not prepared to do,
The world of infidelity and domestic tyranny for all those seeking work and the rift in the right on this issue.
Duty is to be incitement to Jihad Tktib and young people in the military to fight in the way of Allah against the coalition Alziosalibi
And agents in the region, and not give vent to the energies of young people to take to the street demonstrations without a weapon.
These leaders must create the space for the bold and the energies of their fellow qualifiers to lead the group in these difficult circumstances, even their legal duty
Of death was not convinced _______ you leave the road and were convinced of the Wigwe
While there are many ways Almauajjp one way to recover the improper-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic Jihad in Palestine is the cause of God as we have stated previously,
The matter of the palm of God's good the infidels in the Koran great:
(Fight for the sake of God is not only cost you and may God incited the faithful to stop a good God who disbelieve and more powerful and more ill women 84)
Vbaltharid and stop fighting infidels good
Then I say to my nation:
That merely shifting the responsibility on the leaders and scientists do not Iafeekm then failure of responsibility,
It is also through to escape, ordered, and clear in the Koran holy war in the process of self and money to be enough ..
Muslim my nation:
You are able to defeat the Zionist entity Bimkant the People's Taqatk the vast potential of support from the rulers,
However, even with the parking of the vast majority of them in a ditch the crusader Zionist alliance.
Here I would like to Otmink my nation, I am sure that it is you, God willing, if we are serious
And relied on God and that is why we and Oardna Dniat for the road
Here, put your hands between the two guides you prove that you are able to defeat our enemies, as far as moving from your:
Guide I: what happened to the Soviet Union a major defeat in Afghanistan, thanks to God, then Bjhodgk People, and without interference of any of the armies of Overnmatk,
The winds were behind a public-Mujahideen in the war.
And since that day on the Soviet Union informed the world and placed in a basket of oblivion Vllah Praise God ..
The Guide II: After the fall of the Soviet Union, the uniqueness of the American system and sought to impose its dominance on the world and,
The rulers of our region has increased Fbalg surrender in tyranny and support for the Zionist entity to destroy crops and cattle in Palestine.
Then announced that a group of kids that Jihad unipolar, Hitler era, and the rhinoceros, Vksrna Qurnat, and Dkkna Hsnh, and Hedmna shaking,
Vthar angry and claimed that the leaders will attend the Mujahideen are alive or dead, to restore the prestige of America and those who considered them a lesson,
It was ignorance on the day such as Abu Badr Itbchter Batadh got pride Baddh
Vvllna alone, was recruited to kill us, and our teams in conjunction with, thanks to God alone,
If the fever was assaulted and locked in the words we say Alsoarm to recover the Ombudsman.
Here is America today is reeling under the blows of the mujahideen and their repercussions, Vensev human, and political and financial, until it drowns in today's economic crisis,
Taatsol even smaller countries as well as the Great Ihabha no longer respected by friends and enemies.
Here we must pause and reflect, you know, the first losers of the decline of American injustice is the Zionist entity,
It thus loses one of the most important elements of survival and the arteries of his life ..
This is terrible, and the rapid decline of American power is one of the motives of the Israeli mission in this brutal attack on Gaza
In a desperate attempt to take advantage of the last days of the Bush presidency and the two neo-conservatives, the period for which the force
The funds will, determination and the deep hatred that is not available to other Muslims to attack and hit all the forces opposed to American hegemony in the region.
If the forces of the White House shattered on the rock of the mujahideen in Afghanistan, sank in the swamps of Iraq,
Hence, the Israelis in a hurry to eliminate their opponents in Gaza and the replacement of Abbas and his authority to protect their backs,
They this horrible massacre before the end of the Bush, and to increase visible American weakness
And the veto system, which breaks down the world began to resound, and repugnant to rescind the vote, which had a glaring injustice and arrogance.
Muslim my nation:
The talk of weakness and decline of American hegemony and the collapse of the U.S. economy is the newly marketed wishes,
It is certified by the older people can no longer be Ikhvoha.
This Baidun Vice President-elect said: "The crisis is greater than we expected, although the course of the entire U.S. economy to collapse."
This is the Spanish Minister of Finance says: "The global economy is exposed to the collapse of the whole."
The Reserve Bank official says former U.S. Grespan Allen: "The Great Depression will look like a nice Kinshp before this economic crisis."
He described the crisis, French President Sarkozy said: "The crisis is very deep and that the global financial system was on the verge of disaster."
I say that in the midst of the disaster, thanks to God, because of the injustice of these wrong-doers
He said German Finance Minister: "The world will never return to what it was before the crisis
The United States will lose its status as a superpower in the global financial system. "
Furthermore, I convey to you the American intelligence reports which confirm the decline of U.S. influence in the coming years.
Muslim my nation:
The kids Jihad against the Zionist crusader coalition
Is one of the main reasons - after God's favor - in all of these devastating consequences for our enemies, which were evident after the war seven years ..
I Otmink my nation - for modernization is the grace of God Almighty, we - we feel that God had enough of us to patiently continue the path of jihad for seven years,
And seven, seven ... God willing, the best weapon, patience, righteousness and the good, the Odrkina certificate that is what we want,
But the banner of jihad will not occur until the hour as he told us that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him.
But the question is: Can America continue to war with us for decades to come?:
The reports and indicators suggests otherwise, and that 75% of the American people are pleased by the departure of President Rthm in wars before them, the
And in the swirling economic Ogrgahm reached their ears, has inherited a heavy legacy behind him and left a couple of Ohalihama over, like someone who swallowed a double-edged dagger movement hurt, however,
One of the most difficult legacy to inherit one's long guerrilla war with the deduction of loans funded stubborn patient usury,
Withdrew from the war, it is a military defeat
The sinking of the continued economic crisis,
How has inherited two wars and a war is not one which is unable to continue, and we are on our way to open other fronts, God ...
What Ohrak my nation to love your kids, however, the mujahideen to continue a holy war against the enemies of the faith and continue on both fronts Astnzafhm
And other fronts open in front of you with the coalition, the crusader and Zionist agents in the region
In Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Waziristan, Morocco, Somalia, the Islamic ...
Voajpk-esteem and support of all the money to be enough, have experienced the grace of God and Jihad know the financial costs,
Vzkap trader, and one of the leading dealers Muslim Jihad enough expenses on all fronts open today against our enemies, and to share in the Zakat Jihad as you know,
Valsaid of the doctrine of God the Almighty to be championing the cause of defending the religion and His Messenger, and save the nation, peace be upon him ..
And the like today if the hardship due to the Mujahideen Army in times of dire Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him
Osman said that may Allah be pleased with him and equipped most of the army, "The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him:" What harm is done Osman after today, "..
Osman is a Muslim to be in this dire??
I know that many of the dealers Stinginess Muslims do not prevent them from spending money in the name of Allah, but prevents them from the fear that America and its agents in the region,
I tell them this is no excuse, but you are in a plague, test and remember the words of Almighty God:
(Otkhcounam later that Tkhcoh God, if you are believers) Repentance 13
Migration must be to bear the costs of victory and the establishment of religion, the soul of the land may Allah bless him and forced him to enter the Pagans may detest the laurel
And leaves the family and the clan and the homes and migrate to the best Bekaa Mecca.
Valbadar hasten and took the opportunity not Tadhaaoha precious, and you a good example in the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him to enter the laurel,
The one that you can disappear in a home somewhere, not the land of God and the wide range of financial Jihad worship you, Almighty God said:
(O Ebadi, who believe that the Earth and large spider Viyay Vaabdon) 56
The Almighty said: "
(Those who Tovahm angels themselves Zalmi said Wim you said we were vulnerable in the occupied land they were not, and wide
Those Vthagroa abode is Hell, where the bad fate, but the vulnerable men and women, boys, can not trick guided in a way women 97-98)
Muslim my nation:
These wars, crises and contain the potential distress grants, and wise people do not leave with so, but benefit from it, you have a great opportunity for the payment of injustice and tyranny
You practiced at home and abroad for a few decades ago Tantzei you by force,
Those who tell you that the path to be taken right through the ballot box (and beat you an example of Western peoples), these Ikhadonk and lie to you,
They either fear or greed of the rulers as they have, people who refer to the West but has the right of rebellions and armed force.
