viernes, 26 de octubre de 2012

القاعدة خططت لاغتيال الشيخ الصفار لإشعال فتنة طائفية في السعودية

Al Qaeda planeó asesinar al jeque Saffar para encender la violencia sectaria en Arabia Saudita
فكرة اغتيال الشيخ الصفار جاءت بإيعاز من شخص ينتمي لتنظيم القاعدة في سورية يدعى «أبو وليد» بغرض زرع فتنة داخلية وتشتيت جهود رجال الأمن.

كشفت مصادر مطلعة في المنطقة الشرقية بالسعودية أن خططا أعدها عناصر من تنظيم القاعدة حكم عليهم بالسجن الأسبوع الماضي لإغتيال عالم الدين الشيعي الأبرز الشيخ حسن الصفار.

وكانت محكمة سعودية متخصصة بالنظر في قضايا الارهاب اصدرت مؤخرا احكاما بالسجن تتراوح بين ثلاثة اعوام و٢٥ عاما بحق ١٦ متهما، ١٥ سعوديا ويمني، اثر ادانتهم باستهداف منشآت نفطية وبعمليات اغتيال لشخصيات سعودية.

وأكدت مصادر موثوقة لشبكة راصد الاخبارية أن اعترافات ادلى بها أعضاء في تنظيم القاعدة تضمنت اغتيال الشيخ الصفار لغرض زرع فتنة طائفية بين السنة والشيعة في المملكة.

وذكرت المصادر أن فكرة اغتيال الشيخ الصفار جاءت بإيعاز من شخص ينتمي لتنظيم القاعدة في سورية يدعى «أبو وليد» بغرض زرع فتنة داخلية وتشتيت جهود رجال الأمن.

واستهدف مخطط الاغتيال إثارة المواطنين الشيعة في المملكة والدفع بهم للقيام بعمليات انتقامية من عناصر الأمن.

ووفقا لمصادر صحفية قامت خلية تابعة للقاعدة بجمع معلومات تفصيلية عن موقع منزل ومكتب الشيخ الصفار.

وذكرت المصادر أن مخططات الخلية الإرهابية وصلت إلى مراحل متقدمة من التخطيط لاغتيال الشيخ الصفار دون الكشف عن اسمه.

وحددت الخلية الإرهابية طريقتان لتصفية الشيخ تتضمن الأولى إطلاق النار على سيارته من سلاح رشاش وأن يلوذ منفذو العملية بالفرار أو أن يتم «التسميم» بمادة السيانيد.

كما قامت الخلية بالتقاط صور وعمل مخطط لتنفيذ العملية ووضعه على cd وذاكرة «فلاش ممري» وإرساله لـ «أبو وليد» في سورية.

وإلى جانب عمليات الإغتيال لزعزعة الأمن خططت الخلية كذلك لتنفيذ عمليات ارهابية داخل المملكة ضد منابع النفط في بقيق، واقامة معسكرات تدريبية لصالح تنظيم القاعدة بالداخل.

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Syria blasts France for 'supporting armed terrorists'

Armed insurgents fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad (file photo)
Armed insurgents fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad (file photo)

Syria has accused France of fueling the unrest in the country by supporting armed groups fighting against the Damascus government.

Syrian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that Paris is hindering efforts to stop the violence in the country, and by backing terrorists encourages them to pursue their massacres against civilians.

"Syria calls on the international community, and in particular the UN Security Council, to seriously question the role of France, which is preventing the cessation of violence and terrorism in Syria," Syrian official news agency SANA quoted the ministry as saying.
"The previous and current French governments continue to defy universal rights in a flagrant manner... by supporting armed terrorist groups in Syria," it added.

The ministry also criticized France for inviting a number of insurgent leaders to meet with officials and diplomats from some 20 countries at the French Foreign Ministry on October 17.

The Syrian Foreign Ministry, however, said that Damascus government will keep calm while dealing with Paris' interference in its internal affairs.

France gave 1.5 million Euros in financial aid to Syrian insurgents in August.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since mid-March 2011. Many people, including large numbers of security forces, have been killed in the violence.

Syria accuses Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey as well as some Western countries of fanning the flames violence in the country.