After seven years of war between Britain and France for the acquisition of America signed by the parties in a major economic crisis, prompting leaders to impose taxes on people,
This was the catalyst which triggered the French Revolution with its predecessors, the injustice and tyranny of the kings of the people,
It was King Louis XIV, I say I am the state and the state, and this is the case with our kings and our principals,
French Vagtinm such grants from the center of those trials and the Kings have risen against the darkness of the blood and Almmtchin Girathm
And they knocked down the Louis XVI to the guillotine, and their rights and taken by force of arms.
There is no place for the polls in our country under the shadow of giants, however, to Mkhadatna,
It is regrettable and should be aware that the market for this trick, many of the great scholars and preachers!
It is the womb of the economic crisis that also the Americans also revolution on Britain to take their rights,
And do not follow the democratic Ikhadonna today in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries, but pulled out of their iron and fire, O Vaatbrooa eyes.
We Muslims believe that it is the nation's right to elect its president and we believe Shura, but we believe that the Western democracy - it is a big trick on the --
It is a heresy Crkip, and Muslims are not happy that governed Bcra only one God, the laws of the people that put them ..
In our religion, fighting for the sake of God against the invaders and aggressors rulers apostates to be the word of God is the highest and then back to normalcy and the rights to their owners.
In conclusion, I say to our people in Palestine:
The magnitude of God Ojrkm
And accept God in your dead martyrs
And accelerated recovery of the wounded
And to ask God to inspire patience with the injured and to give good
My brethren in Palestine, has also suffered greatly Aaneetm your fathers before during nine decades ago, although Muslims sympathetic to what you see and hear.
We are Mujahideen sympathizers sympathy with you and also the most since the Mujahideen Ieeshunkm lives and sense of greater Taanon,
Afikcefon also Tqcefon the same aircraft, and lose their sons as Tvkaddon Livers, sat up, so thank God, the God we come and to Him we return.
And it pleases God in this year's show lineament dawn and the promise of relief to erode the Zionist crusader tide,
Leaving only a few and we, God willing, you will not let you down, God willing,
Bmasirkm destiny was linked to the coalition in fighting the Zionist crusader Afqatal until victory or martyrdom for the sake of Allah ..
Vasberoa and Saberoa and stationed themselves, and fear Allah, that ye may prosper
The last prayer to thank God ..
The God and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.
Al-Sahab Media Production
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Al-Sahab Media Production
[Call for jihad to stop Altn Gaza]
The lion of Islam, Sheikh / Osama bin Laden - may God protect him --
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Praise be to God that Nstainh and Nstgfarh and seek refuge in Allah from the evils of ourselves and the evils of our
God of Ihdh not mislead misleading, and it has not Hédi
I certify that the god but Allah alone with no partner and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of His Messenger
My Ummah Muslim dear ...
I'm not what stands before you in these difficult days to take the denunciation and condemnation of what is happening to our people in Gaza, hide behind the curtain
But I stand before you today to say a word right, God help us to restore the usurped rights of the
Not the right word Tdahn king or a prince, in a world or a minister
The word does not recognize the legitimacy of international false
Security Council does not fear the big powers, which spread terror in the vulnerable small States Kvelstin, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Kashmir and Chechnya.
Minimum faltered right word you want to erase it from our lives, our approach and want to erase from our lives and our approach to Tmahona beyond.
It is holy war to recover Jerusalem, Jerusalem
Jerusalem Oih Des Afaffha ________ and Muslims slept on the Jihad
Muslim my nation:
The reservoir is one of the greatest imbalance in the previous efforts for the Liberation of Palestine is that those who took to the referees who are betrayed deposits
In war, the Muslim day 48 exclamation how Anhzmna, but wonder if it won the war!
How can win, our kings had Ookloa the war to the real ruler of Jordan at the time, British General (Globe Pasha).
How can a nation win the commander of enemy armies in the time it was at the King of all our kings such Basha's.
For example, in the Arabian Peninsula was the uncrowned king is the British general, Philip,
It was enough to call deceptive objects Belhaj Governor Abdullah Philippe!!
It is a look at one of the documents related to the British aware of the extent of negligence in control of the people at the time
Almkhadat is still continuing with the change of faces and names,
In each capital today Bremer was visible or hidden
Allawi, along with his orders to be implemented
In each of the Al-Sistani or Tantawi
The battalions of scientists with the formal and informal
The battalions of writers, intellectuals and media
The crackle of legitimacy to the crusaders in our country, agents falsely and slanderously
All these groups are enemies of our nation must beware of them
They are known for the most part
One of the most distinctive, the Governor can of the media to address the public and Mkhadathm on a regular basis,
While scientists prevent truthful even Friday sermon in a remote village.
It is the imbalance in the present, we have many ways to the headlines for the Liberation of Palestine, most of these ways in the waste issue.
فمن أوسع هذه السبل هو ما تقوم به الحكومات اليوم من اجتماعات وزارية وإحالة القضية إلى مجلس الأمن والأمم المتحدة،
This way to escape from responsibility and a waste of the Palestinian issue ..
It also means asking some scholars and preachers of the governors in support of Palestine,
What is the only other way to escape responsibility as well as a waste of the blood of the martyrs and the Al Aqsa Mosque.
How agents, begging for help and our enemies, but the length of those tired of begging during the long decades!
Almstagir at the age of Krepetth _______ caught between Scylla and Charybdis
There is another way which is being requested by the leaders of Islamic groups, then the rulers of the Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine,
Or call for harmony with the wishes of the people, this is another way to escape from responsibility,
Hasalha warheads slipped in the sand and fraud and misleading to the followers of groups and a waste of the case as well.
These should be Issarhawwa their brothers and the heavy burden that they are not prepared to do,
The world of infidelity and domestic tyranny for all those seeking work and the rift in the right on this issue.
Duty is to be incitement to Jihad Tktib and young people in the military to fight in the way of Allah against the coalition Alziosalibi
And agents in the region, and not give vent to the energies of young people to take to the street demonstrations without a weapon.
These leaders must create the space for the bold and the energies of their fellow qualifiers to lead the group in these difficult circumstances, even their legal duty
Of death was not convinced _______ you leave the road and were convinced of the Wigwe
While there are many ways Almauajjp one way to recover the improper-Aqsa Mosque and the Islamic Jihad in Palestine is the cause of God as we have stated previously,
The matter of the palm of God's good the infidels in the Koran great:
(Fight for the sake of God is not only cost you and may God incited the faithful to stop a good God who disbelieve and more powerful and more ill women 84)
Vbaltharid and stop fighting infidels good
Then I say to my nation:
That merely shifting the responsibility on the leaders and scientists do not Iafeekm then failure of responsibility,
It is also through to escape, ordered, and clear in the Koran holy war in the process of self and money to be enough ..
Muslim my nation:
You are able to defeat the Zionist entity Bimkant the People's Taqatk the vast potential of support from the rulers,
However, even with the parking of the vast majority of them in a ditch the crusader Zionist alliance.
Here I would like to Otmink my nation, I am sure that it is you, God willing, if we are serious
And relied on God and that is why we and Oardna Dniat for the road
Here, put your hands between the two guides you prove that you are able to defeat our enemies, as far as moving from your:
Guide I: what happened to the Soviet Union a major defeat in Afghanistan, thanks to God, then Bjhodgk People, and without interference of any of the armies of Overnmatk,
The winds were behind a public-Mujahideen in the war.
And since that day on the Soviet Union informed the world and placed in a basket of oblivion Vllah Praise God ..
The Guide II: After the fall of the Soviet Union, the uniqueness of the American system and sought to impose its dominance on the world and,
The rulers of our region has increased Fbalg surrender in tyranny and support for the Zionist entity to destroy crops and cattle in Palestine.
Then announced that a group of kids that Jihad unipolar, Hitler era, and the rhinoceros, Vksrna Qurnat, and Dkkna Hsnh, and Hedmna shaking,
Vthar angry and claimed that the leaders will attend the Mujahideen are alive or dead, to restore the prestige of America and those who considered them a lesson,
It was ignorance on the day such as Abu Badr Itbchter Batadh got pride Baddh
Vvllna alone, was recruited to kill us, and our teams in conjunction with, thanks to God alone,
If the fever was assaulted and locked in the words we say Alsoarm to recover the Ombudsman.
Here is America today is reeling under the blows of the mujahideen and their repercussions, Vensev human, and political and financial, until it drowns in today's economic crisis,
Taatsol even smaller countries as well as the Great Ihabha no longer respected by friends and enemies.
Here we must pause and reflect, you know, the first losers of the decline of American injustice is the Zionist entity,
It thus loses one of the most important elements of survival and the arteries of his life ..
This is terrible, and the rapid decline of American power is one of the motives of the Israeli mission in this brutal attack on Gaza
In a desperate attempt to take advantage of the last days of the Bush presidency and the two neo-conservatives, the period for which the force
The funds will, determination and the deep hatred that is not available to other Muslims to attack and hit all the forces opposed to American hegemony in the region.
If the forces of the White House shattered on the rock of the mujahideen in Afghanistan, sank in the swamps of Iraq,
Hence, the Israelis in a hurry to eliminate their opponents in Gaza and the replacement of Abbas and his authority to protect their backs,
They this horrible massacre before the end of the Bush, and to increase visible American weakness
And the veto system, which breaks down the world began to resound, and repugnant to rescind the vote, which had a glaring injustice and arrogance.
Muslim my nation:
The talk of weakness and decline of American hegemony and the collapse of the U.S. economy is the newly marketed wishes,
It is certified by the older people can no longer be Ikhvoha.
This Baidun Vice President-elect said: "The crisis is greater than we expected, although the course of the entire U.S. economy to collapse."
This is the Spanish Minister of Finance says: "The global economy is exposed to the collapse of the whole."
The Reserve Bank official says former U.S. Grespan Allen: "The Great Depression will look like a nice Kinshp before this economic crisis."
He described the crisis, French President Sarkozy said: "The crisis is very deep and that the global financial system was on the verge of disaster."
I say that in the midst of the disaster, thanks to God, because of the injustice of these wrong-doers
He said German Finance Minister: "The world will never return to what it was before the crisis
The United States will lose its status as a superpower in the global financial system. "
Furthermore, I convey to you the American intelligence reports which confirm the decline of U.S. influence in the coming years.
Muslim my nation:
The kids Jihad against the Zionist crusader coalition
Is one of the main reasons - after God's favor - in all of these devastating consequences for our enemies, which were evident after the war seven years ..
I Otmink my nation - for modernization is the grace of God Almighty, we - we feel that God had enough of us to patiently continue the path of jihad for seven years,
And seven, seven ... God willing, the best weapon, patience, righteousness and the good, the Odrkina certificate that is what we want,
But the banner of jihad will not occur until the hour as he told us that the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him.
But the question is: Can America continue to war with us for decades to come?:
The reports and indicators suggests otherwise, and that 75% of the American people are pleased by the departure of President Rthm in wars before them, the
And in the swirling economic Ogrgahm reached their ears, has inherited a heavy legacy behind him and left a couple of Ohalihama over, like someone who swallowed a double-edged dagger movement hurt, however,
One of the most difficult legacy to inherit one's long guerrilla war with the deduction of loans funded stubborn patient usury,
Withdrew from the war, it is a military defeat
The sinking of the continued economic crisis,
How has inherited two wars and a war is not one which is unable to continue, and we are on our way to open other fronts, God ...
What Ohrak my nation to love your kids, however, the mujahideen to continue a holy war against the enemies of the faith and continue on both fronts Astnzafhm
And other fronts open in front of you with the coalition, the crusader and Zionist agents in the region
In Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Waziristan, Morocco, Somalia, the Islamic ...
Voajpk-esteem and support of all the money to be enough, have experienced the grace of God and Jihad know the financial costs,
Vzkap trader, and one of the leading dealers Muslim Jihad enough expenses on all fronts open today against our enemies, and to share in the Zakat Jihad as you know,
Valsaid of the doctrine of God the Almighty to be championing the cause of defending the religion and His Messenger, and save the nation, peace be upon him ..
And the like today if the hardship due to the Mujahideen Army in times of dire Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him
Osman said that may Allah be pleased with him and equipped most of the army, "The Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him:" What harm is done Osman after today, "..
Osman is a Muslim to be in this dire??
I know that many of the dealers Stinginess Muslims do not prevent them from spending money in the name of Allah, but prevents them from the fear that America and its agents in the region,
I tell them this is no excuse, but you are in a plague, test and remember the words of Almighty God:
(Otkhcounam later that Tkhcoh God, if you are believers) Repentance 13
Migration must be to bear the costs of victory and the establishment of religion, the soul of the land may Allah bless him and forced him to enter the Pagans may detest the laurel
And leaves the family and the clan and the homes and migrate to the best Bekaa Mecca.
Valbadar hasten and took the opportunity not Tadhaaoha precious, and you a good example in the Messenger of Allah and peace be upon him to enter the laurel,
The one that you can disappear in a home somewhere, not the land of God and the wide range of financial Jihad worship you, Almighty God said:
(O Ebadi, who believe that the Earth and large spider Viyay Vaabdon) 56
The Almighty said: "
(Those who Tovahm angels themselves Zalmi said Wim you said we were vulnerable in the occupied land they were not, and wide
Those Vthagroa abode is Hell, where the bad fate, but the vulnerable men and women, boys, can not trick guided in a way women 97-98)
Muslim my nation:
These wars, crises and contain the potential distress grants, and wise people do not leave with so, but benefit from it, you have a great opportunity for the payment of injustice and tyranny
You practiced at home and abroad for a few decades ago Tantzei you by force,
Those who tell you that the path to be taken right through the ballot box (and beat you an example of Western peoples), these Ikhadonk and lie to you,
They either fear or greed of the rulers as they have, people who refer to the West but has the right of rebellions and armed force.
After seven years of war between Britain and France for the acquisition of America signed by the parties in a major economic crisis, prompting leaders to impose taxes on people,
This was the catalyst which triggered the French Revolution with its predecessors, the injustice and tyranny of the kings of the people,
It was King Louis XIV, I say I am the state and the state, and this is the case with our kings and our principals,
French Vagtinm such grants from the center of those trials and the Kings have risen against the darkness of the blood and Almmtchin Girathm
And they knocked down the Louis XVI to the guillotine, and their rights and taken by force of arms.
There is no place for the polls in our country under the shadow of giants, however, to Mkhadatna,
It is regrettable and should be aware that the market for this trick, many of the great scholars and preachers!
It is the womb of the economic crisis that also the Americans also revolution on Britain to take their rights,
And do not follow the democratic Ikhadonna today in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries, but pulled out of their iron and fire, O Vaatbrooa eyes.
We Muslims believe that it is the nation's right to elect its president and we believe Shura, but we believe that the Western democracy - it is a big trick on the --
It is a heresy Crkip, and Muslims are not happy that governed Bcra only one God, the laws of the people that put them ..
In our religion, fighting for the sake of God against the invaders and aggressors rulers apostates to be the word of God is the highest and then back to normalcy and the rights to their owners.
In conclusion, I say to our people in Palestine:
The magnitude of God Ojrkm
And accept God in your dead martyrs
And accelerated recovery of the wounded
And to ask God to inspire patience with the injured and to give good
My brethren in Palestine, has also suffered greatly Aaneetm your fathers before during nine decades ago, although Muslims sympathetic to what you see and hear.
We are Mujahideen sympathizers sympathy with you and also the most since the Mujahideen Ieeshunkm lives and sense of greater Taanon,
Afikcefon also Tqcefon the same aircraft, and lose their sons as Tvkaddon Livers, sat up, so thank God, the God we come and to Him we return.
And it pleases God in this year's show lineament dawn and the promise of relief to erode the Zionist crusader tide,
Leaving only a few and we, God willing, you will not let you down, God willing,
Bmasirkm destiny was linked to the coalition in fighting the Zionist crusader Afqatal until victory or martyrdom for the sake of Allah ..
Vasberoa and Saberoa and stationed themselves, and fear Allah, that ye may prosper
The last prayer to thank God ..
The God and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.
Al-Sahab Media Production
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Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi - "The Believers are Only Brothers”
The Global Islamic Media Front
"The Believers are Only Brothers”
Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi
-May Allah Protect him-
(Leader of the Islamic State of Iraq)
All praise be to Allah, He Who said in the clear and exact revelation:
“Fighting has been ordained for you though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”
And may the Peace and Blessings be upon the giver of glad-tidings and the warner, he who said [in comparing Islam to a camel],
“The head of the matter is Islam, its backbone is the Prayer, and the peak of its hump is Jihad.”
He who said:
“Whoever dies without fighting or having the determination to do so, will surely have died upon a branch of hypocrisy.”