domingo, 21 de octubre de 2012

Hillary’s Calumny: U.S. and Its Terrorist Clients

The Frontier Post
October 18, 2012
Hillary’s calumny
The American movers and shakers spearheading their proxy war against the Soviets not only roped in Muslim zealots from all over the world and dumped them here for onward unleashing into Afghanistan. They mopped up Arab monies in mountains and pumped those into starting off a chain of madrassas and seminaries in Pakistan to produce fanatical pupils to fight in Afghanistan.
The extremist outfits that have now added the brand name of al-Qaeda to their banners, like the al-Qaeda in Maghreb (AQIM) and the al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to lend ferocity to their faces, are the ones the American warlords had poached on massively for recruits for their proxy Afghan war.
Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has definitely spoken out of turn. For, what else have over 5,000 Pakistani military officers and soldiers laid down their precious lives if not acting against the extremists? But when will the American eminences lift the mask of piety from their faces and admit some home truths? Pakistan is in fact reaping the terrible harvest the Americans had sowed when they jumped in to wage a proxy war against the Soviet invaders in Afghanistan. Until then, Pakistan was a predominantly moderate, forward-looking polity with hardly a streak of radicalism. It was the American adventurism that spawned and nurtured extremist elements in this country.
The American movers and shakers spearheading their proxy war against the Soviets not only roped in Muslim zealots from all over the world and dumped them here for onward unleashing into Afghanistan. They mopped up Arab monies in mountains and pumped those into starting off a chain of madrassas and seminaries in Pakistan to produce fanatical pupils to fight in Afghanistan. No less horribly, they ferried in planeloads of deadly weapons to put in the hands of the Afghan ‘mujahideen’ and foreign zealots. That led up to the proliferation of illegal weapons in this country, with which it is still awash to become a violent polity irretrievably.
But official America is as loath to admit these uncomfortable truths as is it in confessing its sinful role in spreading this extremism worldwide. Even the American commentariat, think tanks and opinion leaders are dishonest and untruthful. They all conveniently even paper over the indigestible reality that their betes noires now were once their fondling darlings. Osama bin Laden was their poster boy of their ‘Afghan Jihad’.
The extremist outfits that have now added the brand name of al-Qaeda to their banners, like the al-Qaeda in Maghreb (AQIM) and the al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) to lend ferocity to their faces, are the ones the American warlords had poached on massively for recruits for their proxy Afghan war.
And the Haqqanis were their favourite Afghan ‘mujahideen’. Hillary has just to dig into the official archives to know how many American high personages and how many times had they eulogised affectionately the elder Haqqani, Jalaluddin, as “nobility personified”. In any case, it would be quite educative for her to delve in a bit of history to know what lethal baggage had the Americans left Pakistan to contend with on account of their Afghan Jihad. Of course, the then Pakistani military ruler, Gen. Ziaul Haq, cannot be exonerated for becoming such an obliging piggyback of this American adventurism. But the original sin clearly lay with the warmongers of the United States.
But has Hillary ever bothered to know whose man is Fazlullah, the fugitive Pakistani militant commander whose spokesman has claimed that their outfit was responsible for the assassination attempt on the child rights activist, Malala Yousafzai? Which safe house was it in Afghanistan where he remained ensconced for years after the US-led invasion and occupation of the country?
And who had funded him and armed him so lavishly that on his return home he threw such a severe armed challenge to the Pakistani state in Swat? And whose proxy is Maulvi Faqir Mohammed, who too led an armed insurrection in the Bajaur Agency, which the Pakistani military had to subdue after a tough fight?
After being routed in their Pakistani bases, both Fazlullah and Faqir had fled and are now holed up along with their hundreds of brigands in Afghanistan’s Kunar and Nuristan provinces. Whose guests are they? Who is feeding, arming and directing them there? And at whose behest do Fazlullah’s thugs crawl out of their Afghan sanctuaries every now and then, cross over into the bordering Pakistani territories, attack murderously Pakistani border posts and civilian villages and then crawl back to their Afghan safe havens after inflicting huge losses in lives and properties in the targeted areas?
Has Hillary ever listened intently to the spooks of Afghanistan’s intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security, bragging publicly of having infested Pakistan’s tribal territories and adjoining settled areas?
Isn’t it widely known that this Afghan agency was founded by America’s premier intelligence agency, the CIA, and has since functioned largely as its subordinate service? Won’t it then be quite prudent for Hillary Clinton if, instead of hectoring and lecturing Pakistan, she spends some time and energy in knowing some home truths? Pakistan stands in no need of sermons. On its own, it is fighting against the monstrosity of terrorism that has gulped up over 45,000 of its civilians too.

منظر التيار السلفي الجهادي في الأردن يقول أن أنصاره كانوا يعتزمون القيام بعملية " استشهاد

"الجهاد يحتاج لمن يصبر ويتحمل وأن يطلق الدنيا طلاقا بائنا"

20-10-2012 10:56 AM 
زاد الاردن الاخباري -
أعلن منظر التيار السلفي الجهادي في الأردن عبد شحادة الملقب بـ(أبي محمد الطحاوي)، أن تياره كان يعتزم القيام بعملية 'استشهادية' في إسرائيل، وهاجم من وصفهم بالقاعدين عن الجهاد.

وقال الطحاوي خلال حفل تأبيني أقيم الجمعة لأحد أعضاء التيار (محمود عبدالعال زوج إبنة الطحاوي) الذي قتل الأسبوع الماضي مع أحد أنصار التيار في درعا بجنوب سوريا، في أحد الأزقة الضيقة في مخيم البقعة للاجئين الفلسطينيين شمال غرب عمان 'كنا نعد العدة للوصول إلى أرض فلسطين ولكن الفكرة ضربت من أولها'.

وأضاف 'بإذن الله تعالى سنقترب من فلسطين عن طريق الأردن وسوريا ولبنان وسندخل إليها'.

وقال الطحاوي 'سيأتي إلى فلسطين إخواننا الموجودين في حلب (شمال سوريا)'، مضيفا أن أنصاره 'شاركوا في القتال على أرض فلسطين وكان آخرهم الشهيد أبو الوليد المقدسي'.

وانتقد من وصفهم بـ(المتخاذلين والقاعدين والمستنكفين عن الجهاد) من دون أن يسميهم، قائلا ان 'الجهاد يحتاج لمن يصبر ويتحمل وأن يطلق الدنيا طلاقا بائنا'.

وأضاف الطحاوي 'لكن لا بد من دفع ضريبة عودة الخلافة، والعودة لا بد أن تعود بالأشلاء والدماء'.

وتابع 'لن تعود الخلافة الإسلامية إلا بتقديم الغالي والنفيس، وهذا هو طريقنا، ومن لا يتعرف على هذه المعالم يجب أن يتعرف عليها'، مؤكدا أن أنصاره 'مستمرون في القتال'.

وهاجم منظر التيار السلفي الجهادي في الأردن القوى والأحزاب اليسارية والشيوعية في الاردن، واصفا إياهم بـ'المأزومين والمهزومين'، ومنددا بوقوفهم إلى جانب نظام' الرئيس بشار الأسد قاتل الأطفال والنساء ومستبيح الأعراض'.

وتابع موجها حديثه للأحزاب والقوى اليسارية 'نحن نعلم لماذا تقفون إلى جانب بشار الأسد، لأنكم تعلمون أن البديل هو الإسلام'.

وكان التيار السلفي في الأردن، حذر أخيرا من وصفه بالنظام 'النصيري' في سوريا، من استمرار استهداف 'أهل السنة والجماعة'، داعياً إلى 'الجهاد ضد نظام (الرئيس) بشار الأسد'.