To proceed:
Indeed the ‘brothers of apes and pigs’, the worshippers of false gods, are pouring down fire upon our fellow Muslims in Gaza. They have killed the women and the elderly. They have demolished homes over their owners, and even more, they have increased their transgression, rebellion, and wantonness by razing mosques, the Houses of Allah. They have done this openly in front of the eyes of the Muslims, being shown all over the media. So what have you done, O nation of Islam?! Have you not read the saying of Allah (I):
“And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.” [Surah Al-Nisaa (4):75]
And His (I) saying:
“Indeed the believers are only brothers.” [Surah Al-Hujuraat (49):10]
What will you do with the His (r) words:
“The believing men and women are supporters and allies to each another.” [Surah Al-Tawbah (9):71]
Indeed coming to the aid of the weak and oppressed believers in Gaza is an individual obligation upon every Muslim, an obligatory right which has been mandated by the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. Indeed deserting them and taking the matter of helping them lightly and not lifting this injustice and oppression is a great sin, and it is considered a form of participation in a crime which will never cease to be a shame in the lives of every Muslim and after their death.
O Muslims! Indeed the rulers of the Islamic lands are traitors, infidels and lewd sinners, liars, fabricators and criminals. Where are all these slogans of Pan-Arabism, nationalism and patriotism, when the war has been proclaimed against the weak and oppressed Muslims of Gaza from the ‘Land of Kinanah’ itself, from Egypt, made to ruin by the rule of the Taghoot, LaMubarak (Not Blessed), the enemy of Allah and the Muslims, the ally of the criminal Jews.
O Muslims! If we don’t stand against these traitorous rulers today, then when will we do so? They have betrayed your religion and usurped your wealth, and here you see them today participating in the massacre of your brothers and children. Revolt against them! Break their thrones! Remove them from Authority! Destroy their tyranny and transgression! Raise your arms and fight to escape from this humiliation and shame! What has been forcefully taken cannot be reclaimed except through force. What has been taken by military coups and idolatrous elections cannot be reclaimed except through the barrels of rifles. Be truthful to Allah and to yourselves! Do you think that the leaders of Egypt, Jordon, the Levant (Syria) and the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Yemen) will ever one day stand in defense of the religion, land and honor? So if the answer to this is known to every infant who has tasted the bitterness of humiliation and pain from the breast-milk of its mother, then how long will you remain silent?
O Muslims! Make the bravery of your brothers in Gaza today the flame which ignites you to free Muslim countries from the transgressors, for indeed the Messenger of Allah (r) said:
“The Hour will not be established until the Romans come to Al-A’maaq or Dabiq (two areas in Greater Syria). An army will go out to fight them from Medina, from the best of people in the world that day; when they line up to fight, the Romans will say, ‘Leave us to fight those who took our women and children captive,’ to which the Muslims will respond, ‘No by Allah! We will never leave you to our brothers.’ So they will fight them. A third of the Muslims will flee, and they are those who Allah will never forgive them; a third will be killed, and they are the best of martyrs in the sight of Allah; and a third will gain victory, and they will never be tried.”
This is the example of the Muslim. He does not desert his brother nor leaves him to his enemy, nor leaves in his time of need. If Allah will not forgive those who run away after they actually fought in this battle, what do you think about the sin of those who do not fight at all? The Messenger of Allah (r), as mentioned in the Saheeh:
“Come to the aid of your brother, whether he is oppressing or being oppressed.”
And he (r) said:
“The Muslims are brethren. They do not oppress each other nor surrender them.”
We are a nation in which each person supports the other to form a strong wall, as the Messenger of Allah (r) described us to be, saying:
“The believers to each other are like a wall, they strengthen each other.”
What we see as the solution, by the Will of Allah:
First: that the intelligent men should lead the angry masses which came out to protest in streets and cities of the countries neighboring Palestine to attack the borders, becoming one with our Palestinian people, and participate with their brothers in their Jihad in every way possible, the least of them being seizing control of the weapons of the border patrol and the military bases spread along them which protect the Zionist enemies.
Second: Every Muslim who has been forced to serve in the armies of these idolic rulers, and every officer who has seen this treachery with his own eyes, repenting to Allah, must smuggle as many weapons he can outside their units, or guide others to the locations of weapon depots and stores so they may seize them and smuggle them to our brothers in Palestine, for I was pained to see helicopters in its skies, while it does not take huge weapons to down them. These weapons are also to be used to kill every idolic figure, however major or minor he may be, who prevents people from protesting from our solidarity with our brothers in Gaza. And let all people know that our fight with the Jews and their aides is not one of screaming and yelling, but rather one in which blood flows like rivers and body parts fly in all directions like stones, for Allah will never relieve us from this state of humiliation until we sell our souls to Allah for a cheap price and rule by his Law in His land.
Third: In regards to our brothers in Palestine, and in Gaza specifically, the obligation of the time upon those who are fighting to raise the Word of Allah, seeking to bring honor and glory to His religion, is that they unite under one flag. You must know that you must compromise these worldly benefits wrapped in false notions. If you do not unite today, then by Allah when will you do so? Fear Allah and fight the enemies of Allah as he commanded. He (I) said:
“Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in a row, as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly.” [Surah Al-Saff (61):4]
Fourth: The Palestinians all over the world must come to the aid of their brothers. There can be found in practically every country - well educated, having military and technical skills. They must strike at American and Jewish interests all over the world. All praise is due to Allah, they are not short of experience or bravery, and they are keener on helping their people than others.
Fifth: Isn’t it time that the weapons that are stored in the Palestinian weapon depots be used against the transgressors, instead of bring used in mere military displays not leaving the camps? What are they waiting for? Has there ever been a time as severe as this? Or are they only trying to defend the shabby standard of living offered to them by the idolic rulers of Muslim countries?
I warn the Muslims, especially the scholars and intellects among them, from diffusing the anger of the Muslims in senseless protests that serve no purpose, or to make them feel satisfied with donating money to their brothers which will never reach them in the first place. This what the Jews and Christians want from us. They kill us, and then tell their agents to receive the injured and bury the dead. And for this reason they founded the Red Cross.
As for us here in Iraq, indeed we promise our people in Gaza that we will not desert them on the battlefield of our fight against the Jews and their aides. We will increase our operations against the American occupiers.
And we have good news for our brothers in Palestine and Iraq that the victory is near, for indeed Allah (I) said:
“Indeed with hardship comes ease, indeed with hardship comes ease.” (Surah Al-Sharh (94):5-6]
Indeed we see the end of the Jews and their agents imminent on the hands of the Knights of Tawheed and Bearers of the flag of “Laa ilaaha ill-Allah”.
And Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest!
“And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most people do not know.” [Surah Yousuf (12):21]
Your Brother,
Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi
"The Believers are Only Brothers”
Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi
-May Allah Protect him-
(Leader of the Islamic State of Iraq)
All praise be to Allah, He Who said in the clear and exact revelation:
“Fighting has been ordained for you though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know.”
And may the Peace and Blessings be upon the giver of glad-tidings and the warner, he who said [in comparing Islam to a camel],
“The head of the matter is Islam, its backbone is the Prayer, and the peak of its hump is Jihad.”
He who said:
“Whoever dies without fighting or having the determination to do so, will surely have died upon a branch of hypocrisy.”
To proceed:
Indeed the ‘brothers of apes and pigs’, the worshippers of false gods, are pouring down fire upon our fellow Muslims in Gaza. They have killed the women and the elderly. They have demolished homes over their owners, and even more, they have increased their transgression, rebellion, and wantonness by razing mosques, the Houses of Allah. They have done this openly in front of the eyes of the Muslims, being shown all over the media. So what have you done, O nation of Islam?! Have you not read the saying of Allah (I):
“And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help.” [Surah Al-Nisaa (4):75]
And His (I) saying:
“Indeed the believers are only brothers.” [Surah Al-Hujuraat (49):10]
What will you do with the His (r) words:
“The believing men and women are supporters and allies to each another.” [Surah Al-Tawbah (9):71]
Indeed coming to the aid of the weak and oppressed believers in Gaza is an individual obligation upon every Muslim, an obligatory right which has been mandated by the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. Indeed deserting them and taking the matter of helping them lightly and not lifting this injustice and oppression is a great sin, and it is considered a form of participation in a crime which will never cease to be a shame in the lives of every Muslim and after their death.
O Muslims! Indeed the rulers of the Islamic lands are traitors, infidels and lewd sinners, liars, fabricators and criminals. Where are all these slogans of Pan-Arabism, nationalism and patriotism, when the war has been proclaimed against the weak and oppressed Muslims of Gaza from the ‘Land of Kinanah’ itself, from Egypt, made to ruin by the rule of the Taghoot, LaMubarak (Not Blessed), the enemy of Allah and the Muslims, the ally of the criminal Jews.
O Muslims! If we don’t stand against these traitorous rulers today, then when will we do so? They have betrayed your religion and usurped your wealth, and here you see them today participating in the massacre of your brothers and children. Revolt against them! Break their thrones! Remove them from Authority! Destroy their tyranny and transgression! Raise your arms and fight to escape from this humiliation and shame! What has been forcefully taken cannot be reclaimed except through force. What has been taken by military coups and idolatrous elections cannot be reclaimed except through the barrels of rifles. Be truthful to Allah and to yourselves! Do you think that the leaders of Egypt, Jordon, the Levant (Syria) and the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States, and Yemen) will ever one day stand in defense of the religion, land and honor? So if the answer to this is known to every infant who has tasted the bitterness of humiliation and pain from the breast-milk of its mother, then how long will you remain silent?
O Muslims! Make the bravery of your brothers in Gaza today the flame which ignites you to free Muslim countries from the transgressors, for indeed the Messenger of Allah (r) said:
“The Hour will not be established until the Romans come to Al-A’maaq or Dabiq (two areas in Greater Syria). An army will go out to fight them from Medina, from the best of people in the world that day; when they line up to fight, the Romans will say, ‘Leave us to fight those who took our women and children captive,’ to which the Muslims will respond, ‘No by Allah! We will never leave you to our brothers.’ So they will fight them. A third of the Muslims will flee, and they are those who Allah will never forgive them; a third will be killed, and they are the best of martyrs in the sight of Allah; and a third will gain victory, and they will never be tried.”
This is the example of the Muslim. He does not desert his brother nor leaves him to his enemy, nor leaves in his time of need. If Allah will not forgive those who run away after they actually fought in this battle, what do you think about the sin of those who do not fight at all? The Messenger of Allah (r), as mentioned in the Saheeh:
“Come to the aid of your brother, whether he is oppressing or being oppressed.”
And he (r) said:
“The Muslims are brethren. They do not oppress each other nor surrender them.”
We are a nation in which each person supports the other to form a strong wall, as the Messenger of Allah (r) described us to be, saying:
“The believers to each other are like a wall, they strengthen each other.”
What we see as the solution, by the Will of Allah:
First: that the intelligent men should lead the angry masses which came out to protest in streets and cities of the countries neighboring Palestine to attack the borders, becoming one with our Palestinian people, and participate with their brothers in their Jihad in every way possible, the least of them being seizing control of the weapons of the border patrol and the military bases spread along them which protect the Zionist enemies.
Second: Every Muslim who has been forced to serve in the armies of these idolic rulers, and every officer who has seen this treachery with his own eyes, repenting to Allah, must smuggle as many weapons he can outside their units, or guide others to the locations of weapon depots and stores so they may seize them and smuggle them to our brothers in Palestine, for I was pained to see helicopters in its skies, while it does not take huge weapons to down them. These weapons are also to be used to kill every idolic figure, however major or minor he may be, who prevents people from protesting from our solidarity with our brothers in Gaza. And let all people know that our fight with the Jews and their aides is not one of screaming and yelling, but rather one in which blood flows like rivers and body parts fly in all directions like stones, for Allah will never relieve us from this state of humiliation until we sell our souls to Allah for a cheap price and rule by his Law in His land.
Third: In regards to our brothers in Palestine, and in Gaza specifically, the obligation of the time upon those who are fighting to raise the Word of Allah, seeking to bring honor and glory to His religion, is that they unite under one flag. You must know that you must compromise these worldly benefits wrapped in false notions. If you do not unite today, then by Allah when will you do so? Fear Allah and fight the enemies of Allah as he commanded. He (I) said:
“Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His Cause in a row, as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly.” [Surah Al-Saff (61):4]
Fourth: The Palestinians all over the world must come to the aid of their brothers. There can be found in practically every country - well educated, having military and technical skills. They must strike at American and Jewish interests all over the world. All praise is due to Allah, they are not short of experience or bravery, and they are keener on helping their people than others.
Fifth: Isn’t it time that the weapons that are stored in the Palestinian weapon depots be used against the transgressors, instead of bring used in mere military displays not leaving the camps? What are they waiting for? Has there ever been a time as severe as this? Or are they only trying to defend the shabby standard of living offered to them by the idolic rulers of Muslim countries?
I warn the Muslims, especially the scholars and intellects among them, from diffusing the anger of the Muslims in senseless protests that serve no purpose, or to make them feel satisfied with donating money to their brothers which will never reach them in the first place. This what the Jews and Christians want from us. They kill us, and then tell their agents to receive the injured and bury the dead. And for this reason they founded the Red Cross.
As for us here in Iraq, indeed we promise our people in Gaza that we will not desert them on the battlefield of our fight against the Jews and their aides. We will increase our operations against the American occupiers.
And we have good news for our brothers in Palestine and Iraq that the victory is near, for indeed Allah (I) said:
“Indeed with hardship comes ease, indeed with hardship comes ease.” (Surah Al-Sharh (94):5-6]
Indeed we see the end of the Jews and their agents imminent on the hands of the Knights of Tawheed and Bearers of the flag of “Laa ilaaha ill-Allah”.
And Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest! Allah is the Greatest!
“And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most people do not know.” [Surah Yousuf (12):21]
Your Brother,
Abu Omar Al-Baghdadi
miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009
The US promotes Israeli genocide against Palestinians
Tue, 13 Jan 2009 18:55:49 GMT Press TV
By Professor Francis A. Boyle
As long ago as October 19, 2000, the then United Nations Human Rights Commission (now Council) condemned Israel for inflicting “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” upon the Palestinian people, most of whom are Muslims.
The reader has a general idea of what a war crime is, so I am not going to elaborate upon that term here. But there are different degrees of heinousness for war crimes. In particular are the more serious war crimes denominated “grave breaches” of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Since the outbreak of the first Intifada in 1987, the world has seen those heinous war crimes inflicted every day by Israel against the Palestinian people living in occupied Palestine: e.g., willful killing of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli army and by Israel's illegal paramilitary settlers.
These Israeli “grave breaches” of the Fourth Geneva Convention mandate universal prosecution for the perpetrators and their commanders, whether military or civilian, including and especially Israel's political leaders.
But I want to focus for a moment on Israel's “crimes against humanity” against the Palestinian people-as determined by the UN Human Rights Commission itself, set up pursuant to the requirements of the United Nations Charter. What are “crimes against humanity”?
This concept goes all the way back to the Nuremberg Charter of 1945 for the trial of the major Nazi war criminals in Europe. In the Nuremberg Charter of 1945, drafted by the United States Government, there was created and inserted a new type of international crime specifically intended to deal with the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people:
Crimes against humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.
The paradigmatic example of “crimes against humanity” is what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jewish people. This is where the concept of “crimes against humanity” came from.
And this is what the UN Human Rights Commission determined that Israel is currently doing to the Palestinian people: crimes against humanity. Expressed in legal terms, this is just like what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews.
That is the significance of the formal determination by the UN Human Rights Commission that Israel has inflicted “crimes against humanity” upon the Palestinian people. The Commission chose this well-known and long-standing legal term of art quite carefully and deliberately based upon the evidence it had compiled.
Furthermore, the Nuremberg “crimes against humanity” are the historical and legal precursor to the international crime of genocide as defined by the 1948 Genocide Convention.
The theory here was that what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jewish people was so horrific that it required a special international treaty that would codify and universalize the Nuremberg concept of “crimes against humanity.” And that treaty ultimately became the 1948 Genocide Convention.
Article II of the Genocide Convention defines the international crime of genocide in relevant part as follows:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
As documented by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in his seminal book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestin (2006), Israel's genocidal policy against the Palestinians has been unremitting, extending from before the very foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, and is ongoing and even intensifying against the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza.
Zionism's “final solution” to Israel's much touted “demographic threat” allegedly posed by the very existence of the Palestinians has always been genocide.