القدس العربي

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Insurgents wage guerilla warfare in Syria

Syrian security forces have killed scores of insurgents in Homs' al-Khalidiah district, while clearing the neighboring Hasibeh town of insurgents.

The army also cleared suburbs of Jeb al-Jandali of foreign-backed insurgents in the central city on Saturday, while intense fighting continued in the districts of Bab Hud and Bab al-Turkman. 

Reports say the Syrian army cleared most of the city’s central areas from terrorists, killing an undisclosed number of insurgents. 

Meanwhile in the north of the country, Syrian soldiers are advancing towards the town of Maaret al-Numan, near the Turkish border, where groups of foreign-backed armed men are still active. 

Press TV has conducted an interview with Hisham Jaber, retired Major General, to further discuss the issue.

The following is an approximate transcript of the interview.

Press TV: First of all, how do you analyze the recent military developments between the Syrian army and the armed groups, especially in Homs, Aleppo and at Maaret al-Numan?

Jaber: As we always say the Syrian army after 20 months of what happened in Syria and the insurgents were fighting the Syrian army, still control and the Syrian armed forces still [are] fighting the insurgents everywhere in Syria.

Concerning Homs, of course it is a very important city for the regime. For this reason, the Syrian armed forces decide to clean it up from the insurgents and it did succeed but we have to expect that those insurgents who cannot keep controlling or staying in the same place because they are making guerilla warfare, they may come back you know attack and withdraw, attack and withdraw. This is the guerilla warfare because they cannot face the Syrian armed forces by their ... means despite they have been provided by missiles anti-armors.

The Syrian army in my opinion did control Homs and also the same thing it will happen in Aleppo because the Syrian army cannot give up and leave Aleppo to the insurgents but we have to expect that those insurgents who are coming from Turkey and providing weapons through Turkey from the Arab countries, they will continue to attack the Syrian armed forces for example to cut the highway like they did, the main highway between Damascus and Aleppo was cut for almost two hours but they cannot keep it forever.

That means conclusion the Syrian armed forces still have control all over Syria and despite all support the insurgents did receive from everywhere; they couldn’t create a buffer zone like they have been promised by Turkey to create it.

This is the situation in Syria and I think and I repeat that there is no military solution in Syria at all only the political solution will save Syria because all those insurgents and even external attack or intervention will not solve the problem in Syria, will make it much more complicated.

This is the situation I think today and we have every day to expect that insurgents here kicked out from the armed forces, they may come back and explosion here, explosion there and this is the daily agenda in Syria unless they will find a solution.

Second, Syria presented a very good will to coordinate with the Turkish side and to protect the borders and the sovereignty of two countries and we didn’t know that the Turkish reply was positive or not and Turkey was complaining that some mortars came to the Turkish soil. At the same time Turkey is shelling many villages in the Syrian soil near the borders and Syrian regime trying always to avoid provoking the Turkish side to create a problem with it.

Turkish threat in my opinion is psychological. Turkey is not able or capable or willing to start a war against Syria because the war is not a game at all, the war is very [costly] and it will cost human lives and it will cost a great amount of money.

I do not think Turkey is able or ready to pay such money nor Europe nor United States of America. That is the situation we have to live with it and to keep it under control and I think it will continue in this status quo.