Certainly, Israel and its predecessors-in-law-the Zionist agencies, forces, and terrorist gangs-have committed genocide against the Palestinian people that actually started on or about 1948 and has continued apace until today in violation of Genocide Convention Articles II(a), (b), and (c).
For at least the past six decades, the Israeli government and its predecessors-in-law - the Zionist agencies, forces, and terrorist gangs - have ruthlessly implemented a systematic and comprehensive military, political, and economic campaign with the intent to destroy in substantial part the national, ethnical, racial, and different religious (Jews versus Muslims and Christians) group constituting the Palestinian people.
This Zionist/Israeli campaign has consisted of killing members of the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(a).
This Zionist/Israeli campaign has also caused serious bodily and mental harm to the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(b).
This Zionist/Israeli campaign has also deliberately inflicted on the Palestinian people conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in substantial part in violation of Article II(c) of the Genocide Convention.
Article I of the Genocide Convention requires all contracting parties such as the United States “to prevent and to punish” genocide. Yet to the contrary, historically the “Jewish” state's criminal conduct against the Palestinians has been financed, armed, equipped, supplied and politically supported by the “Christian” United States.
Although the United States is a founding sponsor of, and a contracting party to, both the Nuremberg Charter and the Genocide Convention, as well as the United Nations Charter, these legal facts have never made any difference to the United States when it comes to its blank-check support for Israel and their joint and severable criminal mistreatment of the Palestinians-truly the wretched of the earth!
The world has not yet heard even one word uttered by the United States and its NATO allies in favor of “humanitarian intervention” against Israel in order to protect the Palestinian people, let alone a “responsibility to protect” the Palestinians from Zionist/Israeli genocide.
The United States, its NATO allies, and the Great Powers on the UN Security Council would not even dispatch a UN Charter Chapter 6 monitoring force to help protect the Palestinians, let alone even contemplate any type of UN Charter Chapter 7 enforcement actions against Israel - shudder the thought!.
The doctrine of “humanitarian intervention” so readily espoused elsewhere when US foreign policy goals are allegedly at stake has been clearly proved to be a joke and a fraud when it comes to stopping the ongoing and accelerating Israeli campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people.
Rather than rein in the Israelis - which would be possible just by turning off the funding pipeline - the United States government, the US Congress, and US taxpayers instead support the “Jewish” state to the tune of about 4 billion dollars per year, without whose munificence this instance of genocide - and indeed conceivably the State of Israel itself - would not be possible.
What the world witnesses here is (yet another) case of “dishumanitarian intervention” or “humanitarian extermination” by the United States and Israel against the Palestinians and Palestine.
In today's world genocide pays so long as it is done at the behest of the United States and its de jure or de facto allies such as Israel.
Of course miracles can always happen. But I anticipate no fundamental change in America's support for the Israeli campaign of genocide against the Palestinians during the tenure of the Obama/Clinton administration.
The article above is from “Tackling America's Toughest Questions.”
On 8 April 1993 and 13 September 1993 the author won two World Court Orders overwhelmingly in favor of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against the rump Yugoslavia to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Bosnians.
By Professor Francis A. Boyle
As long ago as October 19, 2000, the then United Nations Human Rights Commission (now Council) condemned Israel for inflicting “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” upon the Palestinian people, most of whom are Muslims.
The reader has a general idea of what a war crime is, so I am not going to elaborate upon that term here. But there are different degrees of heinousness for war crimes. In particular are the more serious war crimes denominated “grave breaches” of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Since the outbreak of the first Intifada in 1987, the world has seen those heinous war crimes inflicted every day by Israel against the Palestinian people living in occupied Palestine: e.g., willful killing of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli army and by Israel's illegal paramilitary settlers.
These Israeli “grave breaches” of the Fourth Geneva Convention mandate universal prosecution for the perpetrators and their commanders, whether military or civilian, including and especially Israel's political leaders.
But I want to focus for a moment on Israel's “crimes against humanity” against the Palestinian people-as determined by the UN Human Rights Commission itself, set up pursuant to the requirements of the United Nations Charter. What are “crimes against humanity”?
This concept goes all the way back to the Nuremberg Charter of 1945 for the trial of the major Nazi war criminals in Europe. In the Nuremberg Charter of 1945, drafted by the United States Government, there was created and inserted a new type of international crime specifically intended to deal with the Nazi persecution of the Jewish people:
Crimes against humanity: namely, murder, extermination, enslavement, deportation, and other inhumane acts committed against any civilian population, before or during the war, or persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds in execution of or in connection with any crime within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal, whether or not in violation of the domestic law of the country where perpetrated.
The paradigmatic example of “crimes against humanity” is what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jewish people. This is where the concept of “crimes against humanity” came from.
And this is what the UN Human Rights Commission determined that Israel is currently doing to the Palestinian people: crimes against humanity. Expressed in legal terms, this is just like what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jews.
That is the significance of the formal determination by the UN Human Rights Commission that Israel has inflicted “crimes against humanity” upon the Palestinian people. The Commission chose this well-known and long-standing legal term of art quite carefully and deliberately based upon the evidence it had compiled.
Furthermore, the Nuremberg “crimes against humanity” are the historical and legal precursor to the international crime of genocide as defined by the 1948 Genocide Convention.
The theory here was that what Hitler and the Nazis did to the Jewish people was so horrific that it required a special international treaty that would codify and universalize the Nuremberg concept of “crimes against humanity.” And that treaty ultimately became the 1948 Genocide Convention.
Article II of the Genocide Convention defines the international crime of genocide in relevant part as follows:
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.
As documented by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in his seminal book The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestin (2006), Israel's genocidal policy against the Palestinians has been unremitting, extending from before the very foundation of the State of Israel in 1948, and is ongoing and even intensifying against the 1.5 million Palestinians living in Gaza.
Zionism's “final solution” to Israel's much touted “demographic threat” allegedly posed by the very existence of the Palestinians has always been genocide.
Certainly, Israel and its predecessors-in-law-the Zionist agencies, forces, and terrorist gangs-have committed genocide against the Palestinian people that actually started on or about 1948 and has continued apace until today in violation of Genocide Convention Articles II(a), (b), and (c).
For at least the past six decades, the Israeli government and its predecessors-in-law - the Zionist agencies, forces, and terrorist gangs - have ruthlessly implemented a systematic and comprehensive military, political, and economic campaign with the intent to destroy in substantial part the national, ethnical, racial, and different religious (Jews versus Muslims and Christians) group constituting the Palestinian people.
This Zionist/Israeli campaign has consisted of killing members of the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(a).
This Zionist/Israeli campaign has also caused serious bodily and mental harm to the Palestinian people in violation of Genocide Convention Article II(b).
This Zionist/Israeli campaign has also deliberately inflicted on the Palestinian people conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction in substantial part in violation of Article II(c) of the Genocide Convention.
Article I of the Genocide Convention requires all contracting parties such as the United States “to prevent and to punish” genocide. Yet to the contrary, historically the “Jewish” state's criminal conduct against the Palestinians has been financed, armed, equipped, supplied and politically supported by the “Christian” United States.
Although the United States is a founding sponsor of, and a contracting party to, both the Nuremberg Charter and the Genocide Convention, as well as the United Nations Charter, these legal facts have never made any difference to the United States when it comes to its blank-check support for Israel and their joint and severable criminal mistreatment of the Palestinians-truly the wretched of the earth!
The world has not yet heard even one word uttered by the United States and its NATO allies in favor of “humanitarian intervention” against Israel in order to protect the Palestinian people, let alone a “responsibility to protect” the Palestinians from Zionist/Israeli genocide.
The United States, its NATO allies, and the Great Powers on the UN Security Council would not even dispatch a UN Charter Chapter 6 monitoring force to help protect the Palestinians, let alone even contemplate any type of UN Charter Chapter 7 enforcement actions against Israel - shudder the thought!.
The doctrine of “humanitarian intervention” so readily espoused elsewhere when US foreign policy goals are allegedly at stake has been clearly proved to be a joke and a fraud when it comes to stopping the ongoing and accelerating Israeli campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people.
Rather than rein in the Israelis - which would be possible just by turning off the funding pipeline - the United States government, the US Congress, and US taxpayers instead support the “Jewish” state to the tune of about 4 billion dollars per year, without whose munificence this instance of genocide - and indeed conceivably the State of Israel itself - would not be possible.
What the world witnesses here is (yet another) case of “dishumanitarian intervention” or “humanitarian extermination” by the United States and Israel against the Palestinians and Palestine.
In today's world genocide pays so long as it is done at the behest of the United States and its de jure or de facto allies such as Israel.
Of course miracles can always happen. But I anticipate no fundamental change in America's support for the Israeli campaign of genocide against the Palestinians during the tenure of the Obama/Clinton administration.
The article above is from “Tackling America's Toughest Questions.”
On 8 April 1993 and 13 September 1993 the author won two World Court Orders overwhelmingly in favor of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina against the rump Yugoslavia to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Bosnians.
martes, 13 de enero de 2009
Comunicado íntegro: Catorce catedráticos españoles de Derecho Penal califican de "genocidio planificado" el ataque de Israel a Gaza
Los abajo firmantes, Catedráticos de Derecho Penal de las distintas Universidades Españolas, horrorizados por las noticias que hora a hora nos llegan desde Gaza, queremos denunciar el genocidio, detalladamente planificado, que las autoridades del Estado de Israel están cometiendo sobre los palestinos, a quienes arrebata, a quienes está despojando ante nuestros ojos, no sólo la vida sino hasta sus mínimas expresiones culturales. Las imágenes de los cuerpos de niños reventados por las explosiones se unen a la contemplación de la Universidad bombardeada y destruida, los heridos que mueren en los Hospitales por falta de medicinas, las infraestructuras –que con tanto sacrificio fueron levantadas- asoladas, los hombres y las mujeres gritando de desesperación. Mientras tanto las autoridades nacionales e internacionales se limitan a vanas llamadas a la contención, al arreglo entre las partes, al alto el fuego, pero sin tomar ninguna medida efectiva contra los agresores, contra los genocidas; antes al contrario, a las víctimas se las convierte en victimarios, y ni siquiera se les respeta su capacidad, su voluntad soberana, a la hora de elegir a sus gobernantes.
Queremos efectuar, desde nuestra limitadas fuerzas pero con todo el poder moral que nos otorga nuestra condición de seres humanos, un llamamiento a las autoridades españolas y de la Unión Europea para que tomen medidas eficaces contra el Estado de Israel, llamando a los embajadores propios a consulta, expulsando del territorio nacional a los de Israel, congelando los acuerdos de intercambio de todo tipo con aquél Estado, y sometiéndole a aislamiento en tanto no observe un alto el fuego y desarrolle las iniciativas necesarias para acabar con este drama que dura ya sesenta años; y desde luego, que se requiera a Israel para que cumpla las resoluciones de Naciones Unidas que tantos años lleva ignorando, y cuya falta de observancia está en el origen del conflicto,
Fco. Javier Álvarez García (Universidad Carlos III); Nicolás García Rivas (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha); Guillermo Portilla Contreras (Universidad de Jaén); Enrique Gimbernat Ordeig (Universidad Complutense); Manuel Cancio Meliá (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); José Luis Díez Ripollés (Universidad de Málaga); Luis Rodríguez Ramos (UNED); Juan Carlos Carbonell Matéu (Universidad de Valencia); Carlos Martínez-Buján Pérez (Universidad de La Coruña); Francisco Muñoz Conde (Universidad Pablo de Olavide); Javier Boix Reig (Universidad de Valencia); María Luisa Maqueda Abreu (Universidad de Granada); José Manuel Paredes Castañón (Universidad del País Vasco); Juan Terradillos Basoco (Universidad de Cádiz);
Queremos efectuar, desde nuestra limitadas fuerzas pero con todo el poder moral que nos otorga nuestra condición de seres humanos, un llamamiento a las autoridades españolas y de la Unión Europea para que tomen medidas eficaces contra el Estado de Israel, llamando a los embajadores propios a consulta, expulsando del territorio nacional a los de Israel, congelando los acuerdos de intercambio de todo tipo con aquél Estado, y sometiéndole a aislamiento en tanto no observe un alto el fuego y desarrolle las iniciativas necesarias para acabar con este drama que dura ya sesenta años; y desde luego, que se requiera a Israel para que cumpla las resoluciones de Naciones Unidas que tantos años lleva ignorando, y cuya falta de observancia está en el origen del conflicto,
Fco. Javier Álvarez García (Universidad Carlos III); Nicolás García Rivas (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha); Guillermo Portilla Contreras (Universidad de Jaén); Enrique Gimbernat Ordeig (Universidad Complutense); Manuel Cancio Meliá (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); José Luis Díez Ripollés (Universidad de Málaga); Luis Rodríguez Ramos (UNED); Juan Carlos Carbonell Matéu (Universidad de Valencia); Carlos Martínez-Buján Pérez (Universidad de La Coruña); Francisco Muñoz Conde (Universidad Pablo de Olavide); Javier Boix Reig (Universidad de Valencia); María Luisa Maqueda Abreu (Universidad de Granada); José Manuel Paredes Castañón (Universidad del País Vasco); Juan Terradillos Basoco (Universidad de Cádiz);
domingo, 11 de enero de 2009
La espada de Bolívar también camina en los pueblos árabes
La expulsión del embajador de Israel en Venezuela por parte del Presidente Hugo Chávez ha despertado una gran ola de simpatía en países como Yemén, Jordania, Líbano y la propia Palestina: la bandera de Venezuela ondea junto a afiches de Hugo Chávez en agradecimiento por el gesto. También hay indignación porque sus propios países no toman acciones similares.

Protestas en Yemén este viernes en contra de la ocupación en Gaza. El afiche dice: "Vamos juntos a expulsar a los embajadores sionistas".


Protestas en Yemén este viernes en contra de la ocupación en Gaza. El afiche dice: "Vamos juntos a expulsar a los embajadores sionistas".

Acudieron a la embajada de Venezuela en Jordania para dar su agradecimiento por la expulsión del embajador de Israel.
La bandera de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela ondea con orgullo en manifestaciones realizadas este jueves, viernes y sábado en diferentes países del Cercano Oriente y del Oriente Medio. La expulsión del embajador de Israel en Venezuela ordenada por el Presidente Hugo Chávez, y sus palabras pidiendo el enjuiciamiento en tribunales internacionales del presidente de Israel han causado una enorme ola de solidaridad de parte de los pueblos árabes de varios países, que no han dudado en llevar banderas tricolores y afiches de Hugo Chávez a sus manifestaciones, como puede apreciarse en el fotoreportaje anexo, hecho a partir de fotos de agencias.
Opinión de Garbî:
Arabia Saudita se queda sola junto a sus aliados de Israel y al-qaeda.
¿ Donde está bin Laden que no aparece...?
Por fin la humanidad se ha dado cuenta que los terroristas de al-qaeda son Arabia Saudita y sus aliados de EEUU e Israel.
sábado, 10 de enero de 2009
El Partido Popular no condena el ataque de Israel y violación de las leyes internacionales
La derecha española ve bien la masacre de Gaza, ni lamentan ni condenan el terrorismo de Estado, ellos se limitan a decir que es una respuesta a la provocación.
ETA dice lo mismo de España.
ETA justifica sus atentados contra objetivos españoles alegando que España "Los provoca" y tiene derecho a defenderse. Todos los terroristas hablan con el mismo lenguaje.
Hay que recordar que el PP español es un partido judeocristiano. Durante su mandato fortaleció la presencia de agentes del mossad en las comunidades gobernadas por el PP donde la corrupción alcanzó limites insospechados y lugar seguro para la red al-qaeda. Durante el mandato de Aznar los terroristas de al-qaeda fueron “protegidos” a cambio de fuertes inversiones de Arabia Saudi. La inversión mas importante del reino terrorista saudita fue en Murcia, curiosamente en esa ciudad española recogieron los pasaportes los terroristas saudíes que cometieron el 11-S. ¿ Tan mala es la inteligencia israelí que no se enteraron...?
Los líderes del PP pertenecen al OPUS, éste grupo integrista judeocristiano fianció a la red Al-Qeda en su lucha contra la URSS : Liga Anti comunista.

Sobran las palabras. Por sus acciones los conoceréis
ETA dice lo mismo de España.
ETA justifica sus atentados contra objetivos españoles alegando que España "Los provoca" y tiene derecho a defenderse. Todos los terroristas hablan con el mismo lenguaje.