sábado, 6 de octubre de 2012

Mossad in the Maghreb (II): Historic Services From Morocco

King Mohammed VI of Morocco (C) parades on horseback during the "Celebration of loyalty and allegiance", which marks the 13th anniversary of his accession to the throne, in the Mechouar square at the Royal Palace in Rabat, 21 August 2012. (Photo: Reuters - Maghreb Arabe Presse - Handout)
Published Saturday, September 1, 2012
Casablanca - Earlier this year, Jacob Cohen, a Moroccan-French Jewish writer known for his anti-Zionist writings, posted an article on his blog which caused a sensation in Morocco. He revealed that Andre Azoulay, a veteran royal counsellor to both former King Hassan II and his son Mohamed VI, is also employed as an Israeli spy. The article said 71-year-old Azoulay, who hails from a Jewish family from the southern town of Essaouira, was a key member of the Mossad’s sayanim organization, a worldwide network of non-Israeli Jewish operatives.
The Moroccan authorities did not officially comment on this delicate matter, and Azoulay issued no denial of the accusation. But the authorities responded indirectly by cancelling a conference that Cohen was scheduled to attend to discuss the subject of Muslim-Jewish coexistence in Morocco. This was widely seen as a bid to prevent any discussion of Cohen’s charge against Azoulay, or, more generally, of his recently-published book Spring of the Sayanim.
Cohen defines the sayanim as Diaspora Jews who, for “patriotic” reasons, arrange to collaborate with the Mossad or other Zionist agencies and provide them with assistance as required in their areas of expertise. The network was established in the 1950s and was used in many Israeli intelligence and propaganda operations, including the process of uprooting Jews from their communities around the world to turn them into colonizers in Palestine.
Recently, Israeli President Shimon Peres hosted an event to honor the Israeli agent who organized the first migrations of Jewish Moroccans to Israel. David Littman arrived in Morocco posing as a British Christian clergyman, and settled in Casablanca. He oversaw a scheme for the transfer of Moroccan Jews to Israel known as Operation Mural, which targeted mainly Moroccan Jewish children. Littman sent them to Israel under the guise of organizing summer holiday trips to Switzerland for poor children.
Before and after Operation Mural, the Moroccan monarchy profited handsomely from facilitating the uprooting of Moroccan Jews, especially after Hassan II assumed power in 1961. He oversaw the deals personally.
French author Agnes Bensimon detailed in her book Hassan II and the Jews how the Mossad initiated negotiations with Hassan II four months after the death of Mohamed V. The new king demanded payment of half a million dollars to facilitate the despatch of a first batch of 50,000 Jews, and the same for a subsequent batch. This had also been exposed by Simon Levy, one of the Moroccan Jews who resisted pressure to emigrate to Israel, who was a dissident during the reign of Hassan II and died two years ago.
Payments for the transfer of the Moroccan Jews were sent from Israel to secret bank accounts in Switzerland, reportedly in the king’s own name. But the monarch’s friend Ahmed Reda Kadira, who negotiated the deals on his behalf and was later appointed one of his advisors, was not left out of pocket. The proceeds helped finance his daily newspaper Les Phares, which served as the palace’s de facto mouthpiece and specialized in denouncing the king’s critics.
Israel’s penetration of the Moroccan royal court was not only geared to uprooting Moroccan Jews. The Mossad also sought to turn Hassan II politically and thwart any rapprochement between him and Egypt’s Gamal Abdul-Nasser.
The “War of the Sands” which broke out between Morocco and Algeria in 1963 provided the Israelis with their opportunity, after Abdul-Nasser sided with newly-liberated Algeria against the Moroccan attack on its territory.
Dealings between Rabat and Tel Aviv at the time were concluded via Tehran, under the shah of Iran’s auspices. But military cooperation between the two sides persisted. Israel is thought to have played a major role in the construction of the massive 2,600-kilometer security wall in Western Sahara designed to prevent attacks by the Polisario Front, which has been fighting for the territory’s independence since 1975.
The conflict remains unresolved despite a 1999 cease-fire. During the 6 years of fighting that preceded it, Polisario fighters often captured arms from the Moroccan army which were made in Israel or apartheid-era South Africa.
Military cooperation soon led to intelligence cooperation, especially after Mossad chief Yitzhak Hofi arranged a secret meeting in Morocco in 1976 between Hassan II and Israeli prime minister Yitzak Rabin. The king’s subsequent collaboration with Israel has been widely documented by writers and dissidents. According to Egyptian writer Muhammad Hassanein Haikal in his book Kalam fis-Siyasa (Talking Politics) Hassan II even allowed the Mossad to bug the venues where Arab summits were held in Morocco. Hassan’s best-known role, however, was helping to broker the Israeli-Egyptian peace deal. Israel acknowledged its indebtedness to him: it issued a commemorative postage stamp to honor him after his death in 1999.
In return for the services of the Moroccan king, Israel and the Mossad placed themselves at his disposal, especially in terms of protecting him from his opponents. There was a clear Mossad hand in the abduction and murder of Morocco’s most famous dissident, Mahdi Ben-Barka, who disappeared in Paris in 1965. The Israelis are also thought to have alerted the king to several coup plots and other planned moves agains his rule in the 1960s and 1970s.
The Mossad is no longer known to be particularly active in Morocco these days. The country no longer plays an important role in the Arab-Israeli conflict. Besides, the emergence of “rival” collaborators in the eastern part of the Arab world gave Israeli intelligence plenty of other intelligence partners to choose from and options to pursue.
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Mossad in the Maghreb (I): Stepping Up its Game