Hay que recordar que el PP español es un partido judeocristiano. Durante su mandato fortaleció la presencia de agentes del mossad en las comunidades gobernadas por el PP donde la corrupción alcanzó limites insospechados y lugar seguro para la red al-qaeda. Durante el mandato de Aznar los terroristas de al-qaeda fueron “protegidos” a cambio de fuertes inversiones de Arabia Saudi. La inversión mas importante del reino terrorista saudita fue en Murcia, curiosamente en esa ciudad española recogieron los pasaportes los terroristas saudíes que cometieron el 11-S. ¿ Tan mala es la inteligencia israelí que no se enteraron...?
Los líderes del PP pertenecen al OPUS, éste grupo integrista judeocristiano fianció a la red Al-Qeda en su lucha contra la URSS : Liga Anti comunista.

Sobran las palabras. Por sus acciones los conoceréis
miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009
Masacre en Gaza/Comisión iraní de derechos humanos hace un llamamiento para que se juzgue a sionistas como criminales de guerra
Teherán, Irán. IRNA. 6 de enero de 2009
La Comisión de Derechos Humanos Islámica de Irán ha escrito una carta dirigida a las diferentes organizaciones defensoras de estos derechos en todo el mundo a las que hace un llamamiento para que actúen refrendando las leyes internaciones para apoyar a la población de Gaza y preparen el terreno para que el régimen sionista sea juzgado como criminal de guerra.
En la carta se pide a las organizaciones de derechos humanos de todo el mundo que exijan a sus gobiernos que cumplan con su cometido de garantizar el respeto de esos derechos según el artículo I de la Convención de Ginebra. Asimismo, esta comisión pide, basándose en el artículo IV de dicha convención, que eleven sus protestas a los tribunales de sus respectivos países para que se haga un seguimiento judicial de los criminales de guerra en los territorios ocupados de cara a que sean procesados por esos delitos en el futuro. “Son varias las décadas que el pueblo palestino lleva experimentando esta triste situación, de tal manera que, o han sido expulsado de las tierras de sus antepasados, o están siendo vulnerados sus derechos humanos”, reza la carta.
El escrito recuerda a la vez que son cientos las resoluciones que la ONU ha emitido contra los ocupadores y sus acciones y que las instituciones de la ONU han anunciado muchas veces su preocupación porque se sigan vulnerando los derechos humanos en los territorios ocupados de Palestina. “A pesar de esto y debido al apoyo de algunos países con derechos a veto en el Consejo de Seguridad (CS), estos organismos de la ONU, que tienen el cometido de velar por la paz y la seguridad internacionales según la Carta Magna, no solo no cumplen con este su deber ante los palestinos sino que además han tomado partido por Israel regalando a los ocupadores el mensaje de que tenéis el campo abierto para hacer lo que queráis”, agrega esta misiva en clara referencia a la resolución que ha sido vetada en el CS por EEUU y en la que se exigía un cese de los ataques.
La carta termina preguntando “¿quién va a atender estos crímenes que se cometen contra las normas internacionales y que abarcan crímenes de guerra, de lesa humanidad y genocidio, de acuerdo a los patrones jurídicos?” y remacha criticando el silencio que el CS mantiene ante todo lo que está ocurriendo.
La Comisión de Derechos Humanos Islámica de Irán ha escrito una carta dirigida a las diferentes organizaciones defensoras de estos derechos en todo el mundo a las que hace un llamamiento para que actúen refrendando las leyes internaciones para apoyar a la población de Gaza y preparen el terreno para que el régimen sionista sea juzgado como criminal de guerra.
En la carta se pide a las organizaciones de derechos humanos de todo el mundo que exijan a sus gobiernos que cumplan con su cometido de garantizar el respeto de esos derechos según el artículo I de la Convención de Ginebra. Asimismo, esta comisión pide, basándose en el artículo IV de dicha convención, que eleven sus protestas a los tribunales de sus respectivos países para que se haga un seguimiento judicial de los criminales de guerra en los territorios ocupados de cara a que sean procesados por esos delitos en el futuro. “Son varias las décadas que el pueblo palestino lleva experimentando esta triste situación, de tal manera que, o han sido expulsado de las tierras de sus antepasados, o están siendo vulnerados sus derechos humanos”, reza la carta.
El escrito recuerda a la vez que son cientos las resoluciones que la ONU ha emitido contra los ocupadores y sus acciones y que las instituciones de la ONU han anunciado muchas veces su preocupación porque se sigan vulnerando los derechos humanos en los territorios ocupados de Palestina. “A pesar de esto y debido al apoyo de algunos países con derechos a veto en el Consejo de Seguridad (CS), estos organismos de la ONU, que tienen el cometido de velar por la paz y la seguridad internacionales según la Carta Magna, no solo no cumplen con este su deber ante los palestinos sino que además han tomado partido por Israel regalando a los ocupadores el mensaje de que tenéis el campo abierto para hacer lo que queráis”, agrega esta misiva en clara referencia a la resolución que ha sido vetada en el CS por EEUU y en la que se exigía un cese de los ataques.
La carta termina preguntando “¿quién va a atender estos crímenes que se cometen contra las normas internacionales y que abarcan crímenes de guerra, de lesa humanidad y genocidio, de acuerdo a los patrones jurídicos?” y remacha criticando el silencio que el CS mantiene ante todo lo que está ocurriendo.
Masacre en Gaza/General iraní: “Hamás ha aumentado las bajas de los criminales sionistas”
Teherán, Irán. IRNA. 5 de enero de 2009
El general Mir Fasil Bagherzade, jefe de la fundación de Mantenimiento y Difusión de los Valores de la Defensa Sagrada, ha manifestado en unas declaraciones a IRNA que los ataques de los combatientes de Hamás ha aumentado el número de bajas de los “criminales sionistas”.
“Las acciones terrestres de los agresores del régimen sionista, que han sido llevadas a cabo en las últimas 24 horas mediante unidades blindadas y con el apoyo de otras unidades logísticas, a pesar de que éstas disponen de armamento moderno y mortífero no se ha evitado la muerte de 9 de sus efectivos más 90 heridos, bajas las cuales además de ser un indicativo de lo dificultosas que son esas acciones es una muestra de las presiones y el estrés que se les impone a los elementos combatientes del régimen ocupador sionista”, ha añadido en esta entrevista de hoy.
El general Mir Fasil Bagherzade, jefe de la fundación de Mantenimiento y Difusión de los Valores de la Defensa Sagrada, ha manifestado en unas declaraciones a IRNA que los ataques de los combatientes de Hamás ha aumentado el número de bajas de los “criminales sionistas”.
“Las acciones terrestres de los agresores del régimen sionista, que han sido llevadas a cabo en las últimas 24 horas mediante unidades blindadas y con el apoyo de otras unidades logísticas, a pesar de que éstas disponen de armamento moderno y mortífero no se ha evitado la muerte de 9 de sus efectivos más 90 heridos, bajas las cuales además de ser un indicativo de lo dificultosas que son esas acciones es una muestra de las presiones y el estrés que se les impone a los elementos combatientes del régimen ocupador sionista”, ha añadido en esta entrevista de hoy.
viernes, 2 de enero de 2009
Ajmal Kasab has no link to Pakistan: FBI
ISLAMABAD: The alleged key suspect of Mumbai Attacks, Ajmal Kasab has no link to Pakistan, said the team of FBI after undertaking visit of Fareedkot in Pakistan. According to the FBI team which visited Fareedkot, which India claims is the area of residence of Ajmal Kasab, no evidence could be collected from the area which could confirm the claim of Ajmal Kasab’s being Pakistan national.
5-member FBI team visits Fareedkot
LAHORE: A five-member team of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headed by its South Asian Director, William Robert has visited Pakistani area of Fareedkot. According to sources, the purpose of the FBI team’s visit was to investigate about Ajmal Kasab, allegedly the key suspect in Mumbai attacks. It may be mentioned here that Indian authorities had alleged that Ajmal Kasab belonged to Fareedkot, a Pakistani area. However, there has been no evidence proving the Indian claim that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistan national.
5-member FBI team visits Fareedkot
LAHORE: A five-member team of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) headed by its South Asian Director, William Robert has visited Pakistani area of Fareedkot. According to sources, the purpose of the FBI team’s visit was to investigate about Ajmal Kasab, allegedly the key suspect in Mumbai attacks. It may be mentioned here that Indian authorities had alleged that Ajmal Kasab belonged to Fareedkot, a Pakistani area. However, there has been no evidence proving the Indian claim that Ajmal Kasab is Pakistan national.
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