A Tunisian soldier stands guard as unseen US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, lays a wreath during ceremony at the North Africa American Cemetery where 2,841 U.S. Soldiers who were killed in WWII are buried, on 30 July 2012, in Tunis. (Photo: AFP - Mark Wilson)
Published Friday, August 31, 2012
Tunisia – For the past three months, the Arab Maghreb countries have been witnessing a growing number of controversies and scandals concerning cells linked to Israeli espionage activities.
It began when an informants network was dismantled in Mauritania early this year. Then Mossad made the headlines in Algeria and Morocco in a string of reports, rumors, and hoaxes.
Finally, a new scandal reverberated across Tunisia last week involving a wide network of Mossad operations, including espionage centers using the country as a base to spy across the Maghreb region.
Abderraouf al-Ayadi, head of the Wafa Movement which split from the Rally for the Republic (RPR), caused a huge stir last week when he revealed that Mossad has stepped up its activities in post-revolutionary Tunisia.
He said that these activities were being conducted under the “cover of European and US NGOs that claim to be charitable, humanitarian, or cultural.”
This echoes earlier statements by the head of the Tunisian Workers Party (formerly POCT), Hamma al-Hammami, about “Israeli spy networks operating in post-revolution Tunisia that took advantage of the state of chaos and lawlessness that swept the country following president Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali’s escape.”
The information revealed by Ayadi and Hammami coincided with a February report by the Yafa Center for Studies and Research focusing on Mossad activities in the Maghreb. The report said that the agency began concentrating its operations in Tunisia following the PLO’s exit from Beirut and relocation to Tunis in 1982.
Interest in the region declined after the signing of the Oslo accords, until the Tunisian revolution brought it back.
The report spoke about the post-Oslo Tunisian-Israeli rapprochement which became public with the establishment of a bureau for economic cooperation in 1996.
The relationship included a secret item about the “establishment of a system for security coordination between the Mossad and Tunisia by Shalom Cohen, a Tunisian Jew working in the North Africa section of the Israeli Mossad. In the same year, he became the director of the Israeli interest bureau in Tunisia.”
According to the report, Cohen used his diplomatic cover to build a “Mossad network” based in the capital Tunis, with branches in Sousse and Djerba.
The Yafa center information is consistent with that which Ayadi said he had received from a high-ranking Tunisian security source who reported the surveillance of a secret Mossad network “of around 300 agents” distributed over the three spying bases.
The first base was in the capital and run by a certain Nachman Jalboagh. It focused on Algeria by collecting information, monitoring targets, and recruiting agents.
The second is in Sousse and run by Doron Pierre. Its operations were primarily inside Tunisia, especially the monitoring the remaining Palestinians in Tunisia, Salafi movements, and groups opposing peace with Israel.
The third is in Djerba, run by Nurit Tsur, and focuses on Libya. It also acts to protect the Jewish sect in Tunisia, which is concentrated on the island, and collects information about Jewish archaeological sites and landmarks in Tunisia, Algeria, and Libya.
Tunisian authorities have remained silent despite the uproar caused by the revelations. The government has yet to take any public action concerning the issue.
Speaking to al-Maghreb newspaper, interior minister Ali al-Arid said “the statements concerning 300 Mossad spies in Tunisia, working under the cover of cultural NGOs and travel agencies, are unfounded and completely irresponsible.”
“They are intended to disturb the work of security agencies that toil night and day to protect Tunisia. Anyone who has information about the issue should contact the security agencies so they can confirm it,” he added.
Tunisian anti-normalization activists believe that the interior minister’s statements contradict information broadcast on official Israeli television in the first days of the Tunisian revolution.
Mossad had boasted about “a special operation in Tunisia, under the cover of European companies, to evacuate a group of Israelis who were visiting Djerba, the site of the oldest synagogue in the world, al-Ghariba temple.”
Tunisian activists suggest that “Mossad activities and crimes are not new in Tunisia. The most famous was the bombing of the Hammam al-Shat suburb in the autumn of 1985. It targeted the offices of late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat. The Mossad also carried out numerous assassinations in Tunisia, including that of the mastermind behind the first intifada, Abu Jihad, in 1988.”
Following the Oslo agreement, nationalist and leftist currents, as well as anti-normalization associations accused Ben Ali of “facilitating Mossad operations and activities in Tunisia.”
This was highlighted in a documentary broadcast by Tunisian television following the revolution called “The State of Corruption.” The film exposed the significant role that Ben Ali played in setting the scene for the accords.
Following Oslo, the former dictator opened an Israeli economic cooperation bureau in Tunis. The office initiated its activities by contacting several Tunisian intellectuals and journalists to lure them into normalization activities. The majority refused to be involved.
The bureau was later closed due to popular pressure following the 2002 Israeli assault on the West Bank and the consequent siege of Yasser Arafat’s headquarters in Ramallah.
The alarm sounded by Ayadi and Hammami is based on evidence and information corroborated by rights activist Ahmed al-Kahlawi, president of the Tunisian Association for Fighting Normalization and Supporting the Arab Resistance (TAFNSAR).
Kahlawi said that “several foreign organizations active in post-revolution Tunisia, such as Freedom House, play a major role in propagating the culture of normalization under the pretext of defending human rights.”
He also laid bare the schemes of an organization called “AMIDEAST, which teaches English under the supervision of the US embassy. It entices students to give up their animosity towards Israel and promotes programs that claim to call for peace and dialogue between cultures, but in reality it aims to foster normalization.”
“With the fall of Ben Ali, Israel lost a strong strategic ally in North Africa,” Kahlawi explained. He indicated that most Zionist leaders admit this openly, including Benjamin Netanyahu and Silvan Shalom, who is of Tunisian origins (born in the city of Qabis).
Ben Ali had officially welcomed Shalom in 2005 in a meeting that was not covered by the Tunisian media, coinciding with the World Summit for the Information Society (WSIS) in Tunis.
Kahlawi said the latest revelations about Mossad’s role in Tunisia should be further grounds for the constituent assembly to ratify chapter 27 of the proposed constitution, related to crimes of normalization and prosecuting collaboration with the Zionist state.
He added that “al-Nahda had rejected the criminalization of normalization, with a demagogic argument contending that the Tunisian constitution will last longer than the Israeli state, which will inevitably perish!”
Most Tunisian anti-normalization activists suspect the real reason behind al-Nahda eschewing the criminalization of normalization to be “pressure from the US on the ruling troika, and specifically on the movement, to prevent the ratification of chapter 27, which had been proposed by anti-normalization associations.”
This article is an edited translation from the Arabic Edition.

Turkey Hones Its Killing Skills

A mobile missile launcher is positioned at a military base on the Turkish-Syrian border at Suruc in Sanliurfa province, 6 October 2012. (Photo: Reuters - Murad Sezer)
Published Saturday, October 6, 2012
On October 4, the Turkish daily Sözcü proclaimed on its website: “We hit Syria!”
Numerous Syrian soldiers were reported dead as a result of the hit, which took place in response to a Syrian mortar strike that killed a woman and four children, all from the same family, in the Turkish border town of Akçakale. The hit stands to be repeated now that the Turkish parliament has officially authorized future military action against its southern neighbor.
To some observers, this authorization may appear redundant. It is common knowledge that Turkey is playing host to anti-Syrian regime combatants, who stage incursions from Turkish territory, and, as the British Independent noted in June of this year:
“members of the loose assortment of rebel groups that comprises the FSA [Free Syrian Army] said they had received multiple shipments of arms including Kalashnikov assault rifles, BKC machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank weaponry from Gulf countries and that Turkey was assisting in the delivery of the weapons.”
Coincidentally, the Turkish parliament was already scheduled to vote this week on an extension of authorization for cross-border military action against another neighbor: Iraq, which plays host to combatants from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), who stage incursions into Turkey.
Iraq’s feelings on the matter were summed up by government spokesman Ali Dabbagh, quoted by Reuters as registering Iraqi opposition to a Turkish parliamentary extension and “reject[ion of] the presence of any foreign bases or troops on Iraqi territory and the incursion of any foreign military forces into Iraqi lands on the pretext of hunting down rebels.” According to Dabbagh, such behavior constitutes a "violation of Iraqi sovereignty and security."
In the latest installment of regional double standards, the same sovereignty-and-security lingo has been trotted out by Turkey and its allies in condemnation of the Syrian strike on Akçakale. Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s fulminations over the “abominable attack” on civilians may appear less righteous when we consider recent events in Turkish military history, such as the extermination of 35 Kurdish civiliansover a span of 40 minutes in December of last year. The civilians, attacked in the vicinity of the Turkish-Iraqi border, were mistaken for PKK militants.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Turkish warplanes were aided in their mistake by US Predator and Israeli Heron drones. The participation of the latter technology is an ever-ironic reminder of Turkish-Israeli military collaboration, which continued even after Erdoğan’s 2009 performance at Davos, where he announced to Israel’s president Shimon Peres: “When it comes to killing, you know well how to kill.”
Indeed, Erdoğan was correct in this assessment, as Israel had recently wrapped up its latest exhibition of killing prowess in Gaza, where 1400 persons - primarily civilians - were eliminated in 22 days. The following year, Israel reiterated its homicidal abilities by slaughtering eight Turkish citizens and one Turkish-American on board the Mavi Marmara, part of the flotilla endeavoring to deliver humanitarian aid to the besieged Palestinian coastal enclave.
While the Mavi Marmara incident merely provoked an expression of“regret” from the US establishment, this week’s strike on Akçakale merited “outrage”, despite having produced approximately half the number of Turkish casualties than were killed on the ship. The Agence France-Presse quoted an email from Pentagon spokesman George Little specifying that “[t]his is yet another example of the depraved behavior of the Syrian regime, and why it must go.”
This is the same George Little, of course, who appears in the Wall Street Journal article weighing in on the drone-facilitated massacre of the 35 Kurds in north Iraq - who, it must be stressed, arefar from the only innocent casualties of Turkish cross-border maneuvers:
“At the Pentagon, press secretary George Little said when asked about the strike, ‘Without commenting on matters of intelligence, the United States strongly values its enduring military relationship with Turkey’.”
After so many years of “collateral damage” and other euphemisms for mass killing in Iraq and Afghanistan, the duplicity of the imperial lexicon comes as no surprise. Tragic events are catalogued according to the identity of the perpetrators and victims: when Turkey kills Kurds it’s evidence of a valuable military relationship; when Syria kills Turks it’s depraved; when Israel kills anyone it’s in self-defense.
The upshot is that there are quite a few people who “know well how to kill” and that lexical acrobatics cheapen human life. As for Erdoğan’sassailment of the Syrian regime for “carrying out massacres with heavy weapons against its own people," a miraculous purging of hypocrisy from politics would require such critiques to be applied to other situations as well - like, say, ones in which Kurds obliterated by Turkish warplaneshappen to be Turkish citizens.
Belén Fernández is the author of The Imperial Messenger: Thomas Friedman at Work, released by Verso in 2011. She is a contributing editor at Jacobin magazine, and her articles have appeared at Al Jazeera, the London Review of Books blog/a>, and numerous other publications.
The views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect al-Akhbar's editorial policy.

بانيتا يعرب عن سخطه من انتقادات كرزاي

اعرب وزير الحرب الاميركي ليون بانيتا عن سخطه الجمعة من الاتهامات التي وجهها الرئيس الافغاني حامد كرزاي حول لعبة اميركية مزدوجة في افغانستان، مذكرا اياه بـ"تضحيات" جنود الاحتلال في بلاده. وقال للصحافيين "من المفيد من وقت لوقت ان يتذكر التضحيات التي قدمها اولئك الذين قاتلوا وماتوا في افغانستان بدل ان ينتقد". واضاف "خسرنا اكثر من الفي رجل وامرأة وخسرت ايساف رجالا والافغان خسروا العديد من القوات في المعركة. زهقت هذه الارواح وهي تقاتل العدو الحقيقي" وذلك في تصريح علني نادر عن السخط الاميركي حيال الطابع الانتقادي للرئيس الافغاني.
وكان حامد كرزاي اتهم الولايات المتحدة والاحتلال الدولي بممارسة "لعبة مزدوجة" من خلال محاربة المسلحين الافغانيين وتقديم الدعم لهم في المناطق القبلية بباكستان. حسب ما ذكرت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز. وقال كرزاي  "يجب ان يشن الحلف الاطلسي وافغانستان هذه الحرب حيث يوجد الارهاب. ولكن الولايات المتحدة ليست مستعدة للذهاب ومحاربة الارهابيين هناك. هذا الامر يظهر لعبة مزدوجة. يقولون شيئا ويفعلون شيئا اخر". واضاف "اذا كانت حرب ضد التمرد فهي اذن مسألة افغانية داخلية واذن لماذا انتم هنا اتركونا نهتم بالامر".
   المصدر: وكالات

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Jabhat Al-Nusrah :: Statement #96 :: The Raid of "Destroying the Dens" in Halab (Aleppo)

جبهة النّصرة - البيان رقم (96)

غزوة  نسف الأوكار  في مدينة حلب
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على محمد وآله وصحبه أجمعين، وبعد:
لقد منّ الله على المجاهدين في جبهة النّصرة في حلب الإباء بتنفيذ غزوة ”نسف الأوكار“، واشتملت هذه الغزوة المباركة على عدة ضربات متزامنة مستهدفة المربع الأمني التابع للعدو النصيري:
1 - مبنى نادي الضباط في ساحة سعد الله الجابري: يعتبر من أهم وأكبر مراكز تجمع لجيش العدو النّصيري وشبيحته، ويضم الكثير من الضباط والعربات العسكرية وتتواجد أمامه سيارات عسكرية وسيارات الدوشكا.

2 - الفندق السياحي في ساحة سعد الله الجابري : يقع الفندق السياحي مقابل ساحة سعد الله الجابري وعلى بعد أمتار من " مبنى نادي الضباط"، وقد أصبح النظام يستخدمه كمقر قيادة للعمليات العسكرية داخل مدينة حلب وذلك لموقعه الاستراتيجي وتحصينه، حيث أن هذا الفندق يقع داخل المربع الأمني ومحاط بعربات مثبت عليها رشاشات دوشكا وكل الطرق المؤدية إليه مقطوعة بحواجز ترابية وحواجز عسكرية،كما أنه محاط بحراسة مشددة بعدد كبير من جنود العدو من ضباط وعناصر مخابرات.
3 - القصر البلدي : وبه برج مرتفع جداً يتكون من ثلاثين طابق ويعتبر أعلى برج في المدينة، يتمركز عليه الكثير من القناصة ويتمركز في أعلاه رشاشات ثقيلة – دوشكا – وهي تطل على المناطق المحررة، وقد حوله النظام إلى ثكنة عسكرية.
4 - فندق أمير: يعتبر منطقة أمنية بامتياز ومنطقة اشتباكات وجبهة مفوحة على مدخل باب أنطاكية ولا تبعد أكثر من 555 متر عن ساحة سعد الله الجابري وفندق أمير مبنى من حوالي 25 طابق يستخدمه النظام كمقر مبيت لعناصره ويتمركز عليه العديد من القناصة.
مجريات غزوة:
تقدم الأخ الاستشهادي البطل: أبو حمزة الشّامي باتجاه نادي الضباط في تمام الساعة: 5:45 صباحاً وقام بنسفه وأحاله - بفضل الله - ركاماً ودماراً على رؤوس أعداء الله، وأصاب هدفه بنجاح.

قام بعده بدقيقتين الاستشهادي البطل / أبو سليمان الشامي بنسف الفندق السياحي ، وأصاب هدف بنسبة كبيرة ولله الحمد ،

وبعد الانفجار الثاني دخلت مجموعة الاقتحام الاستشهادية متنكرة بزي عسكري مؤلفة من ثلاثة أبطال: أبو أنس الشامي - أبو حفص الشامي - أبو دجانة الشامي ،وببدأت معركة أخرى مستهدفة من نجا من أعداء الله ومن فرّ من الانفجار الأول واستمر الاشتباك لما بعد الانفجار الثالث،

وبعدىا في تمام الساعة: 8:05 صباحاً تم نسف مبنى القصر البلدي بسيارة مفخخة تم ركنها أمام الباب الرئيسي،

وفي تمام الساعة: 10:30 تم نسف فندق الأمير بسيارة مفخخة تم ركنها مقابل الفندق، وتم تفجيرها أثناء تفقد عناصر العدو للسيارات المركونة أمام الفندق.
وقد لاقت هذه العمليات فرحاً شديداً من المسلمين وخاصة عملية نسف القصر البلدي، حيث بدأ الناس بالتكبير، ولله الحمد والمنّة.

والله غالبٌ على أمره ولكنَّ أكثرَ الناس لايعلمون

جبهةُ النصرة لأهل الشام
من مجاهدي الشام في ساحات الجهاد
القسم الإعلامي
لاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم

والحمد لله ربّ العالمين

17 ذو القعدة 1433 - 3.10.2012

وكالة الأناضول: منظمة "مجاهدي خلق" طلبت الانضمام الى صفوف الجيش السوري الحر

وكالة الأناضول: منظمة "مجاهدي خلق" طلبت الانضمام الى صفوف الجيش السوري الحر

مجاهدو خلق يحملون صور قادتهم مريم ومسعود رجوي
مجاهدو خلق يحملون صور قادتهم مريم ومسعود رجوي
صرح بسام الدادة المستشار السياسي لـ "الجيش السوري الحر"، إن الأخير يدرس عرضا تقدمت به منظمة "مجاهدي خلق"، المعارضة الإيرانية" لإقامة معسكر دائم على الحدود السورية اللبنانية لمواجهة مقاتلي حزب الله اللبناني والحرس الثوري الإيراني.
وأشار الدادة في تصريح لوكالة "الأناضول" للأنباء إلى وجود اتجاه للموافقة للاستفادة من الخبرات القتالية لأفراد المنظمة.
وأضاف أن "انضمامهم بدون سلاح في حد ذاته يمثل دعما للكتائب، فهم مقاتلون على درجة عالية من الكفاءة، ولديهم خبرة في التعامل مع أساليب الحرس الثوري الإيراني".
ولا يستبعد الدادة أن يكون العرض الذي تقدمت به المنظمة جاء "بعد موافقة أمريكية"، حيث يقيم معظم مقاتلي المنظمة الإيرانية المعارضة حاليا في معسكر  قرب العاصمة العراقية بغداد كان سابقا قاعدة  أمريكية .
وأشارت وكالة "الأناضول " إلى أن عدد مقاتلي المنظمة يبلغ 6100 شخص، غير أن الدادة يستبعد أن ينضم كل هذا العدد حال موافقة الكتائب على عرض النظام.

مواجهات بين الشرطة البحرينية ومحتجين لمنعهم من الوصول إلى دوار اللؤلؤة

مواجهات بين الشرطة البحرينية ومحتجين لمنعهم من الوصول إلى دوار اللؤلؤة

مواجهات بين الشرطة البحرينية ومحتجين لمنعهم من الوصول إلى دوار اللؤلؤة
اندلعت مواجهات يوم الجمعة 5 أكتوبر/تشرين الأول حين منعت قوات الشرطة البحرينية مئات المتظاهرين من الوصول إلى دوار اللؤلؤة الذي شكل مركز حركة الاحتجاجات العام الماضي.
واستخدمت قوات النظام الغازات السامة ورصاص الشوزن ضد المتظاهرين وشملت عمليات القمع أكثر من أربعين منطقة ما أدى الى وقوع عدد من الجرحى  كما داهمت قوات النظام البيوت واعتقلت العديد من المواطنين.
وسجلت إصابات خطيرة في صفوف المتظاهرين في جميع المناطق المحيطة بالميدان حسب ما أفاد ناشطون على موقع التواصل الإجتماعي تويتر. وافاد ناشطون أن أعمدة الدخان ترتفع في قـلـب سوق المنامة التجاري.
وانتشرت قوات الحرس الوطني والجيش  في شوارع العاصمة البحرينية المنامة وطوقت ميدان اللؤلؤة لمنع المتظاهرين من الوصول إليه.
وكان  ائتلاف الرابع عشر من فبراير في البحرين قد دعا إلى تظاهرات في جميع المناطق في البلاد اليوم تحت شعار "جمعة غيرة الثوار". وردد المتظاهرون من الرجال والنساء شعارات "يا ميدان الشهادة كلنا عدنا ارادة"، و"الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام"، و"يسقط حمد" والمقصود العاهل البحريني حمد بن عيسى ال خليفة.

المصدر: وكالات

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

والده يؤيد عمله سفيرا أردنياً في "تل أبيب" والعشيرة هددته بمهلة !..

محرر الموقع
ابن العشيرة عبيدات الذي عين سفيرا في تل أبيبإنتهت مساء الإثنين مهلة حددتها قيادات عشيرة أردنية بارزة لكي يعلن أحد أبنائها امتناعه عن المثول لقرار الحكومة الأردنية تعيينه سفيرا في الكيان الصهيوني وسط عملية تأييد واسعة للعشيرة التي قررت إعلان البراءة من إبنها في موقف نادر إذا أصبح سفيرا في الكيان الصهيوني في "تل أبيب". ولم تحدد بعد عشيرة العبيدات التي تعد أبرز عشائر شمالي المملكة موقفها من تسمية الدبلوماسي السفير في الخارجية الأردنية وليد عبيدات الذي تصر عائلته بالمقابل على عدم الخضوع لموقف العشيرة على اعتبار أن الرجل موظف وواجبه الامتثال لقرار حكومته وليس للعشيرة.

وذكرت تقارير محلية نشرتها صحيفة 'خبرني' الإثنين أن والد السفير الأردني المعين حديثا في إسرائيل وليد عبيدات وهو أيضا سفير سابق في الخارجية يدعى خالد عبيدات يصر على أن يذهب ولده للقيام بمهام عمله الجديد متجاهلا أمر العشيرة التي لوحت بإجراءات عشائرية في حال تمرير هذا التعيين. وحسب ما قالت تسريبات محلية ما زال والد السفير وليد عبيدات يصر على عدم الخضوع لقرار اجتماع عشائري أعلنت فيه العشيرة أنها ستتبرأ من المعني إذا ما قبل الوظيفة الجديدة على أساس أن العشيرة لا تتشرف بمثل هذا التعيين.

يعرف الشعب الأردني برفضه للتطبيع مع إسرائيلويبدو أن المسألة لم تعالج في الإطار العشائري بعد فيما انتهت مهلة حددتها العشيرة لكي تقرر بعدها الخطوة اللاحقة وسط اتصالات عشائرية من كل الاتجاهات بسبب الإرباك الذي تسببه (سابقة) من هذا النوع. وتقدر السلطات الإدارية بأن خضوع السفير عبيدات لرأي عشيرته سينتهي بحصول سابقة قابلة للتكرار مع العشائر الأخرى سواء أتعلق الأمر بإرسال سفير لإسرائيل أو لأي بلد آخر في العالم، لذلك تسعى اوساط رسمية لتمرير المسألة بأقل ضرر ممكن وبعيدا عن لفت الأنظار على أمل معالجة الأمر، فيما لم يعلن القيادي الأبرز في عشيرة العبيدات رئيس الوزراء الأسبق أحمد عبيدات موقفا من هذه الإشكالية.

عشيرة مقاومة :
احد رموز العشيرة عبيدات الذي استشهد في فلسطينويعد احمد عبيدات عميد العشيرة السياسي وأشهر قادتها وأبرزهم نفوذا في العاصمة عمان وسبق له ان استقال من مجلس الأعيان في عهد الملك الراحل حسين بن طلال رافضا المصادقة على اتفاقية وادي عربة ثم انضم لاحقا للمعارضة وأصبح رمزا في مجال مقاومة التطبيع. وتعبر عشيرة العبيدات في طليعة العشائر التي تعارض بقوة وصلابة التطبيع في الأردن ضمن موروث إجتماعي تاريخي تقليدي معتمد على شيخ العشيرة المجاهد الكبير كايد المفلح العبيدات الذي كان أول شهيد أردني يسقط على تراب فلسطين في إطار الجهاد ضد الإنتداب البريطاني والعصايات الصهيونية.

"إسرائيل" تأمل :
الى ذلك عبرت "إسرائيل"، يوم أمس، عن أملها في أن لا يخضع العبيدات لضغوط عشيرته التي تدعوه لعدم قبول المنصب والعمل في تل أبيب. ونقلت الإذاعة الإسرائيلية عن مصادر سياسية في تل أبيب أملها بأن يتولى السفير الأردني الجديد لدى إسرائيل وليد العبيدات مهام منصبه 'رغم الضغوطات من أبناء عشيرته'.
المصدر: صحف

افغانستان: نعد واشنطن بالسعي الى تحقيق السلام مع طالبان

تعهد وزير الخارجية الافغاني زلماي رسول الاربعاء امام نظيرته الاميركية هيلاري كلينتون بالسعي الى تحقيق السلام مع طالبان بعد ان دعت واشنطن مجددا الحركة الى استئناف المحادثات المجمدة من اذار/مارس.

  وقالت كلينتون "نعلم انه سيكون هناك ايام صعبة لكن على رغم التحديات لا تزال الولايات المتحدة ملتزمة
تجاه الشعب الافغاني".

من جانبه وعد زلماي بمضي كابول "بقوة في عملية السلام"، وقال "هذا ما يستحقه الشعب الافغاني والطريق الاضمن لانهاء حلقة العنف في افغانستان".

وتم اجراء اتصالات بين طالبان والغربيين خلال السنوات الماضية سعياً لتفادي حرب اهلية جديدة في افغانستان بعد نهاية العام 2014، لكنها لم تؤد الى اي نتيجة ملموسة كما لن تنجح في وقف المعارك.

وعلقت طالبان في 15 اذار/مارس المحادثات التمهيدية مع الولايات المتحدة بعد فشل اتفاق لاطلاق سراح معتقلين في غوانتانامو.

وجددت الخارجية الاميركية الاربعاء تأكيدها ان "الحركات المتمردة مرحب بهم على طاولة المفاضات، وقالت المتحدثة باسم الوزارة فيكتوريا نولاند ان "الباب مفتوح امامهم، القرار عائد لهم في ما اذا كانو يريدون الاستفادة من ذلك".
المصدر: وكالة الصحافة الفرنسية
